Vampire story - Empress Zhao
Miss Zhao is at the steel room preparing her photosession with Miss Ahn
Miss Zhao is a fullblooded vampire, she has an interest in playing a vampire with her sexy colleagues, although her true vampire instinct is still dorment
She grabs her camera, lights and the teeth she places in her mouth
Miss Ahn shows up
Miss Zhao: "You are overdressed. Get naked".
Miss Ahn: "Yes Miss Zhao".
Miss Zhao: "I'm putting this screen up, then we can go through the whole thing".
Miss Zhao grabbed her camera and positioned it
Miss Zhao: "You must stand near the steel rack and then I hiss to you as I smell your blood"
Miss Zhao: "Then I place you on the steel rack and tie you up as I smell your neck"
Miss Ahn:" I like it when you talk like that"
Miss Zhao:" The camera takes pictures every 20 seconds, so we have to pay attention"
Miss Ahn:" I'm in place"
Miss Zhao: "And I'm pushing the button ... now"
Miss Ahn:" Awesome"
Miss Zhao approached Miss Ahn and smelled her, pushed her and tied her
She then smelled her neck and blood
Miss Ahn:" Hmm"
Miss Zhao:" Your blood does smell delicious"
Miss Ahn:" You can smell my blood?"
Miss Zhao: "It's so tasty... hmm"
Miss Zhao seemed to get into some trance as she smelled her blood
Miss Ahn:" So when are you going to bite me?"
Miss Zhao:" Soon, my darling"
Miss Ahn:" Hahaha"
Miss Zhao:" I'm going to bite you now"
Miss Ahn:" You need to grab the blood first"
Miss Zhao kept looking at her neck licking her lips, opening her mouth revealing her fangs
Miss Ahn:" Eh, Miss Zhao?"
Miss Zhao opened her mouth further and put her fangs in Miss Ahn's neck
Miss Ahn:" AH!"
Miss Zhao slurped the blood and swallowed it looking at the blood still on her neck while licking her lips
Miss Zhao:" You have very delicious blood"
Miss Ahn:" You bit me!"
Miss Zhao: "That's sharp of you"
Miss Zhao: "And my teeth!"
Miss Zhao laughed
Miss Ahn:" You actually bit me!"
Miss Zhao:" And I drank your blood"
Miss Ahn was looking at Miss Zhao with her head trying to rest onto something as her eyes were blinking as she was getting tired
Miss Zhao: "Sleep my darling, sleep"
Miss Ahn was resting her head on the steel rack as she was trying to rest
Miss Zhao: "Sleep, rest and soon you are mine"
Miss Zhao grabbed Miss Ahn's arm as she untied her and carried her
Miss Ahn's legs dregged along and Miss Zhao placed Miss Ahn on the bench
Miss Zhao was looking at her as she was looking at Miss Zhao all dazed
Miss Zhao noticed something in her mouth
She pulled the fangs as she felt her teeth
Her teeth were getting sharper, the exact same one as the ones from the fangs
She looked in a mirror and noticed her own growing fangs
Miss Ahn was sleeping as Miss Zhao was returning to her
Miss Zhao looked at her with concerned thoughts
Miss Zhao: "Thirst for blood, biting, drinking blood and fangs"
Still looking at Miss Ahn she grabbed and stroked her leg
Miss Zhao: "Perhaps "
Miss Ahn woke up as she was looking and noticed Miss Zhao
Miss Ahn:" Greetings my Empress".
In a instant Zhao's vampire instinct became fully awake
Miss Zhao:"My first one"
Miss Ahn:"Yes Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Let me feed on your blood before we get some more followers"
Miss Ahn:"Yes Empress Zhao"
Zhao slurped some more blood from Ahn
Ree and Choi were at the lounge
Miss Ree:"Have you seen Zhao or Ahn today?"
Miss Ree:"They were doing that vampire photosession"
Miss Choi:"I'll go look for them"
Choi left the lounge
Miss Choi:"Yo Ahn, Zhao!"
Zhao drinking some blood from Ahn looked up
Miss Zhao:"Hmm, Choi"
Miss Zhao:"Talk to her and when I approach her from behind, bite her"
Miss Ahn:"Yes Empress Zhao"
Choi approached Ahn
Miss Choi:"Hey"
Miss Choi:"Have you done the "
Ahn showed her fangs
Miss Choi:"Wow, nice fangs!"
Miss Choi:"Did you make those?"
Miss Ahn:"Empress Zhao did"
Miss Choi:"Empress huh?"
Zhao approached her from behind
Ahn opened her mouth and bit Choi
Miss Choi:"Hey, "
Ahn bit her and drank her blood
Miss Zhao:"Good my sweet Ahn"
Miss Zhao:"Drink it good"
Choi was getting dizzy
Miss Choi:"Don't bite me!"
