dinsdag 27 maart 2012

Team Fortress

Part 4

Camera on Ree at the garage

Ree is using consoles

She is walking alongside the vehicles while using her console

Camera on Ree's consoles

They show a graphic with stats and bars

Camera on Ree

She presses her earpiece

Miss Ree:"Kang"

Camera on Kang

She presses her earpiece as it beeps

Miss Kang:"Yeah"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"The vehicles aren't damaged"
Miss Ree:"Batteries used for EMP's are almost fully charged"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"Ok, you could join the others as the drones arrive"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"Yeah"

Ree uses the consoles while she walks from the parkingspace

Camera on Lady Admin

A van drives towards the entrance

Lady Admin, Zhao, Ahn, Choi and Tan grab their EMP-weapons

The van doors swing open as they grab the suits and move them to a bed

Zhao, Ahn and Choi move them to a corner

Some drones are making charging sounds as Lady Admin and Tan send some EMP's to them

Zhao, Ahn and Choi place the drones alongside eachother on the floor

Camera on Zhao, Ahn and Choi

Ahn presses her earpiece

Miss Ahn:"Kang"

Camera on Ahn

Thru earpiece

Miss Kang:"Yeah"
Miss Ahn:"We've got the drones"
Miss Ahn:"Should we get M1X here?"

Miss Kang:"Yeah, I'll be right there"

Miss Ahn:"Alright"

Ahn presses her earpiece

Miss Ahn:"She's coming"
Miss Zhao:"I'll go get M1X"

Zhao walks towards the leftside of the camera

Camera on the drones

They all lay down quiet

Camera on M1X at the stasisroom

He's looking at the monitor

Zhao walks in

Camera on Zhao and M1X

Miss Zhao:"Hi"
Miss Zhao:"We've seen a few drones"
Miss Zhao:"They said they had orders to get you"
M1X:"My orders for them were to land and wait for us"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, well they had other orders and they wanted to fight"
Miss Zhao:"So we used the EMP's and now they are EMP'ed"
M1X:"Did you bring them along?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, we did, I came to get you"
M1X:"Shall I bring my suit along?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah"

They walk from the stasisroom

Camera on Ahn, Choi, Tan and Lady Admin

Kang walks towards Lady Admin

Ree joins them

Miss Kang:"Ree, how long will those EMP guns last?"
Miss Ree:"A few hundred EMP blasts"
Miss Ree:"M1X might just disconnect them from their powersource so they can sit pretty"

M1X and Zhao walk in

Miss Zhao:"There they are"

M1X looks at them

M1X:"They are Statos"
M1X:"Have they used any needles?"
Miss Zhao:"I haven't seen needles from them yet"

Miss Kang:"Can you find out if they have any other orders we need to know about?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, like maybe reading their memory?"
M1X:"Yes, they have a memory which contains all the things they have to do"
M1X:"I shall grab the memory from one"
Ree walks towards M1X as she looks along

M1X grabs a drone and grabs some parts
He opens up the suit
M1X grabs some parts and places them alongside the suit
M1X opens a compartiment and grabs a small orangeyellow transparent rectangle piece with roundedged corners

He holds the part up

Camera on M1X with the piece in front of his face

M1X:"This is the memory from a drone"
M1X:"I can read this with my suit"
M1X:"We can see their orders"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"Go ahead"

Camera on M1X

He holds the piece above the console on his leftarm of his suit

It makes a sound

A projection is shown that lits up the memorypiece which shines thru with a lot of alientext and aliensymbols visible

M1X:"I shall translate it for you"

He presses on his console

The text is translating to English

Text shows:"Retrieve M1X, return to M6

Description M1X holders: pictures with Primary on the bikes, the blue car and Jet-1

M1X:"That's the dronememory"

Miss Zhao:"Photographed by an alien, that's so cool"
Miss Zhao:"So they think we "took" you?"
Miss Zhao:"Well, we did took you with us after we hit you, but still"
M1X:"I have had no response from my ship"
M1X:"Since they had to return me to M6 , I am sure he shot my ship"

Camera on Zhao

Miss Zhao:"Who is this M6 person?"

