Keeping the city safe & submissive
At the Base
Lady Admin sits behind her desk, reading mails etc.
Aside her is a radar with some radio's.
She answers the telephone, writes some stuff and hangs up.
At the lounge at the base
Camera view on leg height
Few ladies show up, talking laughing
Miss Ree: "That was a delicious ice-cream!"
Miss Jung: "Yeah, it's so hot today!"
Miss Zhao: "You call this hot?"
Zhao throws jacket to floor in front of camera.
Camera view at Lady Admin.
Miss Kang approaches her and gives her some forms.
Miss Kang: "The new toys and the bills".
Lady Admin: "Thanks".
Radar bleeps
Lady Admin keeps looking at her screen.
Miss Kang:" Your bleeper is bleeping".
Lady Admin: "It was a false alarm two minutes ago. The update makes it bleep every 5 minutes."
Radar bleeps double
Lady Admin:" Hmm, that's new".
Radar quits bleeping again
Lady Admin: "And I better reload it"
Miss Kang: "Is it broke?"
Lady Admin: "Just some new upgade, they are working on another one"
Miss Kang: "If it keeps doing that, tell me"
Lady Admin: "It'll be fine".
She looks at her screen and shows Miss Kang a page.
Lady Admin:" Software manufacturer is working on an upgrade, I mailed them about the bleeping. I'm receiving an update within the hour."
Miss Kang: "K. Would you like some ice-cream?"
Lady Admin: "Delicious!"
At the lounge
At the parking space underground
Camera view on floor showing the Team Fortress Vehicles
Footsteps can be heard and walks in front of the camera
Person wearing boots heads towards bike
Squats near bike as person is shown
Miss Ahn is working on her bike tightning a part, bit greasy
Miss Choi:" Are you done yet?"
Miss Choi is shown walking as she heads towards Miss Ahn.
Miss Ahn:" In a minute". "I'm just tightning this bolt, it was shaky".
Miss Choi:" The other ladies are
Camera view on roof viewing city
Camera on Lady Admin working with the screen
Radar bleeps continiously
Lady Admin looks at the radar and sees two objects
She presses a button and heads towards the parking space.
She puts on her long jacket and grabs her jetpack.
She heads towards the coordinates originating the two foreign objects.
As she approaches she sees two strange looking "aliens".
One men completely dressed in metal and a large green jelly thing.
She grabs her phone and calls the base.
Lady Admin: "Hey, I'm at the coordinates and we've got two visitors".
Camera focused on someone's lips
Thru phone: "We're coming"
Camera in parking space filming three bikes
Three ladies head towards the parking space and suit up
Focus on the putting on boots, jacket, jacket zipping, gloves
Focus on Miss Choi straddling her bike, in the middle, firing it up and gassing it
Camera showing the three ladies on the bikes showing from behind as Miss Zhao drives first, followed by Miss Choi and Miss Ahn
Camera filming corner of street
Miss Zhao, Miss Choi and Miss Ahn drive by as they cut thru another corner
They cut another corner and they park their bikes
Miss Choi:" Whoa, big green thingie!"
Miss Zhao:" Big green pudding!"
Miss Ahn: " I have yet to have a dessert"
Lady Admin stands on a roof, grabs a radio
Lady Admin: "You could do the green one first"
Miss Zhao grabs her radio attaches it to her jacket
Miss Zhao: "Tasty"
They approach the green pudding as they look at the metal man standing a few feet in front of the green pudding
Miss Zhao: "Anyone hungry?"
Miss Ahn: "Let's slice and dice this!"
Miss Zhao reached for her swords as she stood looking at the green pudding
Miss Choi grabbed her swords from the holsters she had on her back
Miss Choi: "Any slicing tips?"
Miss Zhao: "Let's just pretend it's a big pudding and we're very hungry".
Miss Ahn: "I am hungry, it's my desert!"
Miss Zhao: "I could flame him, her, it, does it even have a gender?"
Miss Choi: "Probably an asexual reproductive being looking like pudding".
Lady Admin: "Girls, do that thing, I'll call Ree and Jung for the metal man".
Miss Zhao, CHoi and Ahn slice the pudding in pieces but it regenerates and the lose pieces grow to the main part again.
Miss Zhao:" This is gonna take a while".
Lady Admin standing on the roof, grabs her phone and calls.
Miss Jung answers the phone
Thru phone, Lady Admin still in view
Miss Jung: "Tell me"
Lady Admin: "We need your assistance".
Miss Jung: "On our way".
View on empty street from roof top
Engine roaring in distance
Camera view on corner of street
Car races by and drifts thru corner
Camera films headlight of car and films towards windshield, lights reflecting on hood and windshield, camera view on driver window, filming Miss Ree and Miss Jung
Car drifts thru another corner
Camera view on Miss Ree and Miss Jung
Miss Ree:" Yeah!"
Miss Jung holding on to the roof and dash
Miss Jung:" You and your drifting"
Miss Ree:" Yeah!"
Miss Jung: "Do you have more words in your vocabulary?"
Miss Ree:" Yeah!"
Car drifts thru yet another corner as Ree notices the bikes neatly parked and driftparks the car with the right door facing the bikes
They look at the big pudding and Miss Jung looks at the bikes
Miss Jung: "Nice parking!"
Miss Ree: "Thanks"
They head towards the trunk and grab their radio's
Miss Jung: "Hey Lady Admin, heard you got a big dessert for us"
Lady Admin: "Yeah, and a metal man"
Miss Ree: "More like Iron Man v0.1"
Lady Admin:" Get to the metal man first, I'll call Tan later"
Miss Jung: "So we've got metal man and a big pudding. Any thoughts?"
Miss Ree: "We could blast him with an EMP, should he be have electronics, we could also use th big magnet I've got in the trunk and neutralize him".
Miss Jung grabbed a scanner device and aimed it at the metal man
Miss Jung: "Look at the birdie"
Metal man looked at Miss Jung and her device
Miss Jung: "He's got the electronics".
Miss Ree: "Nice. Let's blast him"
Miss Ree grabbed a miniscule EMP gun and aimed it at metal man
Miss Jung: "Hmm"
Miss Ree: "Charging..."
Miss Jung: "He might just..."
Miss Jung regulates the scanner device and looks more focused at the screen
Miss Ree:" Charged!"
Miss Jung: "Wait!"
Miss Ree just fired as the EMP blast hit the metal man straigt up
The EMP blast went onto the suit and then into the suit
Miss Ree: "Yeah?"
Miss Jung: "It has an EMP protection".
Miss Ree: "Even for this EMP?"
Miss Jung: "Perhaps". He is shaking..."
Miss Ree and Miss Jung looked at him and the screen
Miss Jung: "I'm receiving feedback from the pulse"
Miss Ree: "Run an analysis"
Miss Jung: "Electronics and metal, it seems to be a suit like Iron Man".
Miss Jung and Miss Ree kept watching at the metal man recovering from the EMP blast
Metal man re-focused and looked at Jung and Ree
Camera on Zhao Choi and Ahn
Miss Zhao, Choi and Ahn were busy with the green pudding
Miss Zhao climbed up on the arm using her knifes and boots
Miss Choi was slicing and dicing as Miss Ahn was working to climb the other arm
As she reached the pudding's face she was trying to slice his neck
Miss Zhao was trying to destract him but the pudding swallowed Miss Ahn
As she slowly went thru the pudding, she posed with some boring poses
Leaning on her hand like she was lying on a bed
Folding her arms waiting to reach the floor
Miss Choi was watching it all
Miss Choi: "Ew!"
Miss Ahn walked thru the pudding all covered in pudding
Miss Choi: "Double ew"
Miss Ahn: "It does taste good"
Miss Choi: "You are eating an alien"
Miss Ahn: "Want some? Come get some" ;)
Camera on Ree and Jung
Metal man looking at Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"Miss Ree, if you please"
Miss Ree: "Sure, Miss Jung."
Miss Ree:" So we have noticed you are some strange alien wearing a metal suit."
Metal man keeps looking
Miss Ree:" And we've noticed that you have an ally"
Metal man keeps looking
Miss Jung: "So..."
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"So since your ally and our team members are already fighting we're about to engage you".
Miss Jung: "Yeah, we so are"
Miss Ree:" And since we are very interested in your suit, we'd like to get a closer look at it.
Miss Ree:" Tho we prefer the friendly way."
Miss Jung:"I doubt he would let us look at his alien technology"
Miss Ree:" If he's a friendly alien, he would".
Miss Ree:" But his technology..."
Ree distracted by the metal-man as he's moving and strikes a martial-arts pose
Miss Ree:" Karate?"
Miss Jung:" Hmm..."
Miss Ree:"Are you going to fight with that skirt?"
Miss Jung:" That might be clumsy"
Jung zips and pulls the leather skirt, revealing hot pants
Miss Ree:" Wow Jung! Major distraction!"
Miss Jung:" I prefer General"
Miss Ree:" Alright metal-man you're about to get some JungRee!"
Miss Jung:" When we're done, you'll be crawling!"
Ree and Jung strike a martial arts pose
Metal-man suits make some sounds
Ree and Jung head towards the metal-man as they are fighting
Metal-man is fighting them without getting tired or distracted
Jung makes a huge swing at the metal-man's face as he falls
Miss Ree:"Nice Jung!"
Miss Jung:"Thanks Ree!"
Jung sweeps her hair
Miss Jung:"Ready for round two?"
Ree stands next to Jung as she strikes another pose
Camera on Zhao, Choi and Ahn
Ahn was standing next to Choi getting some "pudding" off of her
Miss Ahn:"So, any new weapons we can use?"
Miss Zhao was still slicing at the pudding
Miss Zhao:"Pudding, jello, blubby thing"
Miss Zhao:"Have you eaten sword yet?"
Zhao sliced some more and then used her knife to slide to the floor
Miss Zhao:"That was fun"
Choi and Ahn looked at her
Miss Choi:"So, we could use those new blasters Ree made"
Miss Zhao:"It would create a hole, but the thing regenerates."
Miss Zhao:"Up for round 2?"
Miss Choi:"You are gonna slice him again??"
Miss Zhao:"It might be more useful if we all slice him fast enough"
Miss Ahn:"So that he has more pieces to combine"
Miss Ahn:"And then he might need more time to regenerate completely"
Miss Zhao:"We need sharper knives, might use the ZhaoXL one"
Miss Ahn:"That is great!
Miss Zhao:"So, up for round 2?"
Camera view behind the ladies as the pudding stretched his arm toward the ladies
Miss Choi:"Whoa, watch it!"
Miss Zhao watched the arm and stepped on it
Miss Zhao:"Alien hitchhiker!"
Miss Choi:"Yeah, hey, can we catch a ride too?!"
The pudding stretched his arm back towards Choi and Ahn
Miss Choi:"Thank you!"
Miss Ahn:"That's nice, a free ride!"
Choi and Ahn joined Zhao as the arm joined the other
Miss Zhao:"Hold on!"
Miss Ahn:"Whoa!"
The pudding smashed his arms they went thru it's puddingly arms
Miss Zhao:"Oh, that's...
Miss Choi:"Triple EW!"
Miss Ahn:"Hungry?"
They wiped their faces as the arm moved
Miss Zhao:"Stay on the arm!"
Miss Zhao:"Get those knifes ready!"
Ahn grabbed her knifes and took a position
Miss Choi:"Oh, hey it's..."
Miss Ahn:"moving to it's"
Miss Zhao:"Climb up!"
They climbed up towards its face
Miss Ahn:"Stick with us Choi!"
Miss Choi:"My knife!"
Miss Zhao:"Stick your hand in!"
Miss Zhao:"Use my knife!"
Zhao handed her knife to Choi
Miss Zhao:"Hold on!"
The pudding grabbed them and put them in it's mouth
Miss Choi:"Oh man!"
Zhao sliced her way out and followed by Ahn and Choi
Miss Zhao:"Bet you liked that huh?"
Miss Choi:"Ew, ew ew ew ew"
Zhao kept walking
Miss Choi:"Where are you going?"
Miss Zhao:"Taking a bathtub!"
Camera view on Jung and Ree
Miss Jung:"Ready for round 2?"
Miss Ree:"I heard something when I was nearby him"
Ree and Jung notice Zhao
Zhao gets on her bike and starts it
Miss Choi:"Hey, where are you going?"
Miss Zhao:"Taking a bathtub"
Miss Choi:"This is hardly the time for it!"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, so see ya later!"
Zhao drove on her bike onto a street
Camera view on Choi and Ahn
Miss Choi:"So, that's you, me and a pudding"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, still hungry too"
Camera view on Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"So, which sound did you hear?"
Miss Ree:"I don't know, sounded like human sounds"
Miss Jung:"Hmm, so that's perhaps why he's not so eager to fight first"
Miss Ree:"May we see your technology now?"
Metal man stayed and watched Ree and Jung
Miss Ree:"Anyone home?"
Miss Ree:"Round two?"
Ree striked her pose again
Miss Ree:"Hmm"
Miss Jung:"So..."
Metal man finally struck a pose
Miss Jung:"He's doing something"
Miss Ree:"This looks like Tae Kwan Do"
Metal man strikes another pose
Ree and Jung still standing ready
Metal man fired something from his chest
Miss Jung:"There we ... whoa!"
Miss Ree:"Hey Jung"
Miss Jung:"Hmm?"
Miss Ree:"Watch out"
Jung looked at Ree
Miss Jung:"Was that a ..."
Miss Ree:"Seemed like an ..."
Ree and Jung kept looking at metal man
Metal man strikes another pose
Miss Ree:"Come with me"
Miss Jung:"He's loading"
Jung and Ree approached metal man
Miss Ree:"Sweep him!"
Miss Jung:"Whoa!"
Jung and Ree sweeped him
Miss Ree:"It's..."
Miss Jung:"He's getting up"
Jung and Ree stepped as metal man got up
Miss Ree:"So round 3?"
Miss Jung:"Sure"
Jung approached metal man and hit him
Jung punched him a few times and sweeped him
Miss Ree:"So I'm gonna take a break"
Miss Ree:"Oh, he's getting up"
Jung took a few steps towards Ree
Jung pulled her boots
Miss Jung:"Watch this"
Jung took fast steps then jumped on the metal man
Jung wrapped her legs on metal man's neck
Jung went under him pulling upwards
Metal man hit the floor
Miss Jung:"Get up"
Miss Ree:"That was awesome!"