Miss Zhao:"That's enough for now, my sweet"
Miss Zhao:"Put her on the table"
Ahn dragged her and placed her on the table
Zhao looked at Choi
Miss Zhao:"Look at her teeth"
Ahn looked at her teeth as they grew
Miss Ahn:"They are growing, my Empress"
Miss Zhao:"Good, keep looking at her till she wakes up"
Ree at the lounge
Miss Jung:"Hey Ree"
Miss Ree:"Hey Jung"
Miss Jung:"I'm curious about those vampire pictures"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"Choi went up to them"
Miss Jung:"I'll go look for them too"
Miss Ree:"I'll come in a second, just writing this post"
Miss Jung:"K"
Jung went to Zhao, Ahn and Choi
Miss Jung:"Hey guys, wow you really got blood!"
Miss Jung:"Recipe of yours, Zhao?"
Ahn stood in front of Jung hissing at her
Miss Jung:"And fangs too!"
Miss Zhao:"We're actual vampires"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, hahaha!"
Miss Zhao:"Really"
Miss Jung:"That blood smells so real"
Miss Zhao:"It is blood"
Miss Jung:"Sure"
Miss Jung:"So where is..."
Miss Jung:"Is Choi sleeping?"
Miss Zhao:"She's turning into a vampire like us"
Miss Jung:"Hahaha!"
Miss Jung:"Bet she got fangs too"
Miss Zhao:"Absolutely, she's the 2nd follower of me"
Miss Jung:"Sure, count Zhao"
Miss Ahn:"It's Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"You're becoming my 3d follower"
Miss Jung:"Sure, ... Empress Zhao"
Ahn looked at Choi who got up
Miss Zhao:"See my two followers"
Miss Jung:"Are your followers always naked?"
Miss Zhao:"For now"
Miss Jung:"Choi, got fangs?"
Choi showed and hissed at Jung
Miss Jung:"You do"
Miss Zhao:"Soon you will have fangs too, Jung"
Miss Jung:"Oh yeah?"
Miss Zhao:"Sure, you'll be my 3rd follower"
Miss Jung:"You're gonna bite me?"
Ahn and Choi stood on either side of Jung
Miss Zhao:"My first, my sweet Ahn will"
Ahn looked at Jung's neck and Choi grabbed her
Miss Zhao:"Smell her"
Ahn smelled her neck and blood
Miss Ahn:"It's delicious, Empress Zhao"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, took a shower"
Ahn opened her mouth revealing her fangs
She touched Jung's neck with her fangs
Miss Choi:"Shall I undress her, Empress Zhao?"
Miss Jung:"Let's get naked?"
Miss Zhao:"Just a moment, my dear"
Miss Zhao:"Bite her Ahn!"
Jung looked at Ahn
Ahn bit her and drank her blood
Miss Zhao:"Good drink it well, my first one"
Miss Jung:"Hey!"
Miss Jung:"You..."
Jung was getting dizzy
Choi held her in place
Miss Zhao:"Good, she can lay on the floor"
Miss Zhao:"I hear someone coming"
Ree at the lounge
Miss Kang:"Hey Ree, want coffee?"
Miss Ree:"Hey Kang, sure"
Miss Kang:"Seen the pictures yet?"
Miss Ree:"They are still busy, Choi and Jung went to see them"
Ree got up and got the coffee
Miss Ree:"It does smell a little odd"
Miss Kang:"The coffee? Thanks"
Miss Ree:"I smell blood or something"
Zhao, Ahn and Choi looked at Jung who was sleeping
Miss Zhao:"Check her teeth"
Ahn looked at her teeth and they were growing
Miss Ahn:"Fully grown"
Miss Choi:"Shall I remove the clothes, Empress Zhao?"
Miss Zhao:"Soon, my sweet"
Jung layed on the floor as they were watching her
At the lounge
Miss Ree:"I'm gonna go look for them"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Ree approached Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Be ready, our next is coming"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Ree looked at them and saw Jung
Miss Ree:"Hey guys"
Miss Zhao:"Hey Ree"
Miss Ree:"Why is Jung on the floor?"
Jung moved a little
Miss Zhao:"Becoming a vampire like us"
Miss Ahn:"Empress, I can smell her blood already"
Miss Zhao:"Me too"
Miss Ree:"Wait, who's blood?"
Miss Zhao:"Yours"
Miss Ree:"How can you smell that?"
Miss Choi:"May I bite her?"
Miss Zhao:"Sure, my sweet"
Choi approached Ree and showed her fangs
Miss Ree:"Wow, nice fangs!"
Choi smelled her neck
Miss Ree:"I want those fangs too!"
Zhao looked at Ree as Choi smelled her neck
Choi licked her lips and looked at Zhao
Zhao looked at Choi
Miss Zhao:"Choi, bite her!"
Miss Ree:"Cool!"
Choi bit her in the neck as the blood streamed out
Miss Ree:"AH!"
Miss Ree:"You freakin' bit me!"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"All that loudness"
Miss Kang:"In the morning!"