Camera on M1X

Camera on planet of allies, a red planet with ships around the planet
The ships (black with red symbols) fire, while the ships like M1X's fire back

M1X:"He was a fleetleader, like I am"
M1X:"During an attack at one of our allies, we came to support them"
M1X:"Yet, when we were taking damage, he suggested to use device"
M1X:"It was an experimental device, designed to disable big weaponry"

Camera on Terratreesa (M1X's planet)

M1X is standing in his suit, with M6 besides him

They are looking at a big metal construction floating in space

M1X:"It should give a wave big enough to blast the construction"
M6 :"If not, we will fix it"
M1X:"Commence the test"

A charging sound can be heard

M1X:"Go ahead"

A fastcharging sound is heard

Camera on construction

Suddenly the construction is hit and has a big hole

The construction floats

Camera on M1X


An alarm is heard, the device is overheating

M1X:"Turn it off"

Camera on M1X at the base

M1X:"Then we decided the device would need several testing and adjustments before deployment"
M1X:"We then received a message one of our allies was under attack and that we were required to help them"

Camera on planet with ships around it

M1X:"We rushed to them with out ships, including the one with the device"
M1X:"We communicated with the ship, they said they were fighting them, not us"
M1X:"When we interfered to help a ship of our allies, they attacked us too"
M1X:"We fired back"
M1X:"Soon we were taking damage, our allies had several destroyed ships"

Camera on ships exploding, while M1X's ships are flying by, helping people from the ships surviving
Other ships are fighting the firing ships
The ships attacking are using coloured balls colouring from yellow to green hitting the ships

M1X:"It was a battle that would take many damage"

Camera on M6

M6 :"Load the device"

Camera on M1X aboard his ship

M1X:"That device is not ready yet"
M6 :"We are taking damage"
M1X:"You could damage our ships"
M6 :"Charge it!"

The device is charging


The device is fired on a attacking ship

The blast hit the ship splitting it in half

M1X looks at the ships

M6 :"Fire another"

Another blast is launched towards another attacking ship

The ship is split in half

The other ships stop firing, they approach the split ships while saving their people

They then fled

M1X:"While the device has saved us, the use of it was dangerous"
M1X:"M6 had to tell the people of our planet why he did it"
M1X:"He received a warning and got deranked"

Camera on M6

M6 :"The device will properly be tested and adjusted before any deployment"

Camera on the people as they are happy

M6 :"I will be a fleetleader again, M1X"

Camera on M1X looking at M6

M1X:"It was up to me to be his fleetleader again, he served on one of my ships"
M1X:"Then we had the Statos attack"
M1X:"We were ordered to explore planets and look for sand that could be used to make nindium out of"
M1X:"We then approached Earth and saw the sand you have on your planet"
M1X:"I had to look for sand and analyze it with my suit, where shortly after we explored Earth"

Camera on M1X walking thru the city with the energysupplier

M1X:"We did not know why people panicked, the energysupplier, the pudding as you call it, did crawl over a few people, but people can breath normally, however people from other planets obviously could not tell yet"
M1X:"Then we were approached by you"

Camera on M1X

M1X:"And as you know, my ships are near Earth, with him aboard one of them"
M1X:"He must have reprogrammed the drones"
M1X:"The drones are designed to help and assist people, never to hurt them"

Camera on Zhao, Kang

Miss Zhao:"So, you think he's in charge of your ships?"
M1X:"Yes, on the ship he has been serving on atleast"
M1X:"My ship should be on Earth by now and notified me"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"Can you contact the other ships?"
M1X:"I could, but it might take a while before they send a reply"

Camera on Kang, Zhao

Miss Kang:"Send them a message, and keep trying with your ship"
Miss Kang:"We need to know who is in charge on that ship and where it is"
M1X:"I can provide scanning properties for the ships"
Miss Ree:"Great!"
M1X:"Yes, when the ship is on Earth, we can scan it"
Miss Kang:"And we'll keep an eye out on more of these drones for the meantime"

Camera on Ree, Zhao, Kang, Ahn, Choi

Miss Choi:"You need us to watch these drones?"
M1X:"Once the memory is out, they are harmless"
Lady Admin:"Aren't they giving a signal?"
M1X:"According to my suit, they are not signaling"
Miss Choi:"Maybe a thing that is off with the new memory?"
M1X:"That is possible"
Miss Ahn:"Perhaps their powersupplies could be drained for now?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, and when needed, recharge them with your powersupplier"
Miss Zhao:"So, we have to let them be on the base when we are on a mission"
Miss Zhao:"Basically they should just sit pretty"
Miss Kang:"We might use the drones, when the memory can be rewritten"
Miss Zhao:"Oh yeah, can you?"
M1X:"I can do that, although I have never done that before with my suit"
M1X:"We rewrite memory on ships and on special facilities for the drones"

Miss Kang:"Alright, do it in Ree's lab, more equipment there"
Miss Kang:"Choi, Tan, Ahn, watch over them"
Miss Kang:"Lady Admin, keep scanning"