Ree grabbed a device from her pocket
Miss Ree:"Seems his activity is less now"
Jung looked at the device
Miss Ree:"And that pudding thing is still strong"
Camera view on Choi and Ahn
Miss Choi:"Plunge that big sword in him"
Miss Ahn:"And then wriggle?"
Miss Choi:"Uh huh"
Camera view on street
Engine is heard across the street
Camera view on right side of pudding filming street
A bike approaches
Zhao is on her bike
Bike has 2 big blades on the side front with the cutting sides on heat
Zhao slides her bike facing the pudding´s back
Miss Choi:"Nice entrance"
Miss Ahn:"She's looking sharp today"
Zhao uses her console on the bike
A small canonlike device is extracted
Zhao gasses the bike as the canon device is emitting fire
Miss Zhao:"I suggest you move aside"
Choi and Ahn move aside
Zhao gasses her bike some more and makes the rear tire spin
Zhao heads towards the pudding as she uses the springload feature of the bike
Zhao cuts and melts a big size of the pudding
Zhao landed and slided as she hit the metal man making him trip
Miss Ree:"Wow, Zhao!"
Zhao got off her bike grabbing the flame thrower
Miss Zhao:"Let's finish this!"
As the pudding regenerated itself it reconstructed into a lighter shape
Miss Choi:"That's nice, he looks like a gummy bear"
Miss Ahn:"Let's slice some pieces and Zhao melts it"
Choi and Ahn sliced some pieces but the pieces grew together faster
Miss Ahn:"Hmm"
Miss Choi:"Hey Zhao!"
Miss Zhao:"Coming!"
Zhao walked to them as she used the flamethrower
Miss Ree:"That's hot"
Miss Jung:"Even knocked metal man off his feet"
Camera view on Lady Admin
Lady Admin:"Ree and Jung, perhaps you could assist Choi and Ahn
Miss Jung:"Sure thing"
Miss Ree:"Is Tan on the way?"
Lady Admin:"ETA this second"
Camera view on empty street
Some engine sounds can be heard
A van drives on the scene and "slides" with the left side to the camera
Miss Xing is driving
Camera on floor
The passengerdoor opens, 2 feet with boots are visible
Camera moves up
Person is wearing long jacket, leather pants and black shirt
Camera view to person's face
Miss Kim is shown
She opens the door and slides it all the way
Miss Kim:"Come on up"
Camera on floor
Person is stepping on the floor
Person is wearing purple boots with matching hotpants, shirt and purple gloves
Camera moves up
Miss Tan is shown
Miss Tan:"That's a funny pudding!"
Miss Kim:"Metal man is more your style"
Miss Tan:"Nice"
Tan approaches metal man
Tan pauses and stretches some
Tan walks to metal man and waits
Miss Tan:"Hi"
Metal man is looking at some console on his arm
Miss Tan:"Hello?"
Tan took a Muay Thai pose
Metal man took the same pose
Miss Tan:"Ah, nak muay farang?"
Metal man keeps looking at Tan with the pose
Tan took on the metal man as they fought equally
Miss Tan:"You're good"
Miss Tan:"Does this guy ever talk?"
Camera view on Jung, Ree, Choi, Ahn and Zhao
Miss Zhao:"AH! Take this!"
Zhao aimes the flamethrower at pudding
Miss Zhao:"Pudding flambe?"
Choi, Ahn, Jung and Ree are watching it
Miss Jung:"Does she use that thing with too much pleasure or what?"
Miss Ree:"You're the doctor"
Miss Choi:"Hey Ahn ate some pudding"
Miss Ahn:"And it was good!"
Miss Jung:"That is an alien and you ate it?"
Miss Ahn:"It sort of was in my mouth"
Miss Jung:"Meet me at my lab when we reach the base"
Miss Ahn:"Sure"
Zhao was melting the pudding but it was still regenerating
Miss Ahn:"How about those blades?"
Miss Zhao:"Slice it"
Jung, Ree grabbed some blades from their boots as Choi and Ahn sliced it
Zhao melted every bit of pudding she could find
Jung stood on top of the pudding
Ree stood behind it
Miss Ree:"Man, I've got a nice view from here"
Miss Ahn:"Watch out for it's hands"
Miss Choi:"It swallows"
Miss Jung:"And boots too"
Jung's boots began to sink into the pudding
Miss Ree:"He wants you!"
Miss Ahn:"Warm up my blade, Zhao"
Miss Zhao:"Hold on Jung"
Zhao aimed her flamethrower on Ahn's blade
Ahn aimed her blade on the pudding
Miss Ahn:"Come!"
Ahn sliced on the arm allowing Jung to walk off
Miss Ree:"Was that fun?"
Miss Jung:"As fun as toothache"
Ree grabbed her device and aimed it at the pudding
Miss Ree:"It's ... Nothing happened"
Miss Jung:"What do you mean?"
Miss Ree:"All the slicing and melting is useless"
Miss Zhao:"But so much fun!"
Zhao used her flamethrower some more
Miss Zhao:"Woowie!"
Ree kept looking at her device
Miss Ree:"Nothing happened"
Miss Ree:"It has the same value as when we got here"
Jung, Ree, Zhao, Choi and Ahn looked at the pudding
It started to get greener
Miss Ree:"Hmm"
Camera view on Tan and metal man
Miss Tan:"So are you ..."
Metal man was doing something on his console
Miss Tan:"Hey Ree"
Miss Ree:"Hey Tan"
Miss Tan:"Seems like his console is..."
Tan looked at metal man who suddenly stopped with his console
Metal man took a pose and continued with Tan
Miss Ree:"I'll wait"
Tan and metal man were fighting again
Metal man hit the radio and smashed it
Tan took a step back
Miss Tan:"Hello?"
Radio was broken
Metal man loaded something from his chest
Miss Tan:"Gonna stun me?"
Tan looked at the object as it fired
Camera view on Tan from side
Tan went back letting the sharp object going over her as she leaned backwards with her hands on the floor
Camera view on Kim, Xing
Miss Kim:"Wow"
Miss Xing:"Very"
Park came from the van watching everything too
Camera view on Tan
Tan came back facing the metal man
Metal man and Tan continued fighting
Tan hitted metal man denting the suit
Camera view on Ree, Jung, Zhao, Choi and Ahn looking at Tan
Miss Ree:"Wow, Tan that's good!"
Miss Zhao:"She's hotter than my flamethrower"
Miss Ahn:"She's awesome"
Camera view on Tan
Tan and metal man fight some more
Tan grabbed metal man and tossed him
Tan awaited metal man to get up
Tan took a pose with the legs spread
Metal man swept his leg towards Miss Tan's leg
Miss Tan:"AH!"
Tan layed on the floor
Metal man took another pose
Camera view on Miss Kim
Kim grabbed a gun from her holster on her back
Kim aimed it at metal man
Camera on Kim's gun
Kim fired as two EMP balls headed towards metal man
Camera follows two EMP balls
Camera turns filming the EMP balls and rotates on metal man from the back to the front
Kim fired another two EMP balls towards metal man
Camera view on metal man as EMP balls hit him
EMP goes on suit and then into suit
Metal man falls to the floor
Camera view on Ree, Jung, Zhao, Ahn and Choi
Miss Ree:"So, why is pudding standing around?"
Miss Zhao:"He's hot"
Miss Jung:"Perhaps no orders from metal man?"
Miss Ree:"How unique"
Miss Ree:"Technology sending orders to biology?"
Camera view on Tan
Tan lays on the floor
Miss Tan:"We need Kang Vu!"
Lady Admin:"Yes, Kung Fu!"
Miss Tan:"No, we need Kang Vu!"
Lady Admin:"Yes, go ahead!"
Miss Tan:"No, we need Miss Kang and Miss Vu!"
Lady Admin:"Oh!"
Lady Admin grabs her phone and dials
Lady Admin still in view
Kang thru phone
Miss Kang:"Yeah?"
Lady Admin:"You're up"
Miss Kang:"On our way"
Miss Kang:"ETA 10 seconds"
Camera view on rooftop filming top of buildings
2nd camera view on rooftop filming top of buidings
3rd camera view on rooftop filming
Jet comes flying by from right to left
Camera view on Jet filming Kang and Vu
Miss Kang:"Got a nice place to land?"
Lady Admin:"Best place is near the other vehicles"
Miss Kang:"Landing her down"
Miss Vu:"Don't you think it's a he?"
Miss Kang:"Jet is feminine"
Miss Vu:"Activating thrusters"
Miss Vu:"Scanner online"
Jet voice:"Thrusters activated, scanner online"
Miss Kang:"So, who called us?"
Kang and Vu get out and put their radio's on
Lady Admin:"Tan, she needs some assistence with the metal man"
Miss Kang:"Looks sleeping to me"
Miss Vu:"Tan is a wild one!"
Kang and Vu approached Tan
Miss Tan:"He injured my leg and Kim took him out"
Miss Kim:"But those EMP balls are only temporarily"
Miss Kim:"Metal man has no hostile intentions tho"
Kang and Vu looked at metal man
Metal man still layed on the floor
Miss Kang:"He looks dented"
Miss Xing:"Courtesy of Tan"
Kang looked at the pudding
Miss Kang:"And why is he still standing?"
Miss Ree:"He's probably a biological being listening to orders from metal man"
Miss Ree:"But his last orders are incomplete or simply stand still like a dummy"
Miss Kang:"Any way to take him out?"
Miss Kang:"Besides the flaming, chopping and eating?"
Miss Zhao:"Ah man"
Metal man made some sounds
Miss Kang:"As long as he's standing, leave him"
Miss Kang:"Let's see what metal man does"
Kang and Vu looked at metal man
Metal man moving around, getting up
Miss Kang:"Hold on, let him get up"
Miss Tan:"He doesn't talk"
Kang and Vu stood next to Tan
Metal man got up
Metal man stood waiting
Kang and Vu took a martial arts pose
Metal man took the same pose
Miss Kang:"You know, we have to talk"
Metal man stood normally
Miss Ree:"See that?"
Miss Jung:"Kangtastic"
Kang stood normally as she approached metal man
Miss Ree:"I think he has the hots for her"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, my hotpants didn't draw his attention"
Kang looked at metal man
Miss Kang:"So, why have you injured the people and why are you here?"
Vu tended to Tan's leg
Miss Kang:"Can you speak?"
Metal man looked at Kang
Miss Kang:"Can you communicate?"
Metal man kept looking
Miss Vu:"Can you stand?"
Miss Tan:"I ..."
Miss Vu:"Careful"
Tan stood up
Miss Vu:"Might need some bandage later"
Miss Tan:"It's fine"
Kang and metal man were looking at each other
Miss Kang:"Stand by Vu and Tan"
Miss Vu:"K."
Kang took a martial arts pose and metal man did the same
Kang stood normally and metal man did the same
Miss Kang:"Ree"
Miss Ree:"Kang"
Miss Kang:"Are they..."
Miss Ree:"What?"
Metal man loaded another object from the chest
Miss Tan:"Duck!"
Metal man fired it towards Kang
Miss Kang:"Whoa, hey!"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, got one too"
Miss Tan:"Me too"
Ree looked at them
Miss Ree:"It might be some sedative"
Miss Jung:"Perhaps we could scan for the objects"
Miss Ree:"We could"
Ree grabbed her device and used it
The screen in the car and the Jet went on
Metal man distracted by the sounds by the Jet
Metal man took a martial arts pose
Miss Ree:"Whoops"
Miss Jung:"Aliens scared by technological sounds"
Miss Zhao:"We should give them roses too"
Miss Ahn:"We might be scary to them"
Miss Choi:"Do we look scary?"
Miss Ahn:"It's 2 of them"
Miss Zhao:"One now. The pudding is still standing like a dummy"
Miss Ree:"Maybe he's constipated"
Miss Jung:"Oh stop it"
Kang stood in a martial pose
Vu and Tan joined her
Miss Vu:"And now what?"
Kang gave a fist right before his face
Miss Kim:"Get the icepacks ready"
Park grabbed a box from the van
Miss Xing:"You think they..."
Miss Kim:"Better take care of her leg asap"
Kang had her fist in front of his face
Miss Zhao:"Is it me, or is it getting chilly?"
Miss Jung:"It is getting cold"
Miss Ree:"Whoa!"
They looked at Ree who was looking at the pudding
The pudding was frozen as even icedamp came from it
Miss Ahn:"Icecream!"
Miss Choi:"Oh no, you don't"
Ree aimed the device at the pudding
Miss Zhao:"Icepudding"
Miss Ree:"Powers very low"
Miss Jung:"And the metal man?"
Miss Ree:"Very high"
Metal man looked at Kang who moved her fist away
Miss Ree:"You better look out, he's charging up"
Miss Kang:"Hmm"
Metal man kept looking
Kang took a swing as metal man gave a swing back
Miss Vu:"Come on Tan"
Kang, Tan and Vu fought metal man
Metal man took them on with ease
Miss Zhao:"Is the power still dropping?"
Miss Ree:"Slowly"
Miss Ree:"And metal man is getting stronger"
Miss Zhao:"Melting this thing might restore power"
Ree kept scanning
Zhao grabbed her flamethrower
Kang, Tan and Vu kept fighting metal man as more and more hits hit metal man
Miss Kang:"Zhao, now!"
Zhao used the flamethrower on the pudding
Miss Zhao:"Waterpudding anyone?"
Ree scanned them again
Miss Ree:"Power restoring to pudding"
Kang, Tan and Vu kept fighting faster
Metal man seemed to get tired
Miss Zhao:"Melt!"
Ahn, Choi and Jung stood by
Kang and metal man were fighting heavily
Ree scanned them again and noticed the pudding
Miss Ree:"It's moving!"
Miss Zhao:"It's melting!"
Miss Ahn:"His arm!"
The pudding reached for Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"Whoa!"
Miss Ree:"He wants us"
Camera view on Kang and Tan
Kang and Tan stood next to eachother
Miss Kang:"Shall we?"
Miss Tan:"On 1"
Kang and Tan waited for metal man
Metal man stood up and noticed Kang and Tan
Miss Kang:"1"
Miss Tan:"1"
Kang and Tan punched him on the face simultaneously
Camera view on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"AH!"