Ree was falling asleep as Choi held her and brought her to the table
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, watch Jung and place her on the bench"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Choi, watch Ree and get her naked"
Miss Choi:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Jung looked at Ahn as she woke up
Miss Jung:"Greetings, Empress Zhao"
Miss Ahn:"Empress, I'm thirsty"
Miss Zhao:"My dear Jung"
Miss Zhao:"Drink some of Jung"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Ahn drank some blood from Jung, who bended her head for Ahn to drink
Choi looked at Ree whose teeth began to grow
She had her naked
Miss Zhao:"So who is thirsty for more blood?"
Miss Zhao:"I can smell fresh blood"
At the lounge
Miss Tan:"Hi!I have pie!"
Miss Kang:"Hi, which pie?"
Miss Tan:"Chocolate!"
Miss Kang:"Oh nice"
Miss Tan:"Where's everybody?"
Miss Kang:"Photosession"
Miss Tan:"Would you like a piece?"
Miss Kang:"Sure"
Tan gave her a piece
Miss Kang:"Hm, what's that?"
Miss Tan:"Chocolate, some lemon and garlic"
Miss Kang:"Garlic?"
Miss Tan:"Good for the veins"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Miss Kang:"Could use some drinks with it"
Miss Tan:"The lemon and garlic reduce the fat on the pie"
Tan gave her some drinks
Miss Kang:"Thanks"
Miss Tan:"I'm gonna watch the photosession"
Miss Kang:"Ok. Tell them to keep it a little more quiet"
Tan approached the others
Miss Zhao:"Hold on"
Miss Zhao:"Choi, approach this one from behind"
Miss Choi:"May I bite her?"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, you bite her"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"She's quite a fighter"
Miss Zhao:"Choi, I need you to hold her in place"
Miss Choi:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Tan looked at Jung and Ree
Miss Tan:"Hey, how's the photosession doing?"
Miss Zhao:"Very good"
Miss Tan:"Looks like Ree is all tired"
Miss Zhao:"No, she's just becoming a vampire"
Miss Tan:"A vampire? Hahaha, nice one"
Miss Tan:"I have some pie!"
Miss Zhao:"You sure do"
Tan showed the pie as Zhao looked at it
Miss Zhao:"What's in it?"
Miss Tan:"Chocolate, lemon and garlic"
Miss Zhao:"Garlic??"
Miss Tan:"Yes, good for the veins"
Zhao looked with her nose covered
Zhao looked at Ahn and Choi
Miss Zhao:"I might eat a piece later"
Miss Tan:"Ok"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, have a bite"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Choi:"Empress, mind the pie"
Ahn approached Tan and smelled her
Miss Tan:"What do you smell?"
Miss Ahn:"Your blood"
Miss Choi:"And we're gonna drink it"
Miss Tan:"Right"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, bite her"
Miss Tan:"Bite?"
Miss Ahn:"Hmm"
Zhao smiled
Ahn bit her but Tan grabbed her and pushed her
Miss Tan:"You bit me, I felt your teeth!"
Choi grabbed Tan but she grabbed her and held her
Miss Tan:"You have fangs!"
Tan looked at her neck and saw some blood
Miss Ahn:"Delicious!"
Miss Zhao:"Bite her!"
Tan pushed Choi into Ahn and went to the lounge
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"This pie is very good"
Miss Park:"Yeah, delicious"
Miss Kim:"Which pie?"
Miss Xing:"Very funny"
Tan approached them
Miss Tan:"Kang, they bit me!"
Miss Kang:"Who bit you?"
Miss Tan:"Ahn and Choi!"
Miss Kang:"Hahaha!"
Miss Tan:"Look! They bit me!"
Tan showed her neck
Miss Kang:"Wow, they got some good blood"
Miss Tan:"And Ree was sleeping naked!"
Miss Tan:"Zhao said they are vampires"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, they're"..."
Miss Tan:"Look at my neck!"
Miss Kang:"Zhao! Come here!"
Miss Kang:"It's just a play"
Zhao, Ahn and Choi looked at Ree who just got up
Miss Zhao:"Ah, the leader"
Miss Zhao:"Watch them for me"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Zhao approached Kang at the lounge
Miss Zhao:"Yo Kangster"
Miss Kang:"Tan says you bit her"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, we're vampires"
Tan looked at her
Miss Zhao:"If she let us bite harder, she would be one of us"
Miss Kang:"Bite harder?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, vampires do that"
Miss Zhao:"Bite, drink blood turn into vampire, get the next one"
Miss Kang:"Tan, how serious are you?"
Zhao looked at Tan and Tan looked at Zhao
Miss Tan:"Very... not"
Zhao smiled
Miss Kang:"Right"
Zhao breathed deeply thru her nose
Miss Zhao:"Delicious"
Miss Kang:"Want some pie?"
Miss Zhao:"Maybe later"
Miss Kim:"Hey, how did you make those fangs?"
Miss Xing:"And that blood?"
Miss Zhao:"I could show you"
Zhao looked at the pie
Miss Zhao:"Tan, could you join me?"
