dinsdag 12 oktober 2010

Meet the Characters

Team Fortress

Lady Admin

Lady Admin grabs her jacket and mp3 player and heads for a walk

She grabs her mp3 player and turns it on

Music:freestylers - Push up

Lady Admin dances to it, (milder than the video)

She greets people she sees

Camera view in front of Lady Admin

Guy snatches purse from shopper

Shopper:"Hey, my bags!"

Lady Admin looks up and notices it

She waves to the shopper

Guy comes running towards Lady Admin

Lady Admin still dances on while standing on one spot

Guy runs by Lady Admin

Lady Admin stretches her hand

She hits him on the nose as he drops

Lady Admin:"I'll take those bags, thank you"

She grabs the bags and gives them to the shopper

Camera on Lady Admin

Display text:"Lady Admin"


Music continues

Ahn drives on her bike on the same street as Lady Admin is

Miss Ahn:"Hey Ann!"

Ahn waves to her

Lady Admin:"Hey Ahn:"

Ahn parks her bike

Music stops as she shutdowns engine

She walks to the arcade and gets some coins

She plays a game

Ahn is playing and gets a new high score

Camera behind Ahn filming her on the left and the game in the middle

Ahn plays another few games at the arcade

Camera behind her

Guy:"We meet again"

Ahn looks thru the screen and sees the guy

Camera via screen of game Ahn on right, guy on left

Ahn:"You again"

Ahn continues her game

Guy gets closer to Ahn

Ahn:"Just wait, I'm getting a new highscore"

Guy keeps getting closer

Ahn keeps playing

As the guy is about to hit Ahn, Ahn hits her elbow to his face, kicks with her rightfoot in the back of the knee and smashes his head to the game

Guy:"Ah! You b..."

Game:"Game over!"

Ahn:"Ah, still a highscore"

Ahn fills in her name

Ahn:"So, what do you want?"
Guy:"I told you, the technology of your bike"
Ahn:"Yeah, that's classified"

Guy gets up

Ahn:"No no, just wait there"

Guy gets up

Ahn:"What did I tell you?"

Ahn kicks him in the groin

Ahn:"Good boy"

A sound goes off

Ahn grabs a device from her pocket

Screen shows:"Bike contact on Ahn's bike"

Ahn looks outside

Some guys are touching the bike

She uses the device

Camera view on the bike

The bike is emitting current to the guys


Ahn:"Friends of yours?"
Guy:"We need your technology"

Ahn walks outside and grabs her daggers

Ahn:"Hello boys"

Guy2:"What the "

Ahn strikes a pose

Ahn holds one dagger on noseheight (horizontally)

Ahn:"That's my bike"

Ahn:"So you are to leave it with respect"

Guy runs towards Ahn

Ahn grabs him and smashes him into the wall

Another guy runs towards Ahn and makes him trip

Ahn:"Honestly, you're gonna have to do better than that"

Guys gets up and runs towards her again

She slices accuratly

Camera zoom on the slicing

She slices cutting their clothes to shreds

Guys look at their clothing

Ahn strikes another pose

Guy2:"We'll be back"
Ahn:"My daggers will be waiting"

Guys run off

Ahn puts her daggers away

She straddles her bike fires it up

Music plays (Far East Movement - like a , from like a 36)

Ahn drives away onto the street

She uses her console

Camera view on Ahn from front

Ahn smiles

Display text:"Ahn"

Ahn speeds up and drives by the camera

Camera films her from the side and then the back as she drives


Camera view at sky

It's night

Choi drives on her bike

She drives by an icecream stand

She parks her bike on the sidewalk

She gets off

Choi:"Good evening, may I have an icecream?"
Guy:"Sure, the usual?"

Guy gives her the icecream

Guy:"This one's on me"
Choi:"Double thanks!"

Choi walks to her bike and leans against it

She eats her icecream

Choi:"Yum, yum"

Thru the radio

Lady Admin:"Choi, you there?"

Choi keeps eating her icecream

Choi doesn't touch her radio

Choi:"Yum yum"

Lady Admin:"Choi, you there?"

Choi doesn't touch her radio still

Choi:"Still not"

Lady Admin:"CHOI!"