The pudding was melting faster
Camera view on metal man
Metal man hit the floor
Camera view on Ree
Miss Ree:"Power increasing"
Camera view on metal man
Metal man lays on the floor as his lights went out
Camera view on Zhao and Ree
Miss Ree:"Power increasing!"
Miss Zhao:"I'm out of gas!"
Camera view on metal man
Metal man's console was bleeping and went out
Camera view on the pudding
The pudding melted into a puddle
Camera view on Ree and Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Wow"
Miss Ree:"That was something"
Miss Ahn:"That is one hot puddle"
Miss Jung:"So with disabling metal man the pudding is out too?"
Miss Choi:"Don't drink it"
They look at the puddle
Camera view on Kang, Tan and Vu
Miss Kang:"That was that"
Miss Tan:"Good match"
Miss Vu:"Mwah"
Camera view on Lady Admin
Lady Admin:"Calling alienteam"
Camera view on Kang
Miss Kang:"Team head to the base"
Miss Kang:"Vu and I stay here for the alienteam"
Camera view on Ree, Jung, Zhao, Ahn and Choi
Miss Ree:"Localised the objects launched by metal man"
Miss Jung:"Let's pick em up"
Miss Zhao:"I'm feeling quite something after that pudding"
Miss Choi:"Need a shower"
Miss Ahn:"And dinner"
Jung and Ree picked up the objects with special gloves
Zhao, Choi and Ahn walked to their bikes and got on
Jung and Ree got in the car stored the objects
Camera view on Zhao, Choi and Ahn
Zhao, Ahn and Choi drove onto the street
Jung and Ree started the car and drove into the same street
Jung used the board console
Jung looked at the Team's medical statistics
Miss Ree:"I'll drive normally for you"
Miss Jung:"Thanks Ree"
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Lady Admin, you can return to base"
Miss Kang:"You too, Tan"
Tan headed to the van as she got in
Kim Xing and Park got in and they drove of
Lady Admin blasted with her jetpack
Miss Kang:"So that's you and me and these two"
Miss Vu:"Such a strange pair"
Camera view on empty street
Ree and Jung arrive near trafficlight
Miss Ree:"That was fun"
Miss Jung:"I'm curious about their origin"
They look at the street waiting for the trafficlight
Camera view on Jung
Miss Jung:"Hey Ree, you mind doing that drifting again?"
Miss Ree:"You didn't like it"
Miss Jung:"Well, I have to pee"
Miss Ree:"Wanna go on the street?"
Miss Jung:"Too public"
Miss Ree:"Okay, put your seatbelts on"
Ree smiled at Jung
Jung put her seatbelts on
Miss Ree:"Hold on"
Camera view on rearleft tire
Tire spins fast as car is stationary
Miss Ree:"Come on"
Ree waited for the trafficlight
Miss Ree:"Come on"
Ree smiled at Jung
Jung looked at Ree
Miss Ree:"Hold on!"
Ree gassed as the car went
Ree went left as same street the bikes went
Miss Jung:"Oh man"
Miss Ree:"Need to pee alot?"
Miss Jung:"Ehh yes?"
Miss Ree:"Okay"
Ree gassed more
Camera view on front filming street
Miss Ree:"Hey, that's Zhao's butt"
Miss Jung:"Oh man"
Ree grabbed her comdevice
Miss Ree:"Hey Zhao"
Camera view on Zhao on her bike filming her and street behind her
Miss Zhao:"Ree"
Miss Ree:"See something in your rear view mirror?"
Miss Zhao:"Looks like you"
Camera view on Ree
Miss Ree:"Soon I'll be seeing you in my rearview mirror"
Miss Zhao:"Race you to the base?"
Camera view on car
Ree gassed approaching the bikes
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Ladies, let's show Ree we're faster"
Zhao, Choi and Ahn gassed up
Camera alongside the bikes on Zhao's side
They speed up and move to left side on view
Camera view on Ree and Jung
Miss Ree:"Hehehe"
Miss Jung:"Be safe now"
Camera view on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Here they come"
Camera view on Ree
Miss Ree:"Hi Zhao!"
Ree passed Zhao as the car sprayed on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
Jung looked at it and raised her shoulders
Camera view on Choi and Ahn
Miss Choi:"Nice!"
Miss Ahn:"Very"
Ree passed the bikes and sped on
Camera view behind them filming them thru the street
Camera view on another corner
Van stops near camera near trafficlights
Camera view on Kim and Xing
Music playing on background
Camera view on Tan and Park
Park is treating Tan's leg
Camera view on street in front of van
Ree, Jung, Zhao, Choi and Ahn drive by
Camera view on Kim and Xing
Miss Kim:"Irresponsible streetracers"
Miss Xing:"That's our team"
Miss Kim:"Shall give them a good speech about all that racing"
Miss Xing:"That's our team"
Miss Kim:"Except Jung"
Miss Xing:"She's on the passenger's seat"
Miss Kim:"I'm going to kiss her"
Xing looked at Kim
Miss Kim:"On the cheek"
Xing frowned her eyebrows"
Miss Kim:"On the face"
Xing keeps looking
Miss Kim:"Light's green"
Xing looks
Miss Xing:"Uh huh"
Camera view on van as they drive into same street as the others
Camera view on parking space underground at the base
Ree and Jung arrive and park
Camera moves to the right filming Ahn, Choi and Zhao parking
Miss Zhao:"Thanks for the spray huh"
Miss Ree:"Oh sure"
Van arrives and parks into place on left
They all get out as Jet arrives
Zhao walks in front of camera as Jet lands
Kang and Vu get out
Miss Kang walks up the door as she waits for everyone to exit the parking space
Miss Kang:"Meeting in 30, bathtub in 5"
Miss Zhao:"Oh nice!"
They all head up
Kang pushed a button
Camera view on Team Fortress vehicles as a mechanical arm extends to the vehicles on their left side, attaches and refuels gas and power
Camera view on Jung
Miss Jung:"Ahn, see you in my lab?"
Miss Ahn:"Coming"
Camera view on Jung's lab
A big white room with typical medical things
On back wall a row of monitors displaying medical statistics for each member per monitor
Jung enters the lab door slides open
Miss Jung:"Have a seat"
Ahn sits on the medical bed
Jung returns with a medical coat on
Miss Jung:"So you ate some pudding from an alien?"
Miss Ahn:"It tasted normally"
Jung scanned Ahn with a device
Miss Jung:"You look normal"
Miss Ahn:"Thanks, I think"
Miss Jung:"You know"
Miss Jung:"Drink this, just to get it out your system"
Miss Ahn:"Thanks doc"
Ahn leaves the lab
Jung walks to the monitors and looks at them
Miss Jung:"Good"
She hangs her coat and exits the lab
Camera view on room with bathtub
Kang enters in a bikini and and walks to the bathtub
Vu enters in a bikini
Miss Vu:"Hey, is it up?"
Miss Kang:"In a minute"
Zhao, Ree, Jung, Choi and Ahn entered the room
Miss Kang:"Whoa, sexy"
Miss Ree:"Look at you"
Kang smiles
Kim, Tan, Xing and Park enter the room
Tan is wearing her outfit as is Park
Kim and Xing are wearing a bikini
Miss Kang:"Tan can't put her leg in the water?"
Miss Park:"Bandage is waterproof"
Lady Admin enters in bikini
Miss Zhao:"Whoa hey"
Lady Admin:"Thank you, thank you"
Jung looks at Tan's leg
Miss Jung:"Any pain?"
Miss Tan:"The massage from Park was good"
Kang looks at the bathtub
Miss Kang:"Ladies, enter the baththub"
Miss Ree:"Yay!"
They get in
Miss Ahn:"Zhao was very sharp today!"
Miss Choi:"And so hot!"
Jung relaxes her head
Miss Ree:"Tan, come on"
Park sits with Tan near the bathtub
Miss Zhao:"Come on Park!"
Tan looks at the bathtub
Miss Kang:"Come guys"
Tan gets from the medical bed
Park gets in the bathtub
Camera view behind Tan as she takes her clothes off
Tan is naked as her back is filmed
Miss Zhao:"Nakedness!"
Tan gets in the bathtub
Music plays, some talking
Camera view on sky
Part 2
Camera view on meetingroom
Meetingroom has a table in the middle, with a extractable screen at a wall
Zhao, Jung, Ree, Ahn, Choi, Xing, Tan, Vu, Park, Kim and Lady Admin sit at the table
Ree uses her console as the screen slides down
Xing grabs some coffee
Kang enters
Miss Kang:"Hi"
They greet her back
Kang sits down
Miss Kang:"So, this is about the encounter with the "metal-man" and the "pudding""
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, we gathered data thru the vehicles"
Miss Ree:"I have already compiled them and got a little presentation"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Ree grabs her console as an image appears
Miss Ree:"So, this is "the pudding"
Miss Zhao:"We think that they are allies and they might share their energy together"
Miss Kang:"Do the scans show that?"
Miss Ree:"Not specifically"
Ree presses on her console
Another image appears, it's converted and shows a "channel of some sorts"
Miss Ree:"This might be some sort of powertube"
Miss Kang:"So when you melted that pudding metal man was drained?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Jung:"We think the pudding was both technological and biological"
Miss Ree:"The energy they use might be similar to batteries"
Miss Zhao:"Lots of batteries"
Miss Kang:"So do you have any specifics on metal man?"
Miss Ree:"Wait"
Ree pressed her console
Miss Ree:"This is metal man"
An image of metal man appeared
Miss Zhao:"Available at a store near you today"
Ree looked at Zhao
Miss Ree:"His metal suit looked dense"
Miss Jung:"It's a new metal unknows to us"
Miss Ree:"It's a good metal"
Ree pressed her console
Miss Kang:"Yeah, the gloves did help"
A chemical formula appeared
Miss Ree:"This is our nearest metal formula"
Miss Ree:"He'll be delivered within the hour"
Miss Kang:"Maybe we can replicate the suit"
Miss Choi:"Ree-plicate"
Miss Zhao:"Would be a nice bra"
Ree pressed her console
Miss Ree:"This is the pudding"
Jung got up
Miss Jung:"I ran a quick analysis and it showed that pudding is mainly technological"
Miss Jung:"It can regenerate but I have placed it in stasis"
Miss Jung:"And it's biological part is mainly melted"
Miss Ree:"We got some scans during"
Miss Jung:"And I need some coffee"
Ree pressed her console
An image of the pudding appeared
Miss Ree:"We call it a pudding"
Miss Ree:"But his material is more similar to a water-based form"
Miss Zhao:"Like us?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, except that we have a different form, shape etc"
Miss Jung:"But it's water ratio is very similar to ours"
Miss Kang:"So they have a got a being to get more energy from?"
Miss Zhao:"Your own battery-pack"
Miss Kang:"And this being can regenerate?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Kang:"And metal-man?"
Miss Ree:"We need to look at his suit"
Miss Zhao:"And the metal-man himself"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, you and Ahn can talk to him, friendly"
Miss Ahn:"Cool"
Miss Kang:"And you ate that pudding"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, but it taste like pudding and Jung gave me a something"
Miss Jung:"It's construction is mainly water"
Miss Jung:"I gave her a drink to clean her system"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Miss Ree:"So, any questions?"
Miss Choi:"When are we gonna watch movies on this thing?"
Miss Ahn:"Or play videogames on it?"
Miss Zhao:"Or put it on fire?"
Miss Ree:"Any serious questions??"
Miss Kang:"Ladies"
Miss Zhao:"We'll need some tactics info about them"
Miss Ree:"I'll notify when I've got the tactics"
Miss Ree:"I do have some information about the EMP's"
Miss Ree:"The EMP's we used were effective"
Miss Jung:"Till he got up"
Miss Ree:"And then he got more energy"
Miss Ree:"With some calculations and modifications, I could get EMP's that could let him "sleep" longer"
Miss Kang:"We don't want EMP's that would destroy their suits or even the person inside"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, before we get the metal-man army"
Miss Ree:"I would install an extra battery into the vehicles, so they can provide the energy for the EMP's"
Miss Kang:"Alright, do that, but we might need you with the suit"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Zhao:"Ahn and I can perfectly handle that"
Miss Ahn:"Oh yeah, watch the build up, extract piece by piece, mind the wires, add some power, rebuild, connect the whole thing etc"
Miss Zhao:"See?"
Miss Ahn:"Use the console, watch the functions, re-extract piece by piece, looking at it's parts, looking at it's powersupply, his nice stun needles"
Miss Zhao:"Like I said, we can do it"
Miss Ree:"You probably do need some energy to re-energize him"
Miss Choi:"Could that EMP provide him energy?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, after the EMP balls his energy did spike"
Miss Kang:"Ree is on standby, so someone could help her with the modifications"
Miss Ree:"Good"
Miss Ree:"I also have some new radio's"
Miss Ree:"This is way more advanced"
Miss Ree:"Provides multichannel and you can talk handsfree, is voice-operated"
Miss Ree:"so when someone speaks near you, it would only submit when you switch to semi"
Miss Ree:"It's made from titanium"
Ree grabbed the earpieces
Earpieces were silver with colors like the teammembers have
Miss Zhao:"Oh nice!"
Miss Ree:"They are personal, but they operate on all our voices"
Miss Zhao:"And it has a light!"
Miss Kang:"I've seen earpieces before, but these are gorgeous!"
Miss Choi:"We need two, so it's like an earring"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, maybe we do"
Miss Ree:"These earpieces can communicate with your console"
Miss Ree:"So you could make phone calls too"
Miss Jung:"These are beautiful!"
Ree handed them all out to everyone
Miss Ree:"That's everything I have for now"
Miss Ree:"I'm running some more data with the extensive scans to find some battle tactics for us"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Miss Vu:"Anything else?"
Miss Zhao:"I'm sending you a message"
Vu grabs her console
Screen shows:"Does this earpiece look good on me?"