Miss Tan:"Yeah"
Tan followed Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Ahn"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Grab Tan and put her on the table"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
They grabbed Tan and placed her on the table
Miss Ahn:"May I bite her again?"
Miss Choi:"I'll bite her too"
Miss Zhao:"Bite her well"
Ahn and Choi bit her on both sides
Miss Tan:"AH!"
Tan fell asleep but woke up very quickly
Miss Zhao:"This one is very fierce"
Miss Zhao:"Hold her!"
Zhao looked at Tan and gave her a bite
Miss Tan:"AH!"
Her fangs began to grow and shrunk
Miss Ahn:"Empress her fangs are shrinking again!"
Zhao looked at Tan
Miss Zhao:"I'll bite her again!"
Zhao bit Tan again
Tan pushed Zhao and got up
Miss Zhao:"Did you ate much of that pie?"
Miss Tan:"Yeah!"
Tan went to the lounge
Miss Kim:"So, you got fangs?"
Tan showed her teeth
Miss Kim:"Hmm, just teeth"
Miss Xing:"Shall we go look for them?"
Miss Kim:"Yeah"
Kim and Xing approached Zhao
Tan followed her
Miss Tan:"Hold on!"
Tan grabbed Xing
Miss Kim:"Would you chill?"
They looked at Ree, Jung and Ahn
Miss Kim:"Hey vampires!"
Miss Xing:"Is Choi around?"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah"
Miss Choi:"I'm right here!"
Choi jumped on Kim
Ahn approached Xing
Tan pulled Xing away
Miss Tan:"Come!"
Xing looked at Choi biting Kim
Miss Kim:"AH!"
Xing looked at Ahn
Ahn opened her mouth and hissed
Miss Xing:"Man, that was freaking weird!"
Miss Tan:"Ssh!"
Tan and Xing ran to the Pink room
Miss Xing:"They bit her!"
Miss Tan:"Be quiet"
Tan and Xing hide in a closet
Miss Xing:"Why are you fangless?"
Miss Xing:"Are you a vampire too?"
Miss Tan:"Be quiet"
Tan and Xing hid in the closet
Zhao watched Kim
Miss Zhao:"Put her on that chair"
Miss Choi:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Jung, watch her"
Miss Jung:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Tan and Xing were in the closet
Miss Tan:"Zhao mentioned the pie and how much I ate"
Miss Xing:"Wait, the garlic helped you?"
Miss Tan:"Maybe"
Miss Xing:"I had to eat some too!"
Miss Tan:"Ssh!"
Zhao, Ahn, Choi and Ree were looking for Tan and Xing
Tan looked and saw Zhao
Miss Tan:"Be very quiet"
They walked around and smelled
Miss Ahn:"I can smell Tan"
Miss Ree:"I can smell Xing too"
Miss Choi:"I am very thirsty"
Tan and Xing could see them
Miss Tan:"When they approach, we run to the lounge, ok?"
Miss Xing:"Yeah"
Miss Xing:"I'm standing behind you"
Miss Xing:"You can punch them"
Miss Tan:"Shh"
Ree looked next to the closet
Miss Xing:"Oh they can see us!"
Miss Tan:"They might just smell us"
They kept looking and smelling
Miss Xing:"That whole smelling just looks weird"
Tan stood in front of Xing
Miss Xing:"And why are they naked?"
Miss Tan:"Ssh!"
Ree and Ahn immedialty looked at the closet
Miss Ree:"Empress, I found them"
Miss Ahn:"May we?"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, my sweets"
Ree and Ahn approached the closet
Miss Tan:"Standby"
Miss Xing:"Oh shit!"
Ree and Ahn put their smiles on
Miss Ahn:"Dinner is served!"
Ree and Ahn approached the closet as Tan and Xing ran out
Miss Zhao:"Follow them!"
Tan and Xing ran to the lounge
Ree and Ahn followed till the lounge
Miss Ahn:"Watch it"
Miss Ahn:"We need more of us"
Ree and Ahn joined Zhao and the others
They went to Jung and Kim
Kim was awake and had fullgrown fangs
Miss Zhao:"My sweets, Tan and Xing have seen us"
Miss Zhao:"We must bite the others so can bite them too!"
Miss Ree:"Empress, I'm thirsty"
Miss Zhao:"You may drink from eachother"
They all fed on eachother
Miss Zhao:"Soon..."
At the lounge
Lady Admin:"Hey, is that chocolate pie?"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Lady Admin:"Nice!"
Lady Admin:"I'll have some pie later"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Lady Admin:"Do you smell that?"
Miss Kang:"Empress Zhao's blood"
Lady Admin:"Zhao sure got some blood"
Miss Kang:"I saw Tan and Xing running by"
Lady Admin:"It's some photosession hey?"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, and all that screaming"
Lady Admin:"I'm gonna take a walk"
Miss Kang:"Get me some coffee"
Lady Admin:"Sure"
Zhao watched her vampires feed on eachother
Zhao put her smile on
Miss Zhao:"Like a vampire orgy"
Miss Ahn:"Empress, we must bite them all"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, my sweet Ahn"
Miss Kim:"Empress, may I have some of your blood?"