Kang walks towards her office

Ree and M1X are retrieving the memory from the drones

Choi, Tan and Ahn are standing nearby with their EMP-weapons

Lady Admin walks to her desk

Camera on M1X

He grabs a memory piece and his suit lits up the piece

Ree is watching it

They are looking at eachother

Camera on Kang

She is sitting at her office while looking at images from the satellite

Camera on Lady Admin

Lady Admin is sitting at her desk, while watching at her screen and typing stuff

Camera on Zhao

Zhao is walking thru the base

Camera on Jung

Jung is sitting at the lab near the "pudding" while watching a console

Camera on Vu

Vu is walking in the lab while watching a console as she looks up and lowers the console

She walks on

Camera on Ree and M1X

M1X is holding the memory piece on his suit while a light is shining on it

Camera on Ahn, Tan and Choi

They are watching the drones

Camera on Tran, Ko and Chen

They are sitting at the lounge, talking

Camera on Kim

Kim is at the lounge while approaching while she greets Tran, Ko and Chen

Camera on Xing and Park

They walk to the lounge

Camera on Kang

She is sitting while the big screen is showing satellite images, while her other screens are showing text

Screen shows: Tran, Ko, Chen mission update

Camera on Ree and M1X

M1X:"I can rewrite this memorypiece with my suit"
M1X:"I shall activate the drone program"

The piece lits up with various parts litting up

M1X:"I have rewritten the memory piece"

He projects the data from the memory piece

Text shows:"Protect and assist lifeforms"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"Technology's motto"

M1X:"This way the drones will now do what they are build for"
M1X:"The suits are still Statos, so they could still attack"
M1X:"Shall I install the memory piece?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"

Camera on Ahn, Tan and Choi

They aim their EMP-weapons at the drone

Ree looks at Ahn

Ahn nods

Ree looks at the drone and M1X

Miss Ree:"Do it"

M1X installs the memory piece

The drone is laying on the floor

For a few seconds it's sitting and then it lits up as it gets up

It's standing while looking around

It looks at Ahn and Choi, who are aiming their weapons at the drone

Camera on Ahn and Choi

They look focused

Camera on M1X

He looks at the drone

Camera on the drone, it looks around, then straight forward

Camera on M1X

M1X:"This drone is functioning properly"

M1X:"Shall I deactivate the drone?"

Miss Zhao:"What would it do of another drone would attack?"
M1X:"It would assist us"
M1X:"They only use big force on other drones that are malfunctioning and heavy objects when needed"
Miss Ree:"Protect and assist"

Miss Zhao:"Do that with the other drones too"
Miss Zhao:"But let them without the powersupply for now"

Camera on Choi

Miss Choi:"Shall we keep watching them?"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, you could watch them till they're rebuild, then we'll use the automatic weapons"
Miss Ree:"I'll adjust them"

Camera on Ree

Ree grabs her console and uses it

Miss Zhao:"I'll inform Kang"

Zhao walks to the side as she touches her earpiece and informs Kang

Camera on Choi

She stands, while watching M1X dissasemble the suits

She leans on a pilar, with one foot at the pilar

Camera on Zhao

Miss Zhao:"Alright, Kang informed"

Zhao walks towards Ree, Choi and Ahn

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"I adjusted the automatic weapons"
Miss Ree:"If they get up, they get blasted with EMP's"

Camera on Ahn

Miss Ahn:"Could we use the drones to improve the simulation?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, but the scans are pretty good, the scans from several drones provide a good simulation"

M1X:"The drones are ready"
Miss Zhao:"Powersupplies?"
M1X:"They are on the table"
Miss Zhao:"Good"

Camera on M1X

M1X:"We rewrote the memory with my suit"
M1X:"We have to analyze the suits, they are still Statos"
M1X:"They could still attack us"

Camera on Zhao

Ree is walking towards Zhao

Miss Ree:"Do you have more information about the Statos?"
M1X:"Yes, I have some information our scientists acquired"
Miss Ree:"Let's check them out at our lab"

Camera on Ree, Zhao and M1X as they walk towards the lab, followed by Ahn, Choi and Tan

Camera on Kang

She is sitting at her office while using a screen

Camera on Ree

She is at the lab, while using her console
The big screen shows something, while a beep is heard

Ree looks

Screen shows: a map with a red marker pointing at a location

Ree uses the keyboard

More information is shown on screen

Ree presses her earpiece

Miss Ree:"Kang"

Camera on Kang

Miss Ree:"Yeah"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"I've got something interesting at the lab"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"Coming"

Camera on Ree

Ree presses her earpiece

She types more on the keyboard while the screen is zooming in, to a small house in a park

Camera on Kang

Kang walks thru the sliding doors and the sprayers spray on Kang
She walks thru the second slidingdoor

Miss Kang:"What did you see?"