Vu looks at Zhao
Zhao winks at Vu
Miss Kang:"Alright, get rested and standby"
Lady Admin:"The metal-man will arrive in 17 minutes"
Miss Kang:"Zhao and Ahn, you're up"
Miss Ahn:"Ai, captain Kang"
Miss Zhao:"Getting metal"
They got up, as they all headed to the lounge
Miss Kang:"Ree, see you at the office when you get the new specs"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, sure"
Ree headed to the parking space underground
Zhao and Ahn headed to the stasis room
Jung and Vu headed to the lab
Kang headed to the office
Tan, Choi, Xing, Kim headed to the lounge
Lady Admin awaited metal-man near the parking space
Tan, Choi waited for Lady Admin at the lounge
They sat down and had something to drink
Zhao and Ahn prepared the stasisroom
They prepared the bed and headed to the lounge
Camera on Ree at her lab
She worked on a computer which shows a picture of a Jet
She typed some, then printed some pages and inserted them into a folder
She got up and walked to the sliding doors of her lab
Ree walked up to Kang's office
She looked at Kang who was working behind her double screen setup
Miss Ree:"Kang, got the new specs"
Kang looked at Ree
Miss Kang:"Oh yeah, let's see"
Ree handed the folder and stood near her desk
Kang looked at the pages
Miss Ree:"It's technically the same as Jet-1, some upgrades are being implemented in Jet-1 too"
Kang kept reading the pages
Miss Kang:"They are smaller?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but when you see them, you hardly notice it"
Miss Ree:"They are equal"
Kang read the other pages too
Miss Kang:"And the check up?"
Miss Ree:"All good"
Miss Ree:"The vehicles are ready"
Kang places the pages in the folder
Miss Kang:"Alright, resume and call when you need something"
Miss Ree:"Ok, and the launch?"
Ree walked to Kang leaning to her desk
Miss Kang:"We might have to launch them suddenly"
Ree approached Kang getting closer to her face
She smiles
Miss Ree:"And a party?"
Kang smiled at Ree
Miss Kang:"We'll throw a party, tomorrow, assuming we have to use Jet-2 and Jet-3 afterwards"
Ree smiled
Miss Ree:"Yay!"
Kang smiled
Miss Kang:"You prepare the vehicles, I'll get some champagne"
Miss Ree:"And the callsigns for Jet-2 and Jet-3?"
Miss Kang:"Sound good"
Miss Ree:"We still need something for them"
Miss Ree:"It's still plain"
Ree walked to her lab
At the lounge Tan, Choi were talking
Zhao, Ahn came and had a drink too
Miss Zhao:"I'm curious on metal-man"
Miss Choi:"Yeah, me too"
Miss Ahn:"His suit was pretty dented"
Tan smiles
Zhao earpiece beeped
Camera on Zhao
Lady Admin:"Zhao, the van is arriving, inform Tan and Choi"
Miss Zhao:"Ok"
Zhao pressed her earpiece
Miss Zhao:"Tan and Choi, Lady Admin needs you"
Miss Choi:"Ah, how sweet"
They got up and headed to Lady Admin
Zhao and Ahn went to the stasisroom
Camera on Lady Admin
A van arrived as the metal-man was unloaded
Metal-man was still out from the battle
They placed him inside and Tan, Choi, Lady Admin brought him to the stasis room
They placed him on the bed as metal-man lay completely still
Miss Zhao:"Let's see if he wakes up"
Miss Ahn:"Get those guns ready"
Miss Ahn:"I'm gonna use his console"
Zhao grabbed her gun
Miss Ahn:"It should have some power"
Miss Zhao:"Should we just play a song very loud?"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, but if this suit does carry a person, the suit would still need energy"
Miss Zhao:"He must have energy"
Miss Zhao:"The last scans did show some energy"
Miss Ahn:"That could be that last bit of energy as an reserve"
Miss Zhao:"Shall I give him some juice?"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah"
Zhao stood near the metal-man as Ahn waited
Zhao gave a small EMP as the console lit up
Miss Ahn:"Console is on!"
Miss Zhao:"He might get up"
Console showed some bar
Console went out again
Miss Ahn:"We need more juice"
Miss Zhao:"How much?"
Miss Ahn:"We need some more, but we have to add some"
Miss Zhao:"We might need to add energy the normal way"
Miss Zhao:"Perhaps that pudding has some"
At the lab
Jung and Vu were looking at the pudding
Miss Jung:"I'm getting a reading from the extensive scans"
Miss Jung:"It certainly was a battery-pack, a very advanced one"
Jung looked at the pudding which was in a stasisbox
Miss Jung:"It might regenerate with the current technology in it"
Miss Vu:"So it would grow to it's original size?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, but it might need some material"
Miss Vu:"Like food?"
Miss Jung:"Food for a pudding"
Jung placed her earpiece to semi and her console
Screen shows:"Earpiece-Jung - Ahn, Ree, Vu and Zhao
Miss Jung:"Hey guys"
Miss Zhao:"Hey, it's the doc"
Miss Ree:"Hey everybody!"
Miss Ahn:"Hey dudettes!"
Miss Vu:"Hey guys"
Miss Jung:"So we're busy with the pudding"
Miss Jung:"How's the metal-man?"
Miss Ahn:"We gave him juice, but his console went out, so we need more"
Miss Zhao:"We probably have to recharge him with a battery"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, I want the pudding to be regenerating and scan for it's energy"
Miss Ahn:"It could regenerate and provide energy"
Miss Ahn:"Do you have it's regenerating curve?"
Miss Jung:"That's in the extensive scans and it shows that it can regenerate within half an hour"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but it's material it needs is unknown to us, so let it regenerate but keep some flamethrowers with you"
Miss Jung:"Alright, standby"
Jung grabbed a scanner
She let the stasis unwind
The pudding slowly began to grown into a more solid compound
Miss Jung:"If it begins to grow larger then the box we have to place him in stasis"
Miss Vu:"And if it grows too fast?"
Miss Jung:"We might have to place the entire lab in stasis"
The pudding is getting more and more solid
Miss Jung:"I'm reading an increase in energy"
The pudding became more energetic as the energyreading rised
Miss Jung:"Ree, we might have to start catching it's energy"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, it might be best to bring them together"
Miss Ree:"But let it grow first"
Miss Zhao:"We'll blast metal-man one more time"
Zhao blasted the metal-man
The metal-man's console lit up
His hand moved
The metal-man's suit fell apart
Miss Ahn:"Ree, metal-man's suit just fell apart"
Miss Zhao:"We got a metal-puzzle"
The pieces of the suit lay on the floor
A man was revealed
Zhao stood near him at his waist
Miss Zhao:"Well, aliens don't have underwear"
Miss Ahn:"Now we have to puzzle his suit together"
Miss Zhao:"The pieces look easy to combine"
Ahn looks at the pieces
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, but "
Miss Ahn:"I see the connectors for the energy but the mainpowersupply?"
Miss Zhao:"The console might tell us"
Miss Zhao:"Ree, can you get the "
Zhao and Ahn looked at the console which lit up, shows some symbols and shut down
Miss Ahn:"Ehh, "
Miss Ahn:"That might have been an energyblurb or otherwise it's messaging"
Miss Ree:"I'll check the datacontrollers for any traffic"
Jung and Vu were looking at the pudding who remained the same
Miss Jung:"The pudding remained the same after Zhao's second blast"
Miss Ree:"They might have communicated"
Miss Zhao:"His hand did move and then his suit fell apart"
Miss Zhao:"But it was his other arm"
Miss Ahn:"Is pudding still moving?"
Miss Ahn:"I'll check the console if it works"
Miss Jung:"The pudding is just standing"
Miss Ree:"Could be that command we saw earlier"
Miss Zhao:"Is the pudding having more energy?"
Miss Vu:"Yeah, like a battery being charged in a sec"
Miss Ree:"We could transfer his energy"
Miss Ree:"But look at his suit first"
Miss Ree:"Ahn"
Miss Ahn:"Ree"
Miss Ree:"Look at the parts and build it"
Miss Ree:"But leave them in pieces for now"
Miss Ahn:"And the metal-man?"
Miss Zhao:"I'll see if he wakes up"
Miss Ree:"Ok"
Ahn assembled the pieces from metal-man
She grabbed a piece and placed it near an other
The two pieces attracted eachother
Miss Ahn:"Ree, the pieces attached themselves"
Miss Ahn:"Something magnetic maybe"
Miss Ree:"Hmm, if we build the suit"
Miss Ahn:"We have to find it's powersupply first?"
Miss Ree:"The suit might be half magnetic"
Miss Ree:"so you can use two sides to use the suit"
Miss Ree:"When you have the powersupply"
Miss Ahn:"Measure the voltage?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"Let the re-assembly for now"
Miss Ahn:"Ok"
Miss Zhao:"And the man?"
Miss Ree:"Something for the doctor?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, but for now I'm watching the pudding"
Miss Jung:"It still it's same size"
Miss Vu:"And the electricity it can generate is immense"
Miss Jung:"I'll look at it a few minutes, when it remains the same"
Miss Jung:"I'll come for the metal-man"
Miss Zhao:"He's very naked"
Miss Zhao:"He looks very human"
Camera focuses on the man
It's a man with grey hair, very human looks
Something in his ear bleeps
Miss Zhao:"Hey, he has something in his ear"
Miss Zhao:"It flashes"
Miss Ahn:"Might be communication?"
Miss Ree:"Be careful"
Camera on Ree at the parking space
Choi is working on the bikes
Ree stands near her holding consoles
She holds her earpiece
Miss Ree:"Tan, we need some technical asstistence"
Camera on Tan at the lounge
Miss Tan:"Yeah"
Tan gets up
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Choi, after the batteries check on each vehicle if the battery is recognized by the console and hook it up with the EMP-launchers"
Miss Choi:"Alright"
Miss Ree:"Tan will assist you"
Ree headed to the stasis room
Camera on Zhao and Ahn
Ahn was looking at the suit
Zhao was standing near metal-man
Miss Ree:"Hey guys"
Miss Ahn:"Hey Ree"
Miss Zhao:"Hey, check this out"
Zhao showed Ree the ear
Miss Ree:"Could be a communcationdevice"
Miss Ree:"But it might even be jewelry"
Miss Zhao:"Nice jewelry"
Miss Ree:"Shall we wake him up?"
Miss Jung:"Wait for me"
Jung approached Ree and Zhao
Miss Ree:"When we communicate we might want to inform about his console"
Miss Jung:"And the pudding"
Miss Ahn:"And the suit"
Miss Ahn:"The powersupply might be integrated into the whole suit"
Miss Ree:"Like a separate supplier for each part?"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, but it could be one big battery"
Miss Zhao:"I honestly think we should play music very loud"
Miss Zhao:"Maybe he will start dancing"
Miss Ahn:"Shall we ues the straps?"
Ree's earpiece beeped
Ree pressed it
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yeah?"
Lady Admin:"I got the landingsite"
Lady Admin:"And they were at the coordinates I'm sending to your console at which they seem to be checking sand"
Miss Ree:"Alright"
Miss Ree:"Anything specific with the sand?"
Lady Admin:"I've got some satellite pictures"
Miss Ree:"Ah, some castlebuilders"
Lady Admin:"They seem to be scanning using the suit"
Lady Admin:"The satellite picked this up"
Miss Ree:"Thank you"
Lady Admin:"No problem"
Miss Ree:"We'll try to wake him up"
Lady Admin:"Keep us posted"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Ree pressed her earpiece
Ree looked at the metal-man
Camera on Ree, Zhao, Ahn and Jung
Miss Jung:"I would suggest a medical scan"
Miss Zhao:"Think he's injured?"
Miss Ree:"After Tan?"
Miss Zhao:"The suit absorbed some"
They look at the suit
Miss Ahn:"Tan certainly did dent the suit"
Ahn grabs a piece and shows it to them
The piece has a big dent
Miss Zhao:"That's her signature"
Jung grabbed her console and scanned metal-man
Miss Jung:"His physiology is similar"
Miss Jung:"They do have many double bones"
Miss Zhao:"Really?"
Miss Zhao:"Anything else double?"
Miss Jung:"You saw his"
Miss Ree:"Johnson!"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"I mean, Johnson from the lab has experience with double bones"
Miss Jung:"Oh, how is she doing?"
Miss Zhao:"I knew that, Johnson"
Miss Ree:"She's good"
Miss Zhao:"Hey, you think we should give him a blanket?"
Jung grabbed a blanket and placed it on metal-man
Miss Jung:"I suggest a simulation with the data from the medical scan and the traditional ways to wake a person up"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Zhao:"I wouldn't want to shake him, just in case he might be hurt"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, good call"
Miss Ahn:"His suit did catch most of the attacks"
Miss Ahn:"But still, those suits usually are still heavy for humans"
Miss Ahn:"Or aliens"
Miss Zhao:"Any inertial dampeners?"
Miss Ree:"That's usually for a fast ship"
Miss Ree:"It might have a similar technology for absorbing punches"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, I'm looking at the suit"
Miss Ree:"It might have a shockproof battery as a protection"
Miss Ahn:"You think he'll tell us?"
Miss Ree:"Maybe"
Miss Ree:"Do the scans show something?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"Should we strap him in?"
Miss Jung:"Just in case"
Miss Zhao:"And the suit?"
Miss Ahn:"It seems offline"
Miss Ahn:"It might be charging again"
Miss Ree:"Let's wake metal-man up"
Miss Ree:"Keep your guns ready"
Miss Jung:"Applying mixture"
Miss Ree:"Oh yeah"
Jung applied the mixture to the neck
Metal-man's head was moving and woke up
They looked at him as he looked at them
Miss Ree:"Hi"
Metal-man kept looking and looked at his arm
Miss Ree:"You took your suit off"
Miss Ree:"You are at our base along with your ally"
Miss Jung:"The tiredness will wear off"
Metal-man looked at Jung
Miss Zhao:"Do you understand our language?"
Miss Zhao:"Yes, do you speak english?"
Miss Zhao:"Cool"
Metal-man:"Are you the leader?"
Miss Zhao:"At the moment I'm in charge"
Metal-man:"Then I must inform you"
Miss Zhao:"About?"
Metal-man:"I am M1-X - 782 from Terratreesa, a planet similar to yours"
Metal-man:"We are a civilisation much like yours, we have many common things"
Metal-man:"We too have buildings and much natural ground"
Metal-man:"My ally, as you call it"
Metal-man:"Is created by an ally of ours from another planet"
Metal-man:"It's purpose is too provide, generate and supply energy to our suits"
Metal-man:"We are explorers"
Miss Zhao:"And, M1-X, do you like Earth?"
Metal-man:"Yes, Earth is beautiful. We are peaceful explorers and have many allies"
Metal-man:"We visited Earth for it's similarity with our planet"
Metal-man:"We are also looking for a certain material to build our planet"
Miss Zhao:"Which material?"