Miss Zhao:"Sure, have some"
Kim approached Zhao and bit her
Miss Zhao:"Feed on pure vampireblood"
Kim sucked her blood as some dripped
Ree licked the drops from Zhao
Miss Ree:"Delicious Empress"
Miss Ree:"We must get Tan and Xing, they smelled delicious too"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"Park, go and check where Tan and Xing ran off to"
Miss Park:"Yes Kang"
Park went to look for them
Lady Admin:"Here's your coffee"
Miss Kang:"Oh nice, thanks"
Lady Admin:"How much coffee do you drink?"
Miss Kang:"Just 3 a day"
Lady Admin:"Right. Man, that blood certainly smells stronger"
Miss Kang:"Park is looking for Tan and Xing"
Lady Admin:"Got bitten?"
Miss Kang:"Hahaha, that's what I wanna know"
Park approached Kang
Miss Park:"I found them"
Park grabbed the pie
Miss Kang:"Park, you're eating all the pie"
Miss Park:"No, we need it for the vampires"
Miss Kang:"Right, leave a piece for me"
Miss Park:"Here you go"
Park went to Tan and Xing
Tan was at the Pink room
Miss Park:"Got you all the pie"
Miss Tan:"Thanks"
Miss Tan:"We must feed them this pie"
Miss Xing:"Give me a piece before they bite me"
Miss Park:"Me too"
Miss Tan:"They must eat this too"
Miss Tan:"Park, go to them"
Miss Tan:"Xing and I will be with you"
Miss Xing:"She first, she can punch them"
Miss Park:"Man, what if they bite me?"
Miss Tan:"Then we come out and help you"
Miss Xing:"Call Kim"
Park went to them and called Kim
Miss Park:"Kim, where are you?"
Zhao looked at Kim and the others
Miss Zhao:"Go and look"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn and Jung circle them"
Kim, Ahn and Jung went to them
Kim saw Park standing
Miss Kim:"Yes?"
Miss Park:"Eh, would you like some pie?"
Miss Kim:"I'll have some blood of you"
Kim opened her mouth and hissed
Miss Park:"Yeah ok, eh, maybe later"
Kim grabbed Park and was getting to her neck
Miss Kim:"Hmm"
Ahn and Jung approached them too
Miss Ahn:"You on the left"
Tan and Xing ran too Park
Miss Kim:"More blood!"
Ahn and Jung came too them
Ahn grabbed Tan, but she pushed her again
Jung grabbed Xing
Miss Xing:"No, don't bite me!"
Jung opened her mouth and bit her
Miss Xing:"AH!"
Tan grabbed a piece and gave it to Kim
She covered her mouth as Kim swallowed it
Kim felt dizzy
Tan held Kim as she fell asleep
Miss Tan:"Sleep"
Jung held Xing as Tan pushed her away
Ahn grabbed Tan and tried to bite her
Miss Ahn:"Join us"
Tan looked at Xing who was sleeping
Miss Tan:"Let me go!"
Jung helped Ahn but Tan pushed them both again
Miss Tan:"No!"
Xing stood up and revealing her fangs she hissed
They walked to Zhao
Tan stood with Kim and Park
Miss Tan:"Kang!"
Tan grabbed Kim and helped her, Kim teeth were normal
They went to Kang
Miss Tan:"Kang"
Miss Tan:"They got Xing"
Miss Kim:"Zhao is a vampire!"
Miss Kang:"Come on guys"
Miss Tan:"Look at her neck!"
Miss Kang:"Nice makeup!"
Miss Tan:"Jung and Ahn came to us"
Miss Tan:"I fed Kim, Jung bit Xing"
Miss Kang:"All that biting"
Miss Kim:"Kang, Zhao is a true vampire"
Kang looked at them
Miss Kang:"You go to them"
Miss Tan:"You coming?"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
They went to Zhao and the others
Miss Kang:"Hey guys"
Miss Zhao:"Ah, the leader"
Miss Tan:"Hold on, have some pie"
She gave Kang a piece
Zhao took a few steps back
Zhao covered her nose, Kang looked at her
Miss Kang:"Afraid of garlic?"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, Ree, Jung"
They stood up
Miss Zhao:"Hope you're hungry"
Miss Kang:"Tan?"
Miss Tan:"They might want to bite us"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, Ree, Jung, bite them!"
They ran too Tan, Kim and Kang
Ree jumped on Kim, Jung on Tan and Ahn on Kang
Miss Kang:"Hey, watch it!"
Kim tried to shake Ree but she bit her
Kim was falling asleep and her fangs came
Tan shook off Jung
Kang shaked off Ahn and fed her some pie
Miss Kang:"Eat that!"