Choi jumps up and lets the icecream spill on the bike

Choi:"Oh nice"

Choi grabs her radio

Lady Admin:"We got a bankrobbery, they are on your street"

Car speeds by at high speed

Choi:"See them"
Lady Admin:"Intercept and retrieve the cash"

Choi steps on her bike

She wipes off the icecream

She gasses it up and drives

Camera view on Choi on her bike

Choi:"Robbing a bank, speeding and wasting my ice-cream?"
Choi:"And the ice-cream was a gift!"

Camera on Choi driving behind the car

She pulls up alongside the driver's side

Choi:"Pull over!"

Bankrobbers keep driving

Choi:"Pull over!"

Driver rolls window

Driver:"For what?"
Choi:"To give the money back"
Driver:"Yeah right!"

Driver speeds up, Choi follows them

Choi:"Pull over!"

Choi slams on the window

Driver:"Hey, watch it missy"

Choi drives behind the car

Choi:"I said pull over"

Choi uses the console

Camera view on Choi

Choi:"And we got a lock"

Camera view on bike near headlight

Two canonlike tubes extend

Choi:"This is fun"

She uses the console as two small needles are fired
They hit the reartires of the car

Car slows down

Choi catches up and drives ahead

Choi places the bike facing the car

Choi:"Be a good boy and hit the brakes"
Driver:"Move missy!"

Choi sighs

Choi uses the console and the bike extends a bigger cannon

Driver:"Whoa sh..."

Driver brakes

Choi:"Now, get out and give me the money"
Driver:"We got the money!"
Choi:"Look at me and this bike"

Driver and the other guys still in the car

Choi:"Show me the money"
Driver:"It's ours!"

She uses the console as the cannon is blasting electroballs welding the doors

Driver:"What did she do?"

Choi looks at them and uses her console again

Choi:"Give me the money now!"


They dump the bags on the street

Choi:"Sit tight and wait for the security"

Choi got on her bike fired it up

She drove to the ice-cream stand

She parked her bike

Choi:"Hi, can I have the same again please?"

Guy hands over another ice-cream

Choi leans against her bike and eats

Camera view on Choi from front

Choi:"Yum yum yum"

Display text:"Choi"


Camera view at sky

Camera view at limo

Zhao drives on her bike near the limo

Zhao stops near the limo and gets off the bike

Limodriver:"Good evening Miss Zhao"

Limodriver holds the door as a couple comes out

Mr:"Good evening Miss Zhao:"
Zhao:"Good evening"
Mr:"They are inside that building"
Mrs:"Please Miss Zhao, they have our daughter"
Mr:"I'll reward you well when you get her back"
Zhao:"How many are in there?"
Bodyguard:"About 7"
Zhao:"And why can't you get her back?"
Bodyguard:"They have quite some martial arts skills"
Mrs:"Please Miss Zhao, help us"

Zhao puts her hand on Mrs

Zhao:"I'll do it for you"

Zhao grabs the console and heads to the building

Building is an empty warehouse

Zhao:"Some bodyguards"

She looks in thru some windows

A few guys sitting having a fire in the middle
Girl tied up at the side

Zhao sees the girl and signals to keep quiet

She throws something thru the window

Bikegangguy1:"Go see what that was"

Another guy approaches the stone and looks at it

Zhao pops up

Zhao:"Hi tricycle ganger"

Bikegangguy2:"What the"

Zhao hits the guy in the face

Bikegangguy1:"Get her!"

Zhao holds the guy's nose

Another guy rolls the chain

Zhao:"Ah, how sweet you wanna tickle me?"

The guys approach her as she kicks one guy

Zhao walks in hitting the guy she hit earlier again

Bikegangguy2:"My nose!"

Zhao grabs the chain and lets the door slide back"

Camera view on Mr and Mrs

They look worried at eachother

Camera view inside warehouse

Zhao kicks and hits the guys who try to attack her

Zhao:"Hey, you ok?"

Zhao looks at the girl

Girls nods

Zhao:"Of course, you're gagged"

Zhao pushes one guy against the metal pilar

She holds him by the neck

Zhao rotates her left leg hitting the other guy behind her

Zhao punches another guy approaching her

Zhao holds the neck still

Zhao grabs something from her pocket and places it next to the guy on the metal pillar

Zhao:"Something you wanna say?"