Metal-man:"You call it sand"
Miss Zhao:"And what do you want from that sand?"
Metal-man:"To build a new material"
Miss Zhao:"Which?"
Miss Zhao:"Nindium?"
Metal-man:"It's a specific material we use"
Metal-man:"I have the formula"
Miss Zhao:"We like to see that"
Metal-man:"I can show it from the suit"
Metal-man:"We must communicate with the ships"
Miss Zhao:"Which ships?"
Metal-man:"I have a small group of ships near the solar-system"
Miss Zhao:"Friends of yours?"
Metal-man:"Yes, they are my team"
Miss Zhao:"Before you do, we need to know more about your visit to Earth, nindium and your allies"
Metal-man:"The suits and "pudding" as you call it, are created by the ally that has a small faction which is attacking us"
Metal-man:"We think they have launched a missile to our planet on which we assemble the suits and our energycreators, the pudding"
Miss Zhao:"And who are these allies?"
Metal-man:"The faction that attacks us are Statos"
Metal-man:"The allies that are still allies are protecting us"
Miss Zhao:"Statos?"
Metal-man:"Yes, they are from the allies that build our suits, but before the attack it seems they have had some malfunction as all got hit by something unknown"
Metal-man:"They have a stripe on their suits and seem to attack our allies"
Miss Zhao:"And these Statos got infected, or have a virus or what?"
Metal-man:"We are looking at them but the Statos keep attacking us"
Miss Zhao:"And this stripe is from the malfunction?"
Metal-man:"Yes, the malfunction adjusted their suits and their behavior, only those suit drones have been infected"
Metal-man will be M1-X - 782 from this point
Miss Zhao:"And you are here to collect sand for your nindium?"
M1-X - 782:"Yes, it would protect our ships and buildings on our planet"
M1-X - 782:"It would help with the Statos and their repair"
Miss Zhao:"Are you expecting the Statos to come to Earth?"
M1-X:"Some ships have been infected as some suits are Statos"
M1-X:"Those ships have been waiting outside the solar-system"
M1-X:"My suit has a communicationdevice with which I can get a status update"
Miss Zhao:"Your team on the ship is heading to Earth?"
M1-X:"Yes we like to explore planets with a manned suit, when it's friendly enough, we explore with more manned suits"
Miss Zhao:"When you contact them, we like to hear the entire comminucee in our language"
M1-X:"Most certainly"
Miss Zhao:"Is your ship near Earth?"
M1-X:"Yes, more precisely near Venus"
Camera in space filming Venus as a white ship flies in orbit flying into view
The ship is shaped lightly rectangled with round corners, on the side white which are separates on the ship, the front all white, corners are black
M1-X:"They are waiting for my communicee, and are looking for the other ships"
Miss Zhao:"Are all the other ships infected?"
M1-X:"Most suits are, however, those ships all have manned suits too, so it's being ocntained"
Camera on ships near solar system, 3 ships with the same look are waiting with the back showing
Thrusters with blue light are shown
Camera zooms in as camera films the roof, then the roof itself, it's inside and then inside the ship
Few manned suits walk around, as some suits are lying on the floor
Lights are flickering, and some suits are working with screens, flat pieces of glas with letters and buttons projected on it
M1-X:"The ships have been ordered to wait till I contact them"
Miss Zhao:"If your crew is still functioning good, they can come to assist us, for any Statos"
M1-X:"Yes, in the meantime, I can let them contact the other ships on their status"
Miss Zhao:"Do you expect many infected?"
M1-X:"Any Statos on the ship are being dismantled, should every suit be infected, then we have the manned suits left"
M1-X:"Which is an entire crew of 18 left"
M1-X:"A message takes 1 minute and the ship takes 43 minutes to reach Earth"
Miss Ree:"From Venus?"
M1-X:"Yes, the ships have a fast engine which we need for our trips to the buildinginstallments on the planets"
Zhao looks at him and then at Ree
Miss Ree:"Could you tell us more about your suit?"
Miss Ree:"We could share some technology after you've sent the comminucee"
M1-X:"We are pleased to share technology, but we must be able to check our technology for which might be infected by Statos"
M1-X:"I can also recommend the nindium for you"
Miss Ree:"Yes, please that would be great!"
Miss Zhao:"You could send your communicee now"
M1-X:"Yes and in your language as you requested"
Camera on M1-X
Ahn grabs the console and hands it to M1-X
Miss Ahn:"Your console"
M1-X:"Thank you"
Camera on M1-X and his console
He presses the console like using a menu
Screen suddenly show english
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
M1-X:"Now I'm sending the communicee"
M1-X:"Once received it'll be translated"
M1-X:"The text can be projected if you like to"
Miss Ree:"Cool"
M1-X pushes his console and a projection is shown
Screen shows: Status
Nindium material found
Planet Earth - friendly
Miss Zhao:"That's sound good"
Miss Zhao:"You may send it"
M1-X pushes his console
M1-X:"Message sent"
Ree looks at her console
She sees the message being read by the datacontrollers but the signal is being sent
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Zhao:"And now we chill"
M1-X:"Would you like to see the suit's battery?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah!"
M1-X:"It's that piece that covers the body area"
Ahn walks to the parts and grabs one piece
Miss Ahn:"This piece?"
M1-X:"Yes, it has the battery's main pack"
Miss Ree:"Main pack?"
M1-X:"It has several packs, this one is the biggest"
M1-X:"The other pack supplies energy to other parts when the main pack has to supply more energy to the systems for the airsupply, airfiltering and the suit's integrity.
Miss Ree:"How long can this pack supply energy to the suit?"
M1-X:"In earhtly hours, with average use, 72 hours"
Miss Ree:"And the pudding?"
M1-X:"It supplies energy for 700 hours"
Miss Ree:"We certainly like to look at your technology in detail"
M1-X console flickered and made a high beep sound
M1-X:"We have a communicee from the ship"
Miss Zhao:"Let's check it out"
M1-X projected the message
It floats as it desplays a blue screen with darker blue with white edged letters
Screen projection shows:Status update
Statos 0
Ship 1: 28 Statos - dismantled
Ship 2: 3 Statos - dismantled
Ship 3: 1 Statos - locating
Earth approach ?
M1-X:"That's the communicee"
Miss Zhao:"1 Statos locating?"
M1-X:"They are walking the ship looking for the Statos"
Miss Zhao:"Shouldn't they be dismantling?"
M1-X:"The Statos are cooperative in their 1st stage"
M1-X:"We research them, but when they attack us, we dismantle them"
M1-X:"They usually infect suits at the 2nd stage"
Miss Zhao:"And your ship has 0 Statos?"
M1-X:"The communicee is brief, to message efficient"
M1-X:"My suit's energy is almost depleted"
Miss Zhao:"We have the pudding in the lab"
Miss Jung:"Yes, perhaps you can tell us more about it?"
Miss Zhao:"In the meantime, we can let your suit charge"
Miss Jung:"Yes, we have the pudding at my lab, and did some scans"
Miss Ree:"Shall we bring it?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
Camera on Tran, Ko and Chen sitting in the pink car with black dresses
Tran is sitting at the wheel, with Ko at the passengerseat and Chen at the backseat
Miss Tran:"Alright, this is the dance event"
Miss Tran:"The building next to it has the servers we need"
Miss Ko:"I got the scans complete"
Miss Chen:"Any people?"
Miss Ko:"The building has a few people, probably guards"
Miss Tran:"We'll be at the dance event itself, you can regroup with us, otherwise head to the car"
Miss Chen:"Anything else?"
Miss Ko:"Yeah, don't make a tournament from fighting those guards"
Miss Tran:"You're ready?"
Miss Chen:"Yeah"
Miss Tran:"Let's do this"
Tran, Ko and Chen get out from the car
Miss Tran:"I'll get the car the moment we're done"
They head to the dance event and show their tickets
Miss Tran:"Oh, nice"
The stage has many lights, loud music and many people dancing
Camera on Tran, Ko and Chen
Miss Tran:"We'll be standing here, when you come back"
Miss Chen:"Ok"
Chen walks to the front near the stage
She walks to a staircase and walks to another level
She walks thru a door and is in the building
The walls are white and camera's hang on the ceiling
Camera on Tran and Ko
They are dancing
Music switches Ferry Corsten - Punk
Camera on Chen
Shw moves to 2 floors up
She peeps thru a door and looks around
The walls are white bricks with poreus
Camera on Chen
She looks to the left and walks alongside the walls
She looks up to the camera
It films the other side
Then it moves
She runs towards the wall and stands near the door under the camera
She uses a key while pressed against the wall
The camera rotates and films the hall from the door
Chen looks up waiting for the camera
The camera rotates and films the other hall
Chen opens the door and walks into the computerroom
Camera on computerroom
It´s a dark room with on the left corner front a stack of servers in serverclosets
The closets have blue lights
Next to them are more stacks with routers with green lights blinking
The sides of the room have some airco installments making a noise
Chen walks to the serverclosets
Miss Chen:"Alright, let's see"
Chen walks up to the servers
She inserts her USB-stick into a server
Miss Chen:"And a monitor"
She looks at the servers
She uses a switch
The monitor displays the server's output
Chen types some commands
The monitor displays many stuff with a line that reads: KoreanLET
Miss Chen:"Hi"
Chen types another command
Display shows:"Installing uplink"
Chen looks up at the monitor and her console
Miss Chen:"Come on, come on"
Camera on Ko
Ko looks at her console
Miss Ko:"Seems like Chen is getting some company"
Tran touches her earpiece
Miss Tran:"Chen, you might get some company"
Camera on Chen
Music still plays on
Miss Chen:"Yeah, I'm almost done"
Miss Tran:"Take the route to us"
Miss Chen:"Ok"
Chen looks at the monitor
Display shows:"Uplink establishing, purging"
Camera on Chen
She turns her face to the left from camera
Camera on Tran, Ko
Miss Ko:"Got two guards on her level"
Miss Ko:"ETA 1 minute"
Camera on Chen
Miss Chen:"Yeah, it's almost done"
Display shows:"Purging 98%"
Computer beeps
Display shows:"Purging complete"
Miss Chen:"And done"
She grabs her USB-stick and heads to the door
Chen looks at her console
She breaths in and out and walks thru the door
Chen faces the guards
Miss Chen:"Hi, I'm looking for the bathroom?"
Guard:"Yeah right"
Chen smiles and then hits them in the face
They both grab their face
Miss Chen:"Yeah, grab some ice"
Chen grabs one guard by the arm and swings him onto the other
Chen runs towards the staircase
Camera on Chen as she runs
She almost trips as she places her righthand on the floor and reaches for her earpiece with the lefthand and places her console in her pocket
Music at: DJ Go punk
Miss Chen:"I've got two guys chasing my honeybutt"
Camera on Tran, Ko
Ko and Tran dancing to the music
Miss Tran:"Run to us, we'll try to tackle them"
Miss Chen:"Ok"
Camera on Chen
Chen runs thru the staircase and to the floor with the dance event
The music is louder as Chen runs onto the dance floor towards Tran and Ko
Miss Chen:"Get the car out front"
Camera on Tran she looks at her console as the camera moves to the console, it rotates filming the console
Display shows:"Car on route"
Camera on Chen running with the two guards behind her
Camera on Tran and Ko
Miss Tran:"Keep running, the car is out front"
Camera on Chen
Miss Chen:"Ok"
Chen runs towards the crowd
Camera on street near the dance event
The black car is arriving as it unfolds the roof and opens it rightdoor
Camera on Chen
Miss Chen:"Help!"
She runs in between Tran and Ko
The guards run towards Tran and Ko
Tran and Ko let them trip
Miss Tran:"Oh my, you silly boy, do mind your step"
Miss Tran:"And don't harass that girl"
Miss Ko:"Naughty naughty boys"
Tran and Ko walk to Chen
Camera behind them as they run to the car
Tran steps on the passengerseats and sits on the driverseat
Chen jumps onto the backseat
Ko sits on the passengerseat
Camera on car with the roof folding
The car closes it's rightdoor
Camera on Tran with Chen behind her
Chen looks to her right
Miss Chen:"Drive!"
Camera on Tran's feet pushing the gaspedal
Camera on car as it speeds onto the street
Camera on Tran looking at the sidemirror
Camera moves upwards and sidewards and films the guards
The car drives onto the leftlowercorner
The guards grab their radio and call someone
Camera on car with Ko on left, Chen middle, Tran on right
Ko looks at her console
Miss Ko:"Seems we got a tail"
Tran speeds up and drives thru several corners
She drifts thru corners
Camera on a corner as the car drifts onto another street
They then drive into an alley
Camera on ground as car approaches
They stop near the camera
Camera on Tran
Miss Tran:"Get the stickers"
They get the stickers from the car revealing it's original pink paint
Miss Tran:"In the trunk"
Camera on Chen who puts some stickers in the trunk
Tran looks along the camera onto the street
Miss Tran:"All good?"
Miss Ko:"Yeah"
Camera on back of car as Chen puts everything in the trunk
Miss Chen:"Got a trunk full of junk"
Miss Tran:"Let's go"
Chen closes the trunk and jumps in
Camera on ground filming car as it moves to the door filming Tran's heel stepping in the car
Camera on Tran with Ko on the background and Chen on the right
They drive on as camera films them driving from the alley
Camera from tire filming the car driving onto the street
Camera from street moving upwards as the car drives inbetween the other traffic
Music fades
Camera on Ree´s lab Ree is standing near the white computertables
Ree is working on the computers standing with her jacket on
The big screen shows a wireframe of Jet-1
Camera on sliding doors
The glass doors have <<< on it
The area between these doors are a desinfecting and temperature controlling area
Kang walks thru the doors as it slides
She waits in the area
A few sprays spray on her
One is aimed at her butt
Camera on her butt showing the spray hitting the pants as she looks at it
Miss Kang:"Whoa!"