The others approached them too
Kang and Tan went to the lounge
Zhao bit Ahn keeping her a vampire
Ree looked at Kim as she woke up
Miss Zhao:"Ree, feed on her"
Ree fed on Kim and Jung on Xing
Miss Zhao:"You must get stronger, eat!"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"Freaking vampires!"
Miss Tan:"Yeah, and they have Kim again"
Miss Tan:"Where is Park?"
Miss Kang:"Haven't seen her with the vamps"
At the tatami room
Miss Park:"Where is everybody?"
Miss Park:"Tan!"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"That was her"
Miss Tan:"Come on!"
They rushed to Park
Ahn stood holding Park as she was asleep
Ahn looked with a smirk at Kang and Tan
Miss Kang:"No!"
They ran to her but Ree, Jung, Choi and Kim came
Miss Kang:"Tan, come!"
Tan and Kang ran to the lounge
At the lounge
Miss Tan:"And now Park!"
Miss Kang:"We must get Vu"
At Zhao and the others
Miss Zhao:"My sweet Ahn, you have done great!"
Miss Ahn:"Thank you, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Choi, undress her"
Miss Choi:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Choi undressed Park
Miss Zhao:"My sweets, keep feeding"
They kept drinking as some blood streamed out
Zhao approached Kim and Park and gave them a good bite
Miss Ahn:"Empress, who may bite Kang?"
Miss Zhao:"Calm, my sweet, feed for now"
Zhao looked worried
Kang was at the lounge
Miss Kang:"We should grab more garlic"
At the tatami room
Zhao came with Kim
Miss Zhao:"Lay and yell for Kang and Tan"
Miss Kim:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Zhao bit her some more
Zhao joined with the others
Miss Kim:"Kang!"
Miss Kim:"Tan!"
Miss Kim:"Where are you?"
Zhao looked from the corner
The others waited with her
Miss Zhao:"Come on Kang"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"Kim!"
Miss Tan:"We must get her"
They ran towards Kim
Kim lay on the floor
Miss Kim:"Hey"
Miss Kang:"You ok?"
Miss Kim:"I'm feeling good"
Miss Kang:"Come on, let's get you dressed"
They grabbed Kim
Miss Zhao:"Now!"
They all ran towards Kang and Tan
Kim showed her fangs and hissed
Miss Kang:"Tan!"
Tan grabbed the garlic and held it in front of her
Miss Zhao:"Get her!"
Ahn, Ree and Jung approached Tan and tried to bite her
Zhao, Choi, Xing went for Kang
Kang held the garlic and let Xing eat one
She covered her mouth
Miss Xing:"Mmm!"
Zhao grabbed Kang but she held the garlic
Miss Zhao:"Move!"
They all moved and regrouped
Kang held Xing who was waking up
Miss Kang:"Hey"
Miss Xing:"Hi"
Kang took Xing and headed to the lounge
Miss Kang:"Have you seen Vu?"
Miss Tan:"No, we need her"
Kang called for Vu
Zhao and the others heard it
Miss Zhao:"Vu, we must get her before Kang does"
Miss Ahn:"Empress, I can smell her"
Miss Ree:"May I bite her?"
Miss Jung:"Let me bite her"
Miss Choi:"I wanna bite her"
Miss Zhao:"Calm, my sweets"
Miss Ahn:"Empress"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, Ahn"
At the lounge
Miss Kang:"Vu!"
Miss Vu:"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming"
Miss Tan:"Wait"
Vu approached them, but so did Zhao and the others
Miss Tan:"Vu, come!"
Miss Vu:"Hold on, I'm coming"
Zhao approached Vu from behind
Miss Tan:"Come!"
Miss Vu:"Easy!"
Zhao grabbed Vu and was about to bite her
Miss Vu:"Hey! What are you doing?"
Tan ran to them and fed Zhao garlic
Ahn tried to stop Tan
Zhao spitted the garlic
Ree and Jung helped Ahn
Tan fought them off
Zhao went for Vu again
Miss Kang:"Zhao!"
Tan held Jung
Miss Tan:"Eat!"
Kang looked at Zhao
Ree jumped at Tan
She tried to bite her
Zhao hissed at Kang
Ree and Jung tried to bite Tan
They bit a few times but Tan was too strong
As Tan crawled and run, Ahn jumped on Kang and bit her
Miss Kang:"No!"
Zhao smirked at Kang who was falling asleep
Miss Zhao:"Grab her"
Tan looked at it but had to run
Ree, Jung and Xing looked at Tan
Choi and Kim looked at Vu
Miss Kim:"Fresh blood"
Miss Xing:"Shall we?"
They bit Vu
Miss Vu:"AH!"
Miss Tan:"Vu!"
They bit her some more
Tan went to the lounge
Zhao, Ahn and Ree grabbed Kang
They placed her on the steel rack and tied her up
Miss Zhao:"Choi, get her naked"
Miss Choi:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Choi undid her clothing, ripping the shirt with her teeth
Miss Zhao:"I shall bite her"
Zhao bit Kang as she was bleeding
Miss Zhao:"Feed yourself, my sweets"
They approached Kang and fed theirselves
Miss Zhao:"Xing and Kim"
Miss Zhao:"Check for Tan"
Kang woke up and she felt them all licking and drinking
Miss Kang:"Empress?"