Camera on Ree

Miss Ree:"Look, I've picked up a signal from space to a house in a park"
Miss Kang:"Comm?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah, the satellite picked it up as an internetsignal"
Miss Ree:"I'm trying to see where it's from, it's like a few inches from the satellite"
Miss Kang:"Could it be M6 's ship?"
Miss Ree:"We're still scanning for it"
Miss Ree:"But the satellite did scan in Earth's orbit"
Miss Ree:"The ship is probably still on Earth"

Ree types more on the keyboard

Miss Ree:"It's probably a device near the satellite, to which they're sending signals"
Miss Kang:"Give us the coördinates to that house"
Miss Kang:"I'll dispatch the spyteam"

Camera on Tran, Ko and Chen at the lounge

Miss Tran:"So yeah, you

They laugh

Camera on Kang as she walks thru the sliding door to the lounge

Miss Kang:"Ladies"
Miss Tran: Hi"
Miss Ko:"Got something for us?
Miss Chen:"Finally?"

Miss Kang:"Yeah, we got some comm signal at a house, originating from space"
Miss Kang:"Most probably from the aliens"
Miss Kang:"You should check it out"
Miss Tran:"Alright, we'll take the pink car"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, but the area isn't for cars, it's a park"
Miss Chen:"Any specifics?"
Miss Kang:"Just look at the structures and people"
Miss Tran:"Ok, let's go"

They move towards the door

Camera on Kang as she looks at them and then outside

Camera on parkingspace at the pink car

Tran, Chen and Ko are walking towards the pink car as they put their jackets on

They get in the car and start it up

Camera moves along stationary as they drive towards the street

Camera on park area from above

It's a wide space, very open with some trees, more and more trees as the camera zooms out

A structure can be seen, it's bigger than a house

Camera on the pink car, as Tran, Ko and Chen drive up to an area in which cars are allowed

They stop, as they look at the area

Camera on Tran, Ko and Chen

Ko is looking at the console, Tran and Chen are looking at the area looking at the surroundings

Miss Ko:"Apparantly there is a sandpath towards the house, but we'll park here to be sure"
Miss Tran:"Any people nearby?"
Miss Chen:"Yeah, one in the house"

Miss Ko:"Seeing the signal Ree detected, from the satellite"
Miss Tran:"Let's check it out"

They get out of the car

Miss Tran:"Be sure to approach silently"

They slowly walk towards the house while staying behind the trees

Tran looks as Ko and Chen get closer

Ko looks around and then at the house again

She grabs her earpiece

Miss Ko:"Any closer and he'll see us"
Miss Tran:"Try and use the camera"
Miss Chen:"The camera in the car would be great"
Miss Tran:"Yeah, it could be picked up"

Ko uses the camera and uses it
She gets a good shot of the guy

Miss Ko:"Got, it"
Miss Ko:"I can send it in the car"

Miss Tran:"Alright, head to the car"

They slowly walk back to the car

Camera on pink car

They get in the car, Chen at the back, Ko and Tran at front

Miss Tran:"Upload the picture to the base"
Miss Tran:"We'll head back"

Camera on pink car

Tran drives back to base

Camera on Ree's lab at the base

Miss Ree:"Kang, I've got the images"
Miss Kang:"On my way"

Camera on Kang

She walks towards Ree's lab

Camera on Ree, she's looking at the images

Miss Kang:"Anything?"
Miss Ree:"I'm scanning, we are getting a message when he's spotted"
Miss Kang:"We need to knows if he's getting to the ship"
Miss Ree:"You think he knows they are aliens?"
Miss Kang:"Could be"

Ree uses the computer

Miss Ree:"When he's spotted we'll get a message, and we can see where he's been and going"
Miss Kang:"I'll put Primary on standby"

Kang touches her earpiece

Miss Kang:"Zhao, Primary on standby"
Miss Kang:"Be ready to get that guy"
Miss Kang:"Put security on standby too"

Camera on Zhao

Miss Zhao:"Got it"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"I'll let Security get that guy to here"
Miss Ree:"Surely Zhao would enjoy holding a guy on her bike"
Miss Kang:"Yeah"