The sprayers move back
She looks and the 2nd door slides open
Camera on Kang near the second glass door
As she walks on to the lab she looks at Ree
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:Hey, the sprayers are getting naughty"
Kang keeps walking towards Ree
Camera rotates from Kang walking to Ree as Kang walks near the camera
Miss Ree:"I have them recalibrated to desinfect anything M1X and pudding could carry"
Miss Ree:"Jung said nothing medicallywise could infect humans, but they could harm something in the lab" Miss Ree:"Jung's lab sprayers are doing it too"
Kang is standing near Ree with her side to the camera
Miss Kang:"Alright, a report could wait for now" Miss Ree:"Exactly"
Miss Ree:"I'm doing the extensive analysis with Ahn"
Miss Kang:"Is she in the AVRoom?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, she's running a recording"
Camera on Ahn in the AVRoom
It's a room with a screen as big as the wall
On the walls and the ceilings are emitors projecting screens Ahn is standing and looking at a projected M1-X
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Pause"
The mainscreenimage pause
She uses a projected screen on the side
She uses it and touches a bar
It follows her finger as she bar slides along showing the light increasing on the big screen
She uses the projected screen again
Then she uses another on the other side
Miss Ahn:"Resume"
The image plays on, showing M1-X
Miss Ahn:"Run simulation"
The image shows a simulated M1-X
Ahn is taking a pose as M1-X walks towards her
As M1-X is about to strike a pose the simulation holds and stutters
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Pause"
Ahn presses her earpiece
Miss Ahn:"Ree"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Ahn"
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Got the simulation on hold, it's still processing data from the vehicles"
Miss Ahn:"Are you doing other processing?"
Ahn is walking towards the screens
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but the simulation is complete"
Miss Ree:"I'll run a systems check"
Ree bends towards a keyboard and starts typing
Miss Ree:"Alright, I'm refreshing the simulation"
Miss Ree:"Re-run it"
Miss Ree:"Systems check show systems were active, alot"
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Refreshing, simulation running"
Miss Ahn:"Yeah, it's great now"
Camera on screens
Screens show M1-X striking a pose
Camera on Ahn
She strikes a pose too and starts "fighting" with M1-X
Miss Ahn:"The simulation is great, Ree!"
Ahn and M1-X are "fighting"
Ahn moves her arm up against M1-X and hits him with the flat hand
M1-X steps back and falls
M1-X jumps back up
M1-X strikes another fightingpose
Miss Ahn:"Yeah!"
Miss Ahn:"Pause"
Ahn walks to the door and walks thru
The screens and projector go off
Miss Ahn:"The simulation is great!"
Camera on Ree and Kang as Ahn walks towards them
Miss Ahn:"I just "fought" M1-X on the simulation, if we have something like his suit, we could have equal strength"
Ahn walks and stands near Ree and Kang
Miss Ree:"Yeah, that metal suit is pretty hard for humans"
Miss Kang:"Except Tan, she dented his suit"
Miss Ahn:"So the simulation is ready"
Miss Ahn:"Have you processed the other data?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, the scans show some tactical"
Miss Ree:"M1-X is going to share his technology"
Miss Ree:"So we could design the clothing with the metal he uses"
Miss Kang:"And something against those needles"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Part 3
At Jung's lab
Camera on Ree, Zhao pushing a cart with the M1-X suit, followed by Jung and M1-X
M1-X is wearing a I love NY shirt, with jeans
Miss Zhao:"So, this is your powersupply?"
M1-X:"Yes, it's a technological and biological being capable of generating energy"
M1-X:"I have to put the main battery pack near, so it can charge fast"
M1-X:"It's maximal range for charging is 1.43 mile (2.3 km) in most atmospheres"
Miss Ree:"Wow, that's amazing!"
Miss Ree:"Does it charge other devices too?"
M1-X:"Yes, batterycharging can be done with most batteries, once it's specifications are known"
Miss Ree:"That's great technology"
Miss Jung:"How can it regenerate power?"
M1-X:"That's collecting solar and wind power"
M1-X:"It converts heat, light and wind into energy"
M1-X:"Your technology is an early version of this one"
Miss Ree:"So, you have added biology to your technology?"
Miss Ree:"That's very impressive"
M1-X:"This is a specific kind of technology which is very advanced, but your similar technology shows that you are getting there too"
Miss Ree:"Thanks"
Miss Jung:"What does the biological part do?"
M1-X:"It regenerates for the whole to be fully functioning"
M1-X:"When I place this suit near and I use the console, it recharges fully"
Miss Zhao:"That's so cool!"
Miss Ree:"And the suit itself?"
Miss Ree:"Does it have any absorbing parts?"
M1-X:"The suit, it's metal and the battery do that"
M1-X:"I want to show the formula to build the metal"
M1-X grabs the console and puts the chest part from the suit up
M1-X uses the console as it projects a formula for the metal
M1-X:"This is the formula for the metal"
Miss Ree:"That is very similar to our formula"
Miss Ree:"Is that the measurements of the metal?"
M1-X:"Yes, it's a very bendable metal and it also can be a milimeter thin"
Miss Ree:"That would be great, we could integrate it into our clothing"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, you think we would be fighting Statos?"
M1-X:"My ship is coming to Earth, it has 0 Statos, but when they are active aboard the ship, we could be"
M1-X:"My crew will be dismantling any Statos"
M1-X:"But if you can integrate this metal into your clothing, it could be useful"
Miss Ree:"Could we build that metal in 43 minutes?"
M1-X:"Yes, but the integrating might take some time"
M1-X:"It has several building techniques that could be used"
Miss Ree:"We could use two for a stronger construction"
M1-X:"Yes, it needs to be solid and venting"
Miss Zhao:"Alright, let's do that"
Camera on Zhao
She grabs a console and takes scans of M1-X metal formula
Camera on Kang
The wallscreen is showing a statistics screen with a constant animation
Kang is standing with her rightside to the screen
Miss Kang:"Hey Lady Admin"
Miss Kang:"See if you can find a good spot for M1-X's ship to land"
Miss Kang:"A tactical place, with a driveable road for our vehicles nearby or within a 1 mile radius"
Lady Admin:"I'll send the locations to your screen"
Miss Kang:"Great, thanks"
Kang touches her earpiece as she looks at the wallscreen
Miss Kang:"Zhao"
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
Camera on Kang
She is looking at the wallscreen as it shows a map with an indicator to the landingpoint for the ship
Miss Kang:"I've got Lady Admin looking for a landsingssite for M1-X's ship to land"
Miss Kang:"Tell M1-X to get his ship"
Kang's earpiece beeped
Miss Kang:"Hold on"
She touches her earpiece
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Lady Admin:"I've got a landingssite, it's on your screen"
Lady Admin:"I also saw that his previous landing was with the ship invisible"
Lady Admin:"Perhaps they can land like that again, got the site secure"
Miss Kang:"Thanks"
Kang touches her earpiece again
Miss Kang:"Zhao, tell M1-X to get his ship, got a landingssite, check it on your screen"
Camera on Zhao
Miss Kang:"His other ship was invisible, perhaps they can land like that again"
Miss Kang:"We got security around the site"
Miss Zhao:"Got it"
Camera on Kang
Kang touches her earpiece again
Kang looks at her wallscreen
It shows the landingssite with several routes for the team to drive
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"I received a message that you can get your ship to Earth"
M1-X:"I shall send a message to my ship immediatly"
M1-X grabs his console and types a message
Zhao touches a monitor and shows the map with the landingslocation
M1-X:"Is this the location to land?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, can you use the coördinates?"
M1-X:"I can scan the screen with the map"
Miss Ree:"I suggest I start with the metal"
Miss Zhao:"Right, I'll join you soon"
Miss Ree:"Alright"
Ree walks thru the doors of Jung's lab
M1-X projects the message
Message shows:
Earth approach OK
Locations within scan
The scan is showen with an indicator to the landingsspot
M1-X:"That's the message"
Miss Zhao:"Alright, send it"
M1-X sends the message
M1-X:"It will be 43 minutes to get here for the ship"
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
Camera on Zhao as she sits and leans on one hand
Zhao smiles
Zhao gets up and walks to the rightside of the camera
Camera on the ship near Venus
It leaves orbit as it heads to Earth
A beam is seen approaching the ship
It hits the ship as a part on top of the ship is hit
Another few beams hit the engines exhausts
The engine exhausts turn off
Another ship can be seen flying by as the other ship floats on
The other ship is a similar ship
It flies faster toward Earth
The other ship is floating slowly and forward
Camera on Gym
Ahn and Tan are at the gym
Camera on Ahn putting her gloves on
Camera on Tan putting her boots on
Ahn and Tan are getting ready to train
Camera on Tan
Miss Tan:"So, I heard you ate an alien"
Tan smiles broadly
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"It was just a little bit, and not damaging"
Miss Ahn:"It was nice"
Camera on Tan
Miss Tan:"I'm sure it was"
Tan winks
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"You done?"
Ahn puts her fists in front of her face ready to fight
Camera zooms in on Ahn's face
Ahn focuses
Camera on Tan
Miss Tan:"Me, never"
Tan slides her feet into a fighting position with her fists up
Camera zooms in on Tan's face
Tan smiles
Camera on side filming both Tan and Ahn
Ahn runs to Tan and hits Tan as Tan dodges her
Tan grabs Ahn and tries to hold her arms
Ahn ducks and rolls to behind Tan
She swings her feet trying to trip Tan
Tan jumps as Ahn gets up
Ahn is holding her fists in front of her face again
She is taking a swing at Tan
Tan grabs Ahn's hand, Ahn is hitting Tan with the other as Tan grabs her other hand
Ahn holds her fingers and locks them with Tan's fingers
Ahn pulls Tan's hand to her hips
Tan tries to move them back up
Ahn swiftly pulls Tan's arm over Tan's head and grabs them firmly
Ahn is pushing Tan with her feet to the knee (back) forcing Tan to the floor
Ahn then pushes one knee into her back
She holds her arms up
Miss Ahn:"Anything else to say?"
Tan sits on the butt and kicks Ahn to the shoulder, Ahn lets go of Tan's hands
Ahn grabs Tan by the hands again as Tan gets up
Ahn and Tan are hitting and kicking eachother
Ahn kicks Tan as she grabs Ahn's leg and pushes it
Ahn quickly kicks Tan with the other leg as Tan falls
Ahn walks to Tan as she reaches to Tan with her hand
Tan grabs her hand as she gets up
They stand facing eachother as Tan gets closer to Ahn
Miss Tan:"Yeah"
Tan holds Ahn and climbs up on her
Ahn tries to move Tan but she's got herself pinned on Ahn
Ahn grabs her arms and pulls them but Tan has got a tight grip on her
She tries to move Tan by grabbing her and pulling her
Tan then grabs Ahn by the waist and sits on the ground rolling forward as she tackles Ahn hitting the mats
Ahn gets back up as Tan jumps on her landing her feet alongside Ahn
She then sits on Ahn
She bends forward and talks to Ahn
Miss Tan:"I win"
Tan smiles broadly
Miss Ahn:"Nice one"
The monitor beeps
Screen shows:"Standby in 30 minutes"
They get up
Miss Ahn:"Gonna freshen up"
Miss Tan:"Yeah"
Camera on Ree
The machine is busy building the metal as the mainscreen shows the scans from M1-X's metal formula
Zhao is walking in the lab, Ree is working on a computer while the machine's sounds can be heard
Miss Zhao:"You think the metal will be build before they arrive?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but we have to integrate them into the clothing"
Miss Zhao:"And the testing?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, we have to do that"
Miss Ree:"We could also be heading to the ship"
Miss Ree:"So I have run some simulations to check on full range movability with those jackets"
Miss Ree:"The simulations are alright, but we need to try the jackets"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, M1-X has send the message"
Miss Ree:"Nice!"
Miss Zhao:"Very"
Ree and Zhao walk up to the machine
It has several metal sheets
Alongside are the chain parts
Miss Ree:"At this rate we have about 7 jackets done"
Miss Ree:"These chain parts are for the shoulders and elbows"
Miss Ree:"Makes it very comfortable"
Miss Zhao:"And the integrating?"
Miss Ree:"Very good too"
Miss Ree:"It's simply holding the parts on their place"
Miss Ree:"So we can hit those suits that they wear, if we have to"
Miss Zhao:"And those needles?"
Miss Ree:"They are coming at a high speed, the metal can take it, but the neck could be hit"
Miss Ree:"So, I have to think something up for that"
Miss Ree:"Something magnetic, maybe"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, I could ask M1-X, heading to him now"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, ask what they do"
Miss Zhao:"Ok"
Zhao walks from the lab to the doors, they slide open
Camera on Lady Admin at her desk
She is looking at her monitors
She is looking at one monitor, then the other, she uses the screens which show images from the landingssite
Camera on meeting room
Kim is talking with Xing and Park
The screen is showing the map with the landingssite and the routes, and marking parkingpoints on the routes
They send the map to the consoles and walk towards the door
Camera on parkingspace underground
Choi is working on the vehicles, testing the batteries with the EMP's
Xing approaches Choi and helps her clean up
As they walk to the door they press the button activating the mechanical arms
Camera on Ree at the lab
Ree is working on the clothing
A simulation is shown with a needle approaching a 3/4 round object pulling and pushing magnetically the needle
Camera on Kim with Ree and Kang watching her
Kim is using clothing with the metal
She is striking poses and stretches her legs, using several martial arts techniques practicing
Kim is doing the split as Ree watches Kang smiling
Camera at Jung's lab
Jung is looking at the console
Zhao is walking to M1-X
Miss Zhao:"So we've been producing the metal for the clothing"
Miss Zhao:"They are good"
Miss Zhao:"We were curious about the needles"
M1-X:"Yes, they are a way to have opponents being distracted and get a headstart"
Miss Zhao:"Could you tell us what they do?"
M1-X:"Yes, they are a sleep activation carrier"
Jung gets up and looks at M1-X
M1-X:"They have a liquid that is brought into the person letting that person sleep almost instantly"
M1-X:"Usually for 2 days"
M1-X:"Some persons can sleep shorter"
Miss Jung:"Is there a treatment for that?"
M1-X:"Yes, but it should be used before the needle hits a person"
Miss Zhao:"They do come at a high speed"
M1-X:"Yes, but the treatment could be taken before a battle"
Miss Jung:"Could you give us the treatment?"
M1-X:"Yes, it's an easy recipe"
Miss Zhao:"Is it an easy to swallow thing?"