Zhao smirked at Kang looking slightly dazed
Miss Zhao:"My sweet Kang"
Miss Zhao:"Keep feeding my sweets"
Tan at the lounge
Miss Tan:"They bit me"
Tan looked at her arm
Miss Tan:"Must eat more garlic"
She ate a whole garlic
Zhao and the others were looking at Kang
Miss Ahn:"Empress, her fangs are growing slowly"
Miss Zhao:"I will bite her again"
Zhao bit her again
Miss Kang:"Empress, may I feed too?"
Miss Zhao:"Yes"
Zhao untied Kang
Miss Zhao:"Feed"
Kang bit Park
Miss Zhao:"You can call for Tan"
Miss Kang:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Kang:"Tan!"
Tan at the lounge
Miss Tan:"Kang"
Tan rushed to Kang
Miss Tan:"Hey!"
Kang stood holding Zhao
Miss Kang:"Got garlic?"
Miss Tan:"Wait!"
She grabbed some and went to Zhao
Zhao looked at Tan
Miss Zhao:"Now!"
Ahn, Ree, Jung, Choi, Xing and Park showed up
Ahn and Ree jumped on Tan
Miss Tan:"No!"
Kang let Zhao as they approached Tan
Zhao bit Tan but Tan gave some garlic
She spitted it out again
Zhao hissed at her
Tan grabbed Ree and put some garlic in her mouth
Ahn pulled Tan as Zhao tried to bite her
Ree fell asleep
Tan pushed them away
Ree woke up
Miss Ree:"Hey"
Miss Kim:"No, honey, you need fangs"
Kim went for Ree
Tan pushed Zhao into Kang and ran to Ree
Miss Tan:"Come!"
She grabbed Ree along
Xing jumped on Ree
Miss Ree:"Hey!"
Miss Tan:"Eat this!"
Tan fed Xing some garlic and covered her mouth
Miss Tan:"Ree, drag her along!"
Ree and Tan took Xing
At the lounge
Miss Ree:"Tan, we need alot of garlic for Zhao"
Miss Tan:"Yeah"
Xing woke up
Miss Xing:"Hey guys"
Miss Tan:"Hey"
Miss Ree:"Hey"
Miss Tan:"We must draw them"
Miss Ree:"They come together, so it's pretty difficult"
Miss Tan:"We put Xing as a "still-a-vampire so she can rejoin"
Miss Xing:"No, no way, not those vampires again"
Miss Tan:"We'll be with you"
Miss Tan:"Let's go"
They grabbed garlic and went to Zhao
Miss Ree:"You must draw them to us"
Miss Xing:"Ok, but they might all come"
Miss Ree:"Go on"
Xing went to Zhao and the others
Miss Xing:"Empress, I have returned"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, you have"
Miss Zhao:"You're not a vampire"
Miss Xing:"Yes I am, Empress Zhao!"
Miss Xing:"I mean..."
Xing ran towards Tan and Ree
Miss Tan:"Standby"
Ahn and Choi chased Xing
Miss Tan:"You grab Choi"
As Xing ran by Tan, Ree jumped on Choi
Tan jumped on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"You again"
Miss Tan:"Yeah, missed me?"
Ree forcedfed Choi
Miss Choi:"No, mmm!"
She covered her mouth making Choi swallow
Ree carefully placed Choi
Tan was fighting Ahn making her eat
Zhao looked at it
Miss Zhao:"Help them!"
Kim rushed out and Xing jumped on her
Miss Xing:"Hi Kim, hungry?"
She grabbed some but Kim bit her and Xing fell asleep
Ree went for Xing feeding her some
Kim grabbed Ree but Tan pushed Ahn to Kim
Miss Tan:"Ree!"
Ree went towards Tan
Ahn got up and looked at Tan
She headed to her just as Jung grabbed Ree from behind
Miss Ree:"No!"
Jung bit Ree
Miss Ree:"Tan!"
Tan grabbed Jung as Ree was getting dizzy
Miss Tan:"Eat!"
Tan grabbed Jung feeding her too
Ahn grabbed Jung from Tan
Jung fell asleep
Tan went to Ree giving her some more
Miss Zhao:"Ahn, come!"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
They regrouped having only Ahn, Kang, Kim, Vu, Park
Miss Tan:"Come on!"
They took Jung, Choi and Xing to the lounge
Miss Tan:"We're getting more and more"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but first eat"
Choi woke up
Miss Choi:"Man, I smell blood!"
Lady Admin came from her walk
Lady Admin:"Hey guys, why is everyone naked?"