Kang and Ree smile

Miss Kang:"I'm gonna do the tactics"
Miss Ree:"You think he's gonna lead us to the ship?"
Miss Kang:"If M1X can't find the ship, we'll have to"
M1X:"I will locate the ship, but scanning is proceeding slowly"
M1X:"But I agree we have to locate the ship as I do not know what M6 is planning"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, keep us up-to-date"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"

Kang walks thru the sliding doors

Camera on Ree as she uses the main screen as M1X is looking for the ship

Camera on Jung at her lab

Vu is setting up some devices near the pudding to monitor it

Jung is walking around preparing more potions

Miss Vu:"I got the devices set up"
Miss Jung:"Does it send data to the console?"
Miss Vu:"Yeah, as soon as it changes with sounds when rapidly"
Miss Jung:"Good, I'm doing these potions in something more useable"
Miss Vu:"Add some flavor to it"

Vu winks to Jung

Jung smiles

Vu walks from the lab

Camera on Kim, Xing, Park and Tan at the parking space

Miss Kim:"Alright ladies, we have to get a guy who has possible contact with the aliens"
Miss Xing:"Cool!"

Kim looks at Xing

Miss Kim:"We also have to look out for any aliens coming for us"
Miss Park:"We can use the EMP's for now, but any battle is better to prevent"
Miss Tan:"I can take them!"
Miss Kim:"No, we have to try to make peace with them"

Xing shakes her finger to Tan

Miss Kim:"Primary is coming with us"

Camera on parkingspace entrance

Miss Zhao:"That's right, ladies"

Zhao walks into the parkingspace followed by Ahn and Choi

Miss Zhao:"Lady Admin will assist us thru the base"
Miss Zhao:"Just in case there´s some traffic"

Camera on Ahn, Choi

Miss Ahn:"We have several tranquilizer darts, to sedate him"
Miss Choi:"It should sedate him for one hour, or till the remedy is used"
Miss Choi:"If we can, we will set up several points to use them"
Miss Ahn:"Or simply deploy and hunt him down"
Miss Tan:"Oh nice"
Miss Kim:"We have to do it subtle"

Miss Kang:"And fast"

Camera on Kang as she walks thru the parkingspace door as she continues to talk

Miss Kang:"We are scanning the city and the area from which he could come from the building"
Miss Kang:"M1X suggested we shouldn't scan the building with the satellite"
Miss Kang:"It might be detected by M6 and his ship"
Miss Ahn:"Do we deploy now?"

Kang uses her console

Miss Kang:"Coördinates on your console"
Miss Kang:"You should go to the middle of the city"
Miss Kang:"From there on you shall wait together, just in case M6 sends more drones"
Miss Kang:"When we see him, I'll give the exact coördinates"
Miss Zhao:"Alright, let's hang out"

Zhao walks to her bike, as Ahn and Choi tighten their gloves and straddle up

Kim, Tan, Xing and Park walk to the van

They start their engines and drive to the coördinates

Camera on Kang as she watches them, then walks towards her office while watching her console

Camera on Ree and M1X at the lab

Ree is monitoring the screens as M1X is scanning for the ship

Camera on Kang at her office as she is looking at the same screens as Ree and screens with maps

Camera on Primary and Security as they drive and approach the coördinates

Zhao, Choi and Ahn drive up to the camera as they stop, followed by Kim, Tan, Xing and Park

Camera on Zhao with Choi and Ahn next to her

Miss Zhao:"And now, we chill"

Zhao leans back on her bike

Camera on Lady Admin

She looks at her screen

Camera on Ree and M1X

They are looking at their screens too

A beep is heard

Screen shows the image and a location on the map

Ree touches her earpiece

Miss Ree:"Kang"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"Yeah, I see it"

Miss Kang:"Zhao, Ahn, go to that location and ask if that guy was there"

Camera on Zhao, Choi and Ahn

Miss Zhao:"Got it"

Zhao and Ahn start up their bikes and drive towards the location

Camera remains on Choi

Choi folds her arms

Camera on a shop at a street

Zhao and Ahn drive up towards the store as they park the bikes near the shop

They get off their bikes and walk in the store

Camera in the store

A Japanese woman (Haru) is standing at the counter as a Thai woman (Sunya) is sitting at the side

Miss Haru:"Hi, can I help you?"

Zhao and Ahn approach the counter as Zhao grabs her console

She loads the picture on her console

Miss Zhao:"Yes, have you have seen this person?"