M1-X:"Yes, but it's flavour is strong"
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
Miss Jung:"I should produce 16 immediatly"
M1-X:"I shall show you the recipe"
M1-X holds his console and shows the recipe
Jung scans it
Miss Jung:"Alright, I'll produce 16 now"
Miss Zhao:"And we are looking for the needleprotection for the neck"
M1-X:"The needles are aimed at the chest and legs"
M1-X:"It allows the liquid to circulate faster"
M1-X:"You could build protection for the neck, but it might be useful to use the metal layered clothing"
Miss Zhao:"Ree has some design for it, but we could use the jackets to protect the neck"
M1-X:"Yes, that would be good"
Zhao smiles
Jung walks to them holding a few tubes
Miss Jung:"I've got a few potions"
Miss Zhao:"Did you taste it?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, it tastes great"
Miss Zhao:"So we take these before a battle and when we get hit by a needle, we should stay awake?"
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
The consoles beep
Zhao grabs hers
Consolescreen shows:"Suit up at Ree's lab"
Miss Zhao:"We'll be getting ready"
Miss Jung:"We have a monitor at the stasisroom that can show us the view and ETA for your ship"
M1-X:"Yes, and should I suit up too?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
They grab the suit and walk to the stasisroom
Miss Zhao:"When we head to your ship you can bring your pudding too"
M1-X:"My suit is already charged"
M1-X:"I can suit up within a few seconds"
Miss Zhao:"Great"
Jung and Zhao walk to Ree's lab
Camera on Kang
Kang is at her office looking at the screens
Screen shows the landingssite and the routes to drive
Camera on Lady Admin
Lady Admin is sitting behind her screens doing some stuff while watching the radar
Camera on Ree's lab
Zhao and Jung walk to the lab as they approach Ree and grab their metalclothing
Camera on Lady Admin
Radar shows several points making sounds
She stands up and holds her earpiece
Lady Admin:"Got several contacts on radar"
Lady Admin:"Relaying coordinates to consoles now"
She presses the button and walks to the parkingspace
Camera on parkingspace
Camera films on the right the bikes followed by the blue car with the van in the background
Zhao, Ahn and Choi are already getting on the bikes, as Ree walks to the car, followed by Jung and Tan, Kim, Xing and Park
Kang and Vu are standing near the Jet-1, getting their jackets and gloves on
Camera on Zhao, Choi and Ahn
They start up their bikes and drive
Zhao drives first, followed by Choi, Ahn
They drive along the camera to the left
Camera turns along as they drive thru the parkingspace door
Camera on Lady Admin
She uses her jetpack and goes up
Camera on Ree and Jung
They are in the blue car as they drive after Zhao, Choi and Ahn on the bikes thru the parkingspace door
Camera view on Jet-1
Kang and Vu blast off vertically thru the hatch
Camera view on base from outside
The Jet-1 flies upwards and onwards as Zhao, Ahn and Choi drive on, followed by Ree and Jung
The van drives with Kim, Xing, Tan and Park, as Lady Admin flies alongside them
Ahn and Choi turn left, while Zhao turns right, Ree and Jung keep driving on
They all drive to the coordinates on the console
Camera on Jet-1, Kang and Vu are flying to the coordinates
Vu looks at the screen
Miss Vu:"I got three more contacts in Tokyo"
Miss Kang:"Nice"
Kang looks at her screen
She touches her earpiece
Miss Kang:"Lady Admin, go to the landingssite"
Miss Kang:"We'll fly to Tokyo"
Miss Kang:"Got anything else on your radar?"
Lady Admin:"Landingssite is clear, still scanning for the ship"
Miss Kang:"Alright"
Camera on Lady Admin
She flies towards the landingssite
A few cars looking the same are standing near the landingssite
Camera on Kang and Vu in Jet-1
Miss Kang:"Set the coordinates to Tokyo"
Miss Vu:"Got it"
Miss Kang:"Let's use maximum speed"
Miss Vu:"Got it"
Miss Kang:"Do it"
Camera on Jet-1
The engines are making a high sound as Jet-1 accelerates
The wings are moving to the back forming a smaller Jet-1 with the wings at the same level as the tail
Camera on Kang's screen
Jet-1 female voice:"Mach systems ready, activating Mach, Mach 1"
The oxygen masks deploy covering Kang's and Vu's mouth
The screen is showing the speed in Mach as it's building up
A loud sound can be heard
Miss Vu:"Thru the sound barrier"
Jet-1 female voice:"Mach 2, Mach 3, Mach 4, Mach 5, Mach 6, Mach 7"
Jet-1 female voice:"Mach speed 7 achieved"
Miss Kang:"Gotta tell Ree did very good on those inertial dampeners"
Miss Kang:"It feels like we're floating"
Miss Vu:"Yeah, floating very fast"
Miss Vu:"The others might have already made contact"
Camera on Jet-1 from outside
Jet-1 blasts at Mach 7
Camera on Choi
Choi drives on her bike in Central Park
She drives and stops, shuts down the engine and gets off
Choi grabs her console and looks around
Miss Choi:"Should be here somewhere"
Miss Choi:"Hello aliens?"
Miss Choi:"We come in peace"
Miss Choi:"Hello?"
Choi looks around and on her console
Console shows a contact near her
Choi looks around
Camera on Ahn
She drives and pulls over
She gets off her bike
She grabs her console and looks around
Camera on Ree and Jung as they drive onto a street that has been cleared from traffic
Ree and Jung look around
Miss Ree:"It's quiet"
Miss Jung:"Too quiet"
Miss Ree:"The street has been cleared from traffic, so you know, but still"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, quite a sight"
Jung looks to her right onto the street and along and on the buildings
Miss Ree:"Console indicates that they are on a building"
Console shows three contacts moving on a few feet high on the buildings
Miss Jung:"If they could hold still for a while"
Jung keeps looking upwards while looking for the aliens
Miss Ree:"Yeah, are they jumping on the buildings?"
Miss Ree:"Maybe I should draw their attention"
Ree looks on the building with a alien standing on it
Camera on Ree looking up at the buildings
Camera moves from Ree to alien looking at them
Camera moves from alien to Ree
Miss Ree:"That one is looking at us"
Miss Jung:"Already got their attention"
Camera on Choi
Choi is looking around and looks at a tree
Miss Choi:"Clever"
An alien with a white suit is sitting in a tree
Miss Choi:"Hello"
Miss Choi:"We come in peace"
Miss Choi:"I am Choi"
The alien is looking at her and then looking around
Alien is standing up and looks at her
Miss Choi:"Yeah, come to me"
Miss Choi:"We could talk and become allies"
Alien is looking at her
Alien goes thru the knees and jumps on the ground
Alien:"Iyah" with the ah part echohing lightly
The alien runs toward the bike and then on the street
Miss Choi:"Hey, wait"
She walks to the bike
She uses her console to fire up the bike
She straddles the bike, puts in the console and drives
Camera on Choi from the front leftside on her bike
Miss Choi:"Hey, the alien I saw is running"
Camera on Kang in Jet-1
Miss Kang:"Keep them in range"
Camera on Kang's screen, several contacts are shown with colored arrows showing where the Team is
Miss Vu:"We are almost at Tokyo"
Camera on Kang looking at her screen, then at front looking at Tokyo
Camera aside from Jet-1 on Tokyo
The lights are on, a colourful sight is shown
Miss Kang:"Seems like they already saw the aliens"
Camera on street with people looking, pointing and taking pictures of the aliens
Jet-1 approaches and floats near the camera
Miss Kang:"Good morning"
People are pointing at the aliens
Miss Kang:"What are they doing there?"
Miss Vu:"Sightseeing?"
Miss Kang:"Did you see any more contacts in this area?"
Miss Vu:"These two"
Miss Kang:"Let's see if they can come along"
Miss Vu:"I'm seeing two more small contacts"
Miss Kang:"Shaped like some ship"
Kang is looking at her screen and then at the aliens again
Miss Kang:"Let's see if we can lure them"
Kang is moving Jet-1 towards and then from the aliens to the right
The aliens are moving from Jet-1, towards their ships
Their ships become more visible as they get closer
Miss Kang:"That's nice"
Kang looks at them as they board their ships
Miss Vu:"Are you gonna bring them to the others?"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, maybe these got lost or something"
Vu looks at her screens
Miss Vu:"The others seem to be near them"
The aliens board their ship
Camera on Kang, she's looking at the aliens
Camera on Ahn, she's standing with the console looking around
Miss Ahn:"Choi, did you say your contact was in a tree?"
Camera on Choi
Miss Choi:"Yeah and I'm following it, it's very fast on it's feet"
Choi avoids some cars
Miss Choi:"Whoa!"
Console beeps, showing traffic
Choi drives between the cars
Miss Ahn:"Alright, drive safe"
Camera on Ree and Jung
Ree is looking up at the alien
Miss Ree:"He's moving"
The alien is crawling on the side of the building onto the street
He grabs the building and climbs down
Miss Jung:"That was easy"
The alien is staring at them
Miss Ree:"Let's park the car"
Ree drives to the side to park the car
As they drive towards the alien, the alien starts to run
Miss Jung:"It's only an engine"
Miss Ree:"Hey, everyone, ours is running too"
Ree touches her earpiece
Miss Ree:"Load the map and look where they are running to"
Miss Jung:"Got it"
Jung uses the car's screen which shows a map with the Team and the contacts
Camera on Jung
Miss Jung:"It's a fast scenic route so far"
Camera on blue car as it's following the alien
Camera on Zhao
Zhao is driving her bike slowly looking for the alien
Camera on Zhao's face from leftside of bike
Miss Zhao:"Looking for aliens"
Miss Zhao:"Something new everyday"
Camera on Kang and Vu
Miss Kang:"We have to lead them back with the others"
Kang flies Jet-1
Camera on Jet-1, they fly slowly back as they alienships lift up
Camera on Vu
Miss Vu:"They are lifting up"
Miss Kang:"Let's see if they will follow us"
Camera on Jet-1 from front with the alienships behind them
They fly behind at the side of Jet-1
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"They're following"
Miss Kang:"Let's go faster, slowly"
They accelerate as the alienships follow them
Miss Vu:"They are keeping up easily"
Miss Kang:"Build up to Mach 1"
Miss Vu:"Mach 1"
Jet-1 accelerates to Mach 1
Kang looks at her screen
Miss Kang:"At Mach 1 see if they can follow us"
Miss Kang:"Then keep accelerating, till they fall behind"
Kang looks at her screen
Miss Vu:"Mach 3 and accelerating"
Camera on Jet-1 from side alongside Jet-1 filming the alienships
The alienships are flying in formation keeping up easily
Camera on Kang
Camera on Ahn
Ahn looks at a tree and sees an alien behind it
She looks at her console and then at the alien
Ahn smiles
She approaches the alien
Miss Ahn:"Hi!"
Camera on alien, who looks at Ahn and then runs
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Oh come on!"
Ahn runs to her bike, plugs the console, straddles it and fires it up
She drives towards the alien thru the traffic
Camera on Ahn from front
She touches her earpiece
Miss Ahn:"I'm following mine too"
Camera on Ahn from behind
She drives thru the traffic
She drives faster as the camera remains stationery
Camera on Zhao
She touches her earpiece
Miss Zhao:"Still looking for my..."
An alien runs by her
Camera on Zhao, she looks at the alien running by
Miss Zhao:"Contact!"
Zhao speeds up her bike following the alien thru the traffic
Miss Zhao:"Following mine now!"
Camera on Zhao from front
Miss Zhao:"Come on alien, let's have a talk"
Camera on Zhao's foot on the bike as she speeds up
Camera on Zhao from top with Zhao at the leftbottom and the alien thru the traffic at the topright with traffic and lights on
Camera on Choi
Choi is following the alien
Camera on Ahn
Ahn is following another alien
Camera on Zhao
Zhao is following her alien
Camera on Kim, Tan, Park and Xing
They are looking around at a corner of a street
Camera on Tan and Park
They are using the screen in the van
Miss Kim:"Anything?"
Miss Tan:"The landingssite is clear and I don't see the aliens yet"
Kim looks at the street
Miss Kim:"We can pickup M1X after the ship has landed"
Camera on Ree and Jung
They are driving fast thru the traffic
Miss Jung:"They are still running around"
Miss Ree:"We need to intercept them"
Camera on Ree and Jung from behind as they drive in between cars
Camera on Kang and Vu
The aliens are still following as they keep on accelerating
Miss Kang:"Let's accelerate to Mach 7 faster"
Miss Kang:"They seem to keep up easy"
Miss Kang:"Might as well reunite with the Team"
Miss Vu:"Accelerating to Mach 7"
Miss Vu:"Mach 5"
Miss Vu:"Seems they are catching up"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Camera on alienships that are approaching Jet-1
Miss Kang:"Mach 7"
Miss Vu:"Mach 7, ok"
Camera on Jet-1 as it boosts forward
The alienships fly faster too
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"They can keep up"
Camera alongside Kang as the alienships fly by Jet-1 and accelerate
Miss Kang:"They can fly faster than us"
Miss Kang:"Get to Mach 7"
Vu pushes the Mach stick to Mach 7
Miss Vu:"Mach 7 achieved in 3, 2, 1"
Miss Kang:"Seems they are flying ahead of us now, steady"
Miss Kang:"They seem to be regrouping with the others"
Miss Kang:"Keep them in radarrange"
Miss Vu:"Got it"
Camera on Kang
She touches her earpiece
Miss Kang:"Alright Team, we are heading back to NYC"
Miss Kang:"We are going to rendez-vous"
Miss Kang:"I've got two coordinates, sending coordinates to your console"
Miss Kang:"From your current locations"
Miss Kang:"Zhao, Ahn, Ree, Jung and me will get to coordinates A"
Miss Kang:"Choi, Kim, Xing, Park, Tan, Vu and Lady Admin will get to coordinates B"
Miss Kang:"We could lure them to us, so we can communicate with them"
Miss Kang:"Zhao, Ahn, Ree, Jung, form an J-shape with with Ree and Jung at the bend"
Miss Kang:"Choi, Kim, Xing, Park and Tan can park in the alley"
Miss Kang:"Once we are in need, you can move into action"
Miss Kang:"Absolute radiosilence when at the coordinates"
Miss Kang:"Use adjusted EMP's as first weapon when needed"
Kang touches her earpiece
Miss Kang:"Vu, make sure you are standing in the alley where they can't see you"
Miss Kang:"Any shields might be detected"
Miss Vu:"Got it"
Miss Vu:"Lady Admin messaged the ship isn't at the landingssite yet"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Camera on Jet-1 as they fly towards NYC
Camera on Ree and Jung as they drive to the coordinates
They slow down, park and get out as they walk to the front of the car
Ree leans on the hood, Jung stands alongside the car's rightside near the headlight
Camera on Zhao and Ahn, approaching Ree and Jung
Zhao drives and parks
Camera moves to right as Ahn approaches and parks between Zhao and Jung
They both get off their bikes as they stand in between the bikes next to each other
Camera on Zhao and Ahn
Ahn is stretching her arms and legs a bit
Miss Zhao:"Ladies"
Camera on Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"Hi"
Ree is looking at her console and looks to Zhao and Ahn
Miss Ree:"Hi"
Ree looks at her console
Camera on alley
The van comes driving as Xing turns off the lights
Camera on street as the can stops near the camera
Camera on Kim and Xing sitting in the van
Tan and Park are busy with the screen
Camera on Jet-1 it flies towards Ree, Jung, Zhao and Ahn
Jet-1 lands as Kang gets out of Jet-1 and walks to Ree, Jung, Zhao and Ahn
Camera on Vu as the protective glass shuts as Vu flies to the alley
Camera moves to Kang as she approaches Ree
Miss Kang:"Lady Admin reported that the landingssite is clear"
Miss Ree:"We could scan with the satellite, with M1-X assistence"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Miss Kang:"So let's try to lure them to us, they might have regrouped too"
Miss Kang:"We need to communicate with them"
Camera on alley
The van is standing on the left as Jet-1 is hovering above the van
Miss Vu:"Right above you"
Camera on Kim and Xing
Xing is looking up
Camera on the van standing on the left as a bike engine can be heard
Choi is driving as she drives thru the corned into the alley
She drives slowly and quietly as she turns off her light, she stops alongside the van
Camera on Choi from her left with Xing and Kim and the background
Miss Xing:"Hola"
Choi turns her head gently
Miss Choi:"Hey"
Miss Xing:"What's a beauty like you doing so late in an alley?"