Miss Ree:"Zhao is a vampire and bit us, but Tan saved us and now we have to get the others"
Lady Admin:"Right"
Lady Admin:"Have you seen Kang? I got her coffee"
Miss Ree:"She's a vampire too"
Lady Admin:"Well, I'll put the coffee here"
Miss Tan:"We need to get them"
Miss Ree:"We better get the other's first, then Ahn, then Zhao"
Miss Tan:"Zhao is very strong"
Jung woke up
Miss Jung:"Hey"
Miss Tan:"We have to get them now"
They got up and went to Zhao
Miss Zhao:"They are coming"
Miss Zhao:"Park and Xing, you approach them from behind with Kim"
Miss Xing:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Kang you on the steel rack"
Miss Kang:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn stay with me"
Miss Ahn:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Vu, you go get them"
Miss Vu:"Yes, Empress Zhao"
Vu went to Tan
Miss Vu:"Hi Tan"
Miss Tan:"Show me your fangs"
Vu showed her fangs
Miss Tan:"Ha!"
Ree grabbed Vu as Tan fed Vu
Xing, Park and Kim approached them from behind
Miss Tan:"Jung!"
Jung and Choi went for Kim and Xing as Tan grabbed Park
Jung fed Kim and Choi fed Xing
Tan fed Park
After they swallowed they waited
Zhao stood by
Miss Zhao:"It's just us now"
Tan went to Zhao with Jung, Ree, Choi
Miss Tan:"Hello"
Miss Zhao:"Hi"
Miss Tan:"You have Kang tied up, why?"
Zhao hissed at her
Ahn showed up standing facing Tan
Miss Tan:"Hey"
Ahn hissed at her
Zhao untied Kang
Ree, Jung, Choi, Xing, Kim, Vu, Park came by Tan
Miss Tan:"Now!"
Ree and Jung grabbed Kang
Zhao grabbed Choi and bit her
She then grabbed Xing and bit her too
Ree fed Kang but Zhao pushed them and bit Kang
Miss Tan:"No!"
Ahn grabbed Tan and bit her
She bit extra long
Zhao grabbed Kim but Ree and Jung grabbed Zhao helping Kim
Kim fed Zhao but she spitted it out again
Zhao and her vampires circled around the normals
Tan faced Ahn
Ree, Jung, Kim, Vu and Park stood along with her
Zhao, Ahn, Choi, Xing and Kang circled them
Zhao hissed at them
Miss Tan:"Rub yourself with it"
Ahn hissed at them
Miss Zhao:"Get them!"
Zhao and her vampires went at them trying to bite them
Ree grabbed Xing and fed her covering her mouth
Choi tried to grab Ree but Jung grabbed her and fed her
Kim and Vu grabbed Kang but Zhao grabbed Kim biting her only for Tan to grab Zhao again
Tan grabbed Zhao and fed her covering her mouth
Ree, Jung stood in front of them
As Zhao felt more dizzy and fell asleep Tan put her on the floor
Miss Ahn:"Empress!!"
Ahn hissed at Tan
She pushed Ree and Jung aside and bit Tan very hard
Miss Tan:"AH!!"
Kang went for Ree but Jung and Ree grabbed her
Ahn held Tan as she was getting dizzy
Miss Ahn:"Finally"
Ree watched Tan
Miss Ree:"Grab Ahn!"
Park and Vu grabbed Ahn but she shook them off
Zhao stood up and looked at them
Miss Ahn:"Empress?"
Miss Zhao:"Yes?"
Ahn approached her
Miss Ahn:"Empress, you're fine"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, I am"
Zhao grabbed some and fed Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Empress!"
Miss Zhao:"Ssh"
Zhao grabbed Ahn
Ahn was looking at Zhao as Zhao slowly let her lay on the floor
Miss Zhao:"You'll be better soon"
After Ahn was sleeping they all looked at Kang
Miss Kang:"Empress!"
Tan got up
She looked at Zhao
Miss Tan:"You good?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
Miss Tan:"Ahn?"
Miss Zhao:"Soon good too"
Zhao smiled at Tan
Miss Tan:"Now for you Kang"
Kang hissed at them
Miss Zhao:"It won't hurt"
Miss Kang:"You are not my Empress!"
Kang shook off Jung and Ree
Tan approached her and grabbed her good
Zhao approached Kang and fed her
Heavily shaking they tried to feed her
Ree jumped on Kang from behind
Zhao and Tan both fed her
They covered her mouth
Miss Ree:"Hold on Kang!"
Kang was getting sleepy
She fall landing on Ree
Miss Ree:"Whoa!"
After a while Kang woke up
Everybody looked at her
Miss Kang:"Hey, did we have an orgy?"
Miss Zhao:"Something like that"
Miss Ree:"Could you get up?"
They laughed and went for some food
Later that day
Zhao looked at a mirror handling a sharp object
She cut her finger and sucked on it
Her fangs grew back
She looked at her own fangs
Ree came to her
Miss Ree:"Hey, what you doing?"
Zhao looked at her and hissed
The ...?
donderdag 3 juni 2010
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