Zhao holds her console in front of Haru

Miss Haru:"Ah yes, I have seen him, he was just here"
Miss Haru:"He ordered many things"
Miss Haru:"Is he dangerous? I got protection, you know"

Haru points at Sunya

Camera on Sunya

Sunya smiles, opens her mouth and waves at them

Camera on Ahn and Zhao

Ahn and Zhao look at Sunya

AHn looks at Zhao

Ahn looks back at Sunya

Miss Ahn:"Do you know Xing?"

Camera on Sunya

Miss Sunya:"I have seen her, but I don't know her"

Camera on Haru

Miss Haru:"I have teached her kung fu"
Miss Haru:"She's very good"
Miss Haru:"Stubborn, but good"

Camera on Sunya

Sunya stands up and walks to the counter and stands next to Haru

Camera on Ahn and Zhao

Miss Zhao:"We're looking for that guy"
Miss Ahn:"We need to talk to him urgently"
Miss Ahn:"You don't have to contact us, we just needed confirmation that he was here"

Camera on Ahn and Zhao

Miss Zhao:"Well, we'll have to get back to the others"
Miss Ahn:"Thank you for your time"

Zhao and Ahn straddle their bikes and start them up

They drive towards the others

Camera on Lady Admin

She looks at her screens

Suddenly she sees something

Camera on screen

Screen shows a map with a signal indicating the guy is walking on the streets, also shows a lot of traffic

Lady Admin gets up and walks to the parking space

She presses her earpiece

Lady Admin:"Kang, I've spotted the guy, coördinates on consoles"
Lady Admin:"I'm heading there too, because of traffic"
Miss Kang:"Alright, I'll send Primary and Security"
Miss Kang:"I'm also deploying the Spyteam"
Miss Kang:"Spyteam to pink car"

Lady Admin has her jetpack on and heads to the location

Camera on Kang

She stands at her office while looking at the screens

She uses her hands to send a message to Primary and Security to get to the guy and intercept him

Camera on Primary and Security

Miss Zhao:"Alright, ths guy is spotted"

They fire up their bikes and the van

Camera stationery while turning to film them

Camera on streets

Lady Admin is walking in an alley as she walks towards the street and holds at the corner

She presses her earpiece

Lady Admin:"Zhao, I spotted the guy"

Camera on Zhao, as she drives thru the streets

Miss Zhao:"I'll be with you in a minute"

Camera on Lady Admin

Lady Admin:"Approach from behind"

She presses her earpiece

Camera on Kang

She touches a garage on the map

Camera zooms in

She touches the parking on the map across the street where the guy is

Camera zooms in

Camera on garage entrance as several cars are standing waiting to park

Camera on Tran and Chen as they walk towards the garage in blue overalls

Camera on Ahn and Choi as theu drive towards the garage

They stop at the machine as they stand next to eachother

Ahn grabs a card as they drive thru

Tran and Chen are walking towards the garage and as soon as Ahn and Choi drive thru, they place a sign, Tran is chewing gum with a open mouth, chewing loudly

Tran is using an accent

Miss Tran:"Yeah, this garage is undergoing maintenance, please go to the other garage 2 blocks down the road"
Miss Tran:"Get moving people"

Tran places another sign at the garage near the road

Chen grabs her toolbox and places it near the ticketmachine

Miss Chen:"Yeah, these things sure are funny"
Miss Chen:"Shooting out cards and stuff"

Camera on Tran

Miss Tran:"You have no idea what you are doing with that machine, do you?"
Miss Chen:"Eh no, but that's ok, right?"

Camera on Tran

Tran is using a heavy accent while chewing gum with her mouth open

Miss Tran:"Yeah mister, you're gonna have to park elsewhere for now"

Cars back up and drive off

Camera on Ahn and Choi as they drive upwards the garage to the 3rd level

Camera on Lady Admin filming into the alley

Zhao is approaching her from behind as she lets her bike roll out

She parks her bike in the shadow and gets off

She walks to Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"Did he move yet?"
Lady Admin:"No, he is still inside the store"

They both stand near the wall while watching the console

Camera on Ahn and Choi

They drive up to the 3rd level as they park in a corner

Camera on Choi and Ahn as they got off their bikes

Camera on Choi as she stands near her bike

Ahn is using her console as the bike is making sounds as some parts move and rotate

Ahn is kneeling at her bike grabbing the gun from her bike

Miss Choi:"Wait"

A van with a family drives by

She waves at them

She waits till the van is driven further

Miss Choi:"Ok"

Ahn grabs her gun from her bike's frame

She assembles it

She loads a tranquilizer dart

Ahn takes a position at the garage aiming at the store where the guy is

Miss Ahn:"I'm in position"

Camera on Zhao and Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"Ok"
Miss Zhao:"Kim, where are you?"