Choi looks amazed
Miss Choi:"Same as you"
Miss Xing:"Maybe we can hang out, yes?"
Xing frowns her eyebrows
Choi looks annoyed and steps two steps backwards with her bike
Miss Xing:"I've got a beauty in my mirror"
Choi sighs
Choi steps three steps forward with her bike
Camera on Xing from behind Choi filming Choi and Xing
Xing looks over the door at Choi's butt
Miss Xing:"Got a lovely view from here!"
Choi looks annoyed again, sighs folds her arms and looks to the up right
Camera on Lady Admin, approaching from behind, she is walking
She heads towards the van and walks to Kim
Lady Admin:"Hi"
Miss Kim:"Hi"
She walks to the van's door and slides it open
She puts her jetpack in
Jet-1 makes a sound as Vu manouvers the Jet behind the van
Lady Admin climbs aboard and sits on Kang's seat
Vu let's Jet-1 hover above the van again
Camera on Kang
Kang stands near Ree as they wait for the aliens
Miss Kang:"Anything?"
Ree looks at her console
Miss Ree:"They are regrouping"
Ree looks at her console again
Miss Ree:"The signal is being surpressed"
Miss Ree:"Maybe they are standing somewhere else"
Camera behind Jung filming with Kang and Ree on the leftside
Miss Jung:"There they are!"
Jung points with her rightarm
Camera on aliens
They are walking with in a V formation towards Kang and the Team
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Alright ladies, stay sharp, we need to communicate"
Miss Kang:"The others are on standby"
Camera on the aliens, they are walking towards Kang as they all stand near a Teammember
Camera on alien near Ree
Alien1:"Take me to your leader"
Camera on Ahn and Zhao
Miss Ahn:"That's classic"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"
Miss Ahn:"How many movies did we send to space?"
Miss Zhao:"We did?"
Ahn looks at Zhao with a doubted look on her face
Camera on Ree
She points at Kang
Miss Ree:"That's our leader"
Camera on Kang and the alien standing near her
Miss Kang:"Greetings"
Alien3:"We are from Terratreesa and we are here to get our leader back"
Camera on Ahn and the alien near her
Miss Ahn:"Hey, can you dance?"
Miss Ahn:"LIke the robot?"
Ahn is doing robot dance moves as the alien is looking at her
Miss Ahn:"Maybe you can do the monkey?"
Camera from Ahn from behind as Ahn is shaking her arms like a monkey
Miss Ahn:"Can you dance at all?"
The alien is looking at her the same
Zhao leans towards Ahn
Miss Zhao:"I don't think they can dance"
Camera on Kang and the alien
Miss Kang:"Who is your leader?"
Alien3:"M1-X 782"
Miss Kang:"We can bring him back to his ship"
Alien3:"We can do that"
Miss Kang:"Your leader has sent you other orders"
Alien3:"Our orders are to retreive him"
Miss Kang:"And what if we don't bring him to you?"
Alien3:"Then we'll have to use force"
Alien3 makes some technological sounds
The aliens take a step back and make a charging sound
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Ladies"
Camera on Zhao and Ahn from behind on hip level
They both form fists
Camera on Jung as she zips her jacket and puts her rightfoot back
Camera on Ree as she is still leaning on the hood with her console
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Ree!"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yeah, yeah"
The aliens are about to strike as the Kang, Jung, Ahn and Zhao are ready to strike
The car and bikes deploy their weapons as they launch 3 EMP balls to each alien
Car's weapons launches 6 to the aliens near Ree and Kang, Ahn's bike towards the alien near Jung and Ahn and Zhao's bike towards the alien near Zhao
The aliens get a surge and fall down
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Ree!"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yes?"
Miss Kang:"You could've told us about your EMP's"
Miss Ree:"Oh yeah"
Miss Ree:"I've upgraded the EMP's so they would be down for a while"
Miss Kang:"Alright"
Camera on Zhao and Ahn
Miss Ahn:"That was so cool"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, me punching them is even cooler"
Camera on Jung
Miss Jung:"So are they gonna lay around here?"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yeah, for a while"
Miss Ree:"We could do this all night, till the batteries are out"
Miss Ree:"Then at dawn, the batteries can charge again and we could use it again"
Miss Kang:"Are they all drones?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, the feet are different from M1-X, he told me that"
Camera on aliens
They are on the floor all out
One moves slowly again
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Seems like they're moving again"
Miss Jung:"We got more balls"
Miss Zhao:"Ha"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah we do"
Camera on aliens, they are standing up
The launches emit more EMP balls to them
When they get up, they get hit again
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Could you let them stay off longer?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Ree:"I'm seeing more aliens coming"
Camera on Vu
She looks at the screen
Miss Vu:"Be on standby, more is coming"
Camera on Choi with Xing and Kim on her right
Choi is looking focused
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Get those EMP's ready"
Miss Ree:"Ready"
The aliens are approaching, 11 more
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Yeah!"
The aliens approach them and are fighting them
The launches are launching EMP balls but the aliens are getting back up faster
Camera on Jung and Ahn
Ahn is kicking and hitting an alien and so is Jung
Miss Jung:"Ree, use more balls!"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, one sec!"
Ree is fighting an alien too
Camera on Vu
Miss Vu:"Ladies, let's assist them!"
Camera on Choi from behind near the reartire
She fire the bike up, and switches gear with her foot
She speeds up,
Camera alongside bike filming front
She drives towards the fightscene
Xing drives fast towards the fightscene as well
Vu and Lady Admin fly Jet-1
Camera on Ree
Ree kicks and hits the alien and throws it to the floor
Ree uses her console and more EMP balls are used
Camera on Choi who drives towards an alien
She uses her brakes to let the back of the bike turn and hit an alien
Choi places her bike towards most aliens as the weapons deploy
The van drifts with Kim's side facing the scene
She uses her weapon to take out a few aliens
Tan and Park jump out as Tan grabs an alien right in front of the camera by the arm and holds the alien with her foot near a weapon
The alien is hit and falls
Vu flies Jet-1 and uses EMP balls towards a few aliens
Zhao hits an alien and let a few EMP balls hit the alien
More aliens are on the floor
Zhao grabs another alien and puts it with the others on the floor
Camera on Kang
She hits an alien and pushes him towards a weapon
The alien is hit and falls
After all 16 aliens are on the floor the Team gathers around them
Jet-1 lands as Lady Admin gets out the Jet-1
She walks towards the screen in the van
Camera on Kang
She looks at the aliens
Some weapons are firing balls towards the aliens
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Love EMP balls"
Camera on Jung
Miss Jung:"Yeah, those gloves are great, but you still feel that metal"
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"I thought they would be a better competition"
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Are we collecting aliens?"
Camera on aliens all laying on the floor
Camera on Lady Admin sitting in the van looking at the screen
Lady Admin:"I've got three more contacts"
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Zhao, you, Ree and Jung go look at them"
Miss Kang:"Try communicating, then the EMP's"
Miss Zhao:"Alright, let's do it ladies!"
Zhao straddles her bike and fires it up
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Ree, can you get the pink car here when it's back?"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Yeah, hold on"
Ree uses her console
Camera on base, parking space underground
Tran, Ko and Chen are arriving at the parking space
Tran is driving
She is parking the car at it's spot
She drives the car in reverse to it's spot
They get out of the car
Miss Tran:"Great job"
Miss Chen:"Those stickers were very useful"
Miss Ko:"Yeah"
Camera on the pink car
It's engine fires up
Tran looks at the car then at the screen attached to the wall
Screen shows:"Pink car required at location"
Screen shows:"Initiated by Ree"
Camera on the pink car
It drives away to the location
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Pink car coming"
Miss Ree:"It'll let the weapons be aimed at the aliens"
Miss Ree:"Same as the others"
Miss Kang:"Great"
Camera on the blue car
Ree gets in the car as Jung is putting her seatbelt on
Zhao drives by as Ree and Jung follow her
Camera on the aliens surrounded by Choi, Kang, Ahn, Tan, Park, Kim, Xing and Lady Admin
Vu sits in Jet-1 nearby
Camera on Zhao, Ree and Jung
Zhao drives alongside Ree and Jung
Miss Zhao:"Can you see them yet?"
Miss Jung:"Yeah, but they are a bit spread, although moving towards eachother"
Miss Ree:"Let's approach the middle one"
Zhao drives alongside Ree and Jung
They drive thru a corner
Camera follows them along
Camera on sidewalk
Guy:"Whoohoo, JungReeZhao!"
He jumps with his hands in the air
Camera on Zhao, Ree and Jung as they drive thru the corner completely
Miss Zhao:"We've got groupies"
Camera zooms in on Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"Yeah, gotta love it!"
Miss Ree:"Sure do"
Camera on back of them as they drive while camera remains stationery
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Alright, we'll have to tell M1-X about this"
Miss Kang:"Let's bring all these aliens to base"
Lady Admin:"Got it"
Miss Kang:"Anything on the pink car"
Lady Admin:"It's driving"
Camera on Ree, Jung and Zhao from front
Miss Ree:"See if you can see a meetingpoint"
Miss Jung:"Yeah"
Jung uses the screen from the car
Miss Ree:"Hey, look at that!"
Camera on other drivingside
The pink car is driving itself to the location
It flashes it's headlights
Camera on Zhao, Ree and Jung
Miss Zhao:"That wasn't freaky at all"
Miss Ree:"I know, right!"
Miss Ree:"It's something for the vehicles so they can recognize each other"
Miss Zhao:"Cool"
Ree smiles
Camera on Kang
A engine sound can be heard
Kang looks to the side
Camera on side as the pink car is driving towards Kang
It turns off it's lights as it weapons deploy
It stops near the aliens on the same position as the blue car
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Nice"
Camera on Ahn
Miss Ahn:"Gotta love Ree"
Camera on Kang
Kang smiles
Camera on Zhao, Ree and Jung
They arrive at the coordinates
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"We're at the coordinates"
Camera on Ree and Jung
Miss Zhao:"What are they doing?"
Camera on aliens, they are walking around
One of them is looking towards Zhao
The others stop walking and look too
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, now what?"
Camera on Zhao
She grabs the throttle and turns it a bit, the engine roars a bit
Miss Zhao:"Wanna dance?"
Camera on aliens, they run towards Ree, Jung and Zhao
Camera on Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"They're coming, fast"
Miss Jung:"Should we get out of the car?"
Ree looks at Jung
Miss Ree:"Why? We got the EMP's"
Miss Jung:"Load them!"
Miss Ree:"In a minute"
Camera on aliens
They are approaching fast
Camera on Ree and Jung
Miss Jung:"How about now?"
Miss Ree:"Soon"
Camera on aliens, they are running towards them
Camera on Ree, Zhao and Jung from front
Camera from Ree's dashboard, the aliens are coming fast as the weapons deploy from the car and shoots 3 EMP balls directly to each drone
Camera on the aliens as they fall and lay down on the ground
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"See"
Miss Jung:"You automated them or something"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Camera on Zhao
Miss Zhao:"Nice"
Camera on Kang
She looks at her console while her earpiece beeps
She presses it
Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"We encountered the aliendrones, they are down for a while"
Miss Ree:"They already came to us looking for a fight"
Miss Ree:"Is the alienteam coming yet?"
Camera on Kang
She looks at Lady Admin
Camera on Lady Admin from alongside Kang, Lady Admin is sitting in the van working with the monitors
Miss Kang:"Lady Admin, ETA on the alienteam?"
Lady Admin:"1 mintute for them, 30 secs for us"
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"ETA alienteam 1 minute"
Camera on Ree
Miss Ree:"Ok, see you at base"
Camera on Kang
Miss Kang:"Ok"
Kang presses her earpiece
Miss Kang:"Alright ladies, head to base"
Camera on Ree, Zhao and Jung
Miss Ree:"1 minute for alienteam"
Miss Zhao:"And the drones will be out for...?"
Miss Ree:"27 minutes"
Miss Zhao:"Head to base, so we can prep for the drones"
Camera on the vehicles from the side and back of the blue car as Zhao turns left and drives back while Ree turns the car and follows Zhao
Camera on Kang and the group
They see the alienteam arriving as Ahn and Choi straddle their bikes while Kim, Tan, Xing, Park and Lady Admin get in the van and drive
Kang walks to Jet-1 as she gets in and they fly off
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