Zhao looks at him as another guy runs to her

She punches him without looking away from the other guy

Zhao:"You truly are a tricyclegang"

Zhao grabs him by the arm and swings him to another guy

They hit another metal pillar hard

Zhao:"And that's two less"

She approaches the girl grabbing another object from her jacket

Camera view behind Zhao on legheight

The object is visible

It's a red circled shape object

Girl is visible thru Zhao's legs

Zhao:"Be specific now"

Girl signals with her head to look behind her

Zhao:"Oh, another sneaker"

She punches him hard to the face with a kick to the groin

He drops to his knees as Zhao punches him to the face again

She pushes with one finger making him lay on the floor

Zhao grabs another guy, pushes him to a pillar

She stands with her back agains him

She punches with her elbow and a kick to the groin

Zhao grabs another object from her jacket

Camera view on object

Camera follows object as she places it on the rightside from her on the pillar

Camera follows her hand back

Zhao looks at the guy

Zhao:"Are you sleeping?"

Bikegangguy7:"No, you b..."
Zhao:"Ah, potty mouth"
Zhao:"It's garbage day today!"

She grabs his arm as she smashes him into another pillar

Zhao:"Good night!"

She watches at the place looking for more guys

Zhao grabs another object and places it on a wall

Zhao looks at the girl

Camera view on footheight near Zhao's leftboot

Girl is in distant

Zhao:"Now, for you"

She approaches the girl and unties her

Zhao:"Are you ok?"

Zhao helps the girl outside

Girl runs to her family

Zhao:"I suggest you clear away from this warehouse"
Zhao:"It's to be demolished"
Zhao:"And take a better look after your daughter"

Zhao looks at the people

Mr:"Thank you so much, Miss Zhao!"
Mrs:"Yes, thank you very much, Miss Zhao!"
Mr:"You'll be hugely rewarded"

Zhao grabs her console and puts it in the bike

Screen shows:"1:07" "Explosives armed"

Some bikers crawl out helping eachother

Zhao steps on her bike

Limo drives away

Zhao gasses her bike as she drives off

Camera view on Zhao with her on the left and the building in the background

Music (Cascade Pyromania last 30 seconds musical version)

Building explodes

Zhao smiles

Display text:"Zhao"

Camera view from air filming Zhao driving away


Camera view at building, vacated

Camera view at Miss Kim

Miss Kim:"So, what's the deal?"
Guy:"They tried to take the designs for a new weapon and are now hiding in this building"
Miss Kim:"So you want me to get them"
Guy:"Yeah preferrably"

Kim grabbed her gun and loaded it

Miss Kim:"I suggest you get me that coffee when I get back"
Guy:"Yes Miss Kim, absolutely"

Kim entered the building

Music (Bang bang)

Kim walked thru the hallways looking around for the guys

She sees one sneaking around and shoots him (stunblasts only)

Miss Kim:"Don't you run from me, you coward"

She hits the guy as he falls

Miss Kim:"Who is the leader?"
Guy:"I'm not!"

Kim hits him again

Miss Kim:"Who is?"
Guy:"He's on the 2nd floor"

Kim shoots him again making him pass out

Kim approaches the hallway as a guy surprises her

Miss Kim:"Ah chicken, atleast face me like a man!"

The guy tries to attack her but Kim punches him out cold in 3 punches

Miss Kim:"So, who's your leader? Don't pretend your knocked out"

Kim sighs, and looks at him

Miss Kim:"Right"

Kim continues looking for the men

She finds a guy sitting in a corner in a room

Scientist:"Please, don't hurt me!"
Miss Kim:"Who are you?"
Scientist:"I'm the scientist they kidnapped"

Scientist grabs something from his pocket

Miss Kim:"Let me"

Kim approaches him and grabs something from his pockets

It's a device

Miss Kim:"I assume you know ?"
Scientist:"This is a communicationdevice"
Miss Kim:"How many guys are around?"
Scientist:"About 7"
Miss Kim:"So can you contact the leader?"
Miss Kim:"Do it"

Kim walked to the door and looked for other guys being around

Scientist:"Boris, you there?"
Boris:"What you want?"
Scientist:"Kim from Team Fortress is here"
Boris:"I know, that why we hiding in stupid building"
Scientist:"She's with me"

Kim shot another guy who approached her

Miss Kim:"Talk softer"


Kim signaled him to be quiet

She approached a few rooms and kicked the door in

Miss Kim:"Boris?"
Boris:"Ah sh..."