Camera on the van with Kim, Park, Xing and Tan

They are standing in a street with lots of traffic, horns and yelling can be heard

Miss Kim:"We're approaching, but traffic slows us down"
Miss Kim:"Just hold him up when you got him"

Camera on Zhao

Zhao looks at Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"Yeah, sure"

Camera on the store as the guy is walking out

Camera from behind Ahn

Miss Ahn:"He's out"

Camera on Zhao and Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"The van is too far"
Lady Admin:"If he walks, it might take a while"

Zhao looks around

Miss Zhao:"Ahn, take the shot when he is moving further"

Camera on Ahn

Miss Ahn:"Got it"

Camera on the guy as he's just hanging around on the street talking to some people

Camera on Zhao and Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"We need to wait till these guys clear"
Lady Admin:"Wait till they are half a block further"

The guys talk a bit and then they walk down the block

Camera on Ahn

Miss Ahn:"I'm taking the shot"

Camera alongside Ahn's gun

A van is driving, blocking Ahn's view

Miss Ahn:"Come on, a van is blocking it"

Camera on traffic, the van is probably standing there for a while

Camera on Kim, Xing, Park and Tan

Miss Kim:"Clear the route"
Miss Park:"Ok"

Park uses the van's screen to re-route the traffic so it clears up

Miss Park:"Done, the traffic is re-routed clearing the traffic"

Camera on traffic, the traffic clears up as they keep driving, traffic from behind is led towards other streets

Camera on Ahn

Miss Ahn:"Better get ready, once the van is approaching, I'm shooting"

Camera on Zhao and Lady Admin

Miss Zhao:"Ok"

Camera on street from sidewalk

Zhao is approaching the guy slowly from behind is the guy is looking at the street

The van is approaching as Ahn takes aim

Camera on street from Ahn

Ahn shoots

The dart heads towards the guy as it hits his neck

The guy makes a soft noise, grabs his neck and falls asleep

Zhao catches him up as Lady Admin joins her

The van drives up as Tan slides the door open

Miss Zhao:"There you go, he's half asleep already"
Miss Tan:"You do this alot?"

Tan winks as she pulls the guy inside the van

She quickly slides the door as they speed up thru the streets

Zhao and Lady Admin run to the alley as Zhao straddles her bike and drives off while Lady Admin puts on her jetpack and blasts off

Camera on Lady Admin as she flies upwards

Camera on Zhao as she speeds from the alley onto the streets, following the van

Camera on Ahn and Choi

Ahn quickly de-assembles her gun and puts it in her bike

Miss Ahn:"Yo, done"

Ahn and Choi straddle their bike and fire them up

Camera on Ahn's foot as she drives the bike to the exit

Camera on garage entrance

Tran and Chen are still busy

Miss Tran:"Ok, they're done"
Miss Chen:"Let me put this together"

Camera on Ahn and Choi as they drive to the garage entrance

Tran moves the arm up as Ahn and Choi drive thru

They move back to base

Camera on Tran

Miss Tran:"Wrap it up"
Miss Chen:"Almost done"
Miss Chen:"And then this thing..."

Chen wraps it up and puts her tools in the toolbox

Camera on Tran and Chen

Tran presses her earpiece

Miss Tran:"Tran and Chen moving to base"

Tran grabs the sign as the garage is open again

Camera on Tran and Chen as they walk

Miss Chen:"Hey, a screw"

Tran shakes her head

Chen looks at the screw

She shrugs her shoulder

They walk on to the car

Ko sits in the car behind the wheel

Miss Ko:"You ready?"

Tran and Chen get in the car

Miss Tran:"Yeah"

Ko starts the car and drives to the base

Miss Ree:"Kim has the guy, Tran, Ko and Chen returning to base"

Miss Kang:"Good"

Kang returns to the screen

She looks at the cars and the location on the map

Miss Kang:"Primary and Security to the building at the park"
Miss Ree:"Putting satellite on the building"

Kang stares at the map

Camera at sky, it's turning night

Camera on building

The vehicles are parked at the building

Camera on Zhao

Miss Zhao:"Grab that wood and place it next to the cable thing, same height"

Choi grabs another wooden floorpiece and places it to the other one on top of the steel frame of the warehouse building

Miss Zhao:"We can use those to jump to fight if necessary"
Miss Choi:"Got it"

Ahn walks towards Zhao

Miss Ahn:"Hey, the sleepingpil works for less than one hour"
Miss Zhao:"Yeah, let's get Kim to get the guy here"
Miss Ahn:"Ok"

Ahn grabs her earpiece and tells Kim to go to the building

Zhao points to things at Choi

Kim walks in with the guy and Kang follows her

Miss Kang:"Let him sit on this chair"

Kim puts him on the chair

Miss Kang:"Move Jet-1 , Vu"

Thru earpiece
Miss Vu:"Alright"

Camera on building
Jet-1 moves upwards
Lady Admin moves to the roof of the building and takes it off,
then crawls to the edge and looks at the area

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"He should wake up now"

The guy makes some sounds and slowly wakes up


He looks around dazed

Miss Kang:"You need to tell us what the aliens told you"
Guy:"What aliens?"

The guy looks around, he tries to look at Kang

Kang holds his shoulder

Miss Kang:"The aliens contacted you thru satellite"
Guy:"I only remember some stuff about Earth and sand"
Miss Kang:"Did they say anything else?"
Guy:"No man, you sure they're aliens?"

Camera on Lady Admin

She looks from the roof onto the road

Cars are approaching with headlights on

Camera on Lady Admin

She presses her earpiece

Lady Admin:"Kang, cars are approaching"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"Ok"

Miss Kang:"Got some buddies coming?"
Guy:"Yeah, man"
Miss Kang:"Nice"

Camera on Lady Admin

She presses her earpiece

Lady Admin:"Guys approaching in 7 seconds"

Camera on Zhao

She looks at Choi and nods her head

Camera on building

The guys approach the building

Guy1:"Hey dude, answer our calls"

They walk on and see the guy and Kang behind him

Camera on Kang

She waves
Miss Kang:"Hi"

Guy1:"What the"

Zhao and Choi zip down

Miss Zhao:"Hey dudes"

Zhao punches one guy in the face
She kicks the next

Camera on Choi
Choi zips down but gets stuck

Miss Choi:"Oh damnit"

She pulls the cable, but remains stuck

A guy runs towards her, but she hits him

Another guy runs towards her and she lifts her legs kicking him, she then grabs him with her legs and swings him to the floor

She pulls the cable again

Camera on Ahn

She looks at the guys

She then sneaks towards the guys and grabs one from behind, turns him around and gives him an uppercut

A few guys get up and try to fight them again

Camera on Zhao behind the guys

Zhao punches the guy with the lefthand in the face, the next guy with the righthand and the other guy with the foot

Camera zooms in on Zhao

Camera on Zhao and Choi with Ahn inbetween from the back

Miss Ahn:"That should shut"

A guy stands up and tries to hit Zhao

Zhao punches him as he stumbles to Choi, who kicks him, then stumbles to Ahn who facepalms him to the floor

Miss Ahn:"them up"

Zhao walks to Choi

Miss Ahn:"Anymore?"

Camera on Lady Admin

Lady Admin:"Nope"

Camera on Zhao, Ahn and Choi

Zhao grabs Choi

Miss Zhao:"How's it hanging"

Choi folds her arms and looks annoyed at the left

Miss Zhao:"Just pull the cable"

Zhao pulls the cable, but it's stuck

Miss Ahn:"Just untie it"

Zhao holds Choi as Ahn unties it

Miss Zhao:"Gotcha"

Camera on Kang

Miss Kang:"That was fast"

Miss Kang:"You're gonna get more guys to fight us?"
Guy:"No man"
Miss Kang:"Listen, tell us if they will contact you again"
Guy:"They said maybe if they wanted to know more"
Miss Kang:"Good"
Miss Kang:"Perhaps when you don't mention us, we'll help you, those aliens are something else"
Miss Kang:"Yeah, really"

Kang grabs a dart from her pocket and sticks it in his neck

Guy:"What the..."
Miss Kang:"Night, night"

The guy sleeps again

Miss Kang:"Ok, ladies, five minutes before he gets up, let's go"

Camera on Zhao, Ahn and Choi walk thru the door as Kang joins them as they walk alongside the left of the camera

Camera on outside of building as they straddle their bikes and fire them up, followed by Vu putting Jet-1 on the ground letting Kang inside Jet-1

They drive off towards the base, as Jet-1 flies upwards and onto the base

Camera on Ree's lab

Ree is looking at the screen

Miss Ree:"Got it"
Miss Ree:"They're getting back to base"
Miss Jung:"Did the sleepdart work properly?"
Miss Ree:"Yeah"
Miss Jung:"Great"

Camera on base

Camera on

Miss Z

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