Kim shot him making him pass out

Miss Kim:"So much for the leader"


Miss Kim:"I'll escort you out"

Kim went with the scientist as she escorted him out

Miss Kim:"I'll go get the others"

Kim entered the building

Music (Bang bang)

She walked thru the hallways checking for the men

Each guy she fought and shot

Camera view on scientist and guy

Guy:"Man, good we're on her side"
Scientist:"Yeah, she's got balls"

Camera on Kim

Miss Kim:"I took 7 guys out, that's all of them"
Guy:"Alright, we'll send security in"

Kim walked out

Miss Kim:"So how about that coffee?"
Guy:"Here you go, Miss Kim"
Miss Kim:"Thanks"

Display text:"Kim"


Camera view on sunrise at beach

Camera view on Jung driving the pink convertible

She heads to the parkinglot

Camera view on floor as car parks
Rightheadlight on close up

Camera view on Jung

Jung gets out

She heads to the beach and dresses to her bikini

She lays on her towel getting a tan

Camera view on Jung enjoying herself

Camera view on sea

Girl is yelling for help

Jung looks up and notices the girl

She gets up and runs to the sea

She jumps in and swims to the girl

Miss Jung:"Hold on, I'll bring you to the beach"

Jung swims back with the girl

Miss Jung:"Do you hear me?"

Girl passed out

Jung brings her on the sand

Jung applies CPR

Girl coughs up water

Miss Jung:"Calm down, relax"

Girl coughs some more

Miss Jung:"You almost drowned"
Girl:"Thank you"

Jung grabs her phone

Girl:"I'm fine"
Miss Jung:"Let the medics check you up"
Girl:"Thank you"

Miss Jung:"Sure"

Jung assists with the girl and the medics

Jung heads to her towel

She enjoys the sun

After a while her console beeps

She looks at it

Screen shows:"Appointment at restaurant"

Jung gets up and heads to the car

Two guys grab some jewelry from a store

Guy:"Hey, that's my jewelry!"

Jung looks up

Miss Jung:"Hey you!"

Jung looks at the guys who are heading her way

The guys hold and look at Jung

Miss Jung:"That yours?"

Guy:"You want one?"
Miss Jung:"I want all"
Guy:"Oh really"

Miss Jung:"So hand it over"
Guy:"Yeah right"
Miss Jung:"Come on"
Guy:"Make me"

Jung striked a martial arts pose

Guy:"Oh she knows martial arts

Miss Jung:"Yeah"

A guy ran to her, Jung made him trip

Miss Jung:"You too?"

Another guy ran to her

Jung hit him making him crawl on the floor

Miss Jung:"Jewelries?"

Guy:"Sorry miss!"

They hand over the jewelry and ran off

Miss Jung:"Sir, your jewelries!"
Guy:"Thank you miss!"

Miss Jung:"Sure!"

Jung heads to her car and drives off

Camera view on Jung

Display text:"Jung"


Camera view on Ree in the car

Ree drives by in the car by Jung

Miss Ree:"Hey Jung!"

Jung looks at her

Miss Jung:"Hey Ree!"

Ree drives on

Camera view from air filming Ree driving along coast

Ree drives to a trafficlight

Camera view on Ree from mirror filming upwards

Ree looks at the console

Screen shows:"New mission"

Ree uses the console

Screen shows:"Chip located, needs retrieval"

Miss Ree:"Finally"

Ree drives towards the given location and parks the car

Camera view on Ree from backseat

Ree uses the console and scans the building

Screen shows the chip is located on the 8th floor

Miss Ree:"Looks like someone is gonna climb"

Ree scans for any occupants in the building

Screen shows 10 people

Ree gets out, grabs the console and heads to the trunk

She dresses up putting on climbing gear

Ree uses a ropelauncher to the roof and tightens it

She climbs up

As she climbs up, she looks thru windows

At one window she has to hide for a man walking near that window

She climbs on as the guy moves

At the 8th floor she sees an room with 2 people and a obvious chip holder

Miss Ree:"Of course they're watching it"

She grabs her console and scans

She uses the radio

Miss Ree:"Attention, car standing near building"

Camera view alongside Ree onto car

Some guys ran towards the car

Guy:"We might have visitors"
Guy2:"Check around the building"

Camera view on Ree looking at the guys near the car

Miss Ree:"And now..."

She uses the console as the car starts

Camera from alongside Ree onto the car

Car drives backwards and waits

As the guys approach it, she lets the car move forward almost hitting them

She then lets the car stop and reverse

Ree uses the console and lets the car emit stunblasts onto the guys


The guys faint

Miss Ree:"That's 5 less"

Ree looks inside the chip-room

Two people are still there

She grabs a pebblelauncher and loads it

She aims for 2 windows further

Ree fires the pebble as the glass shatters

Guy3:"Secure the chip!"

Ree throws two pebbles with the pebblelauncher thru the window she's standing next to

Ree jumps thru it

Miss Ree:"Hi!"

Ree aimes at the guys with her stunblaster attached to her arm

She heads towards the chip

The guys try to stop her

Ree aimes at them and stuns them

She looks at the chip and it's holder

Miss Ree:"Now, how do we get you?"

Ree grabs her console and scans it

Screen shows a code

She enters the code and the holder opens up

Miss Ree:"Thank you!"

Ree grabs the chip and puts it in her pocket

She runs towards the window and lets the car position under her

Ree grabs the cable and slides down next to the car

She gets in and starts it up

Ree drives away as some guys run after her

She speeds up and looks in the rearview mirror

A van follows her

Miss Ree:"Hey guys"

Ree uses the console and a target is shown

She aims at the van and a emp is sent

The van is hit and slows down

Ree looks in the rearview mirror and smiles

Another car intercepts her from the front

Miss Ree:"Oh yeah?"

Ree uses the console again and two guns come up from the top of the hood near the headlights

Miss Ree:"I suggest you move aside!"

Ree blasts with the guns at the car

The car is hit at the tires as they go flat

They drive in reverse as the car slows

She hits electro welds to the car

Ree drives on with the chip

Miss Ree:"Hahaha!"

Camera view on Ree

Display text:"Ree"


Camera view on van as it drives

Camera moves upwards to Xing

Music plays

Xing is singing along

Thru radio, Xing still in view

Lady Admin:"Xing"
Lady Admin:"We've got some wifi scanners"
Lady Admin:"Intercept"
Lady Admin:"Relaying coordinates to you now"
Xing:"Got them"

Xing drove to the coordinates

She grabbed the console and approached an alley

Xing looked at the car and saw two guys

Xing:"They better be scanning for wifi"

Xing put on her gloves and walked to them

Xing:"Hey guys"
Xing:"Scanning for wifi?"
Xing:"I know you"
Guy1:"Oh shit"

The guys run

Xing grabs her rope and whip

Guy1:"What the?"
Guy2:"No, wait I "

Xing used her whip on the guys making them trip

Xing approached them and tied them up

Guy1:"Man, are you some kind of cowboy?"
Guy2:"She's obvious female"
Xing:"Thank you"

Xing tighten the ropes

Xing:"Yo Lady Admin"
Lady Admin:"Yeah"
Xing:"Got them"
Lady Admin:"Good job"

Xing stood watching

Camera view on Xing with the guys squirming in background

Display text:"Xing"


Park walks by Xing

Park grabs her console

Park types:"Hi Xing"
Park types:"Following those ladies"

Park continues following them

Another girl approaches Park from behind

Girl:"Hey Park!"

Park looks at the other ladies


She stands in front of Park

Miss Park:"Hey"
Miss Park:"I suggest you stand aside"

Park notices the other ladies approaching Park

Miss Park:"Those ladies want to acquire our technology"

The other ladies approach her

Girl2:"Give us your console"
Miss Park:"Make me"

They grab Park but she ducks and sweeps them

They get up but Park punches them


Park grabbed them and held their arms

They try to hit her but she makes them bump into eachother

Park tied them up to a post with some rope

Miss Park:"Team Wannabe"
Girl:"That was so cool!"

Park uses her console

Camera view on Park

Display text:"Park"


Camera on Chen who is at a large building

Miss Chen:"Piece of cake"

Camera on Chen's back as she walks towards the building

The ground is muddy and is surrounded by trees

Chen is wearing a tight pants with a top

Chen approaches the building which is large and grey

She notices a door and looks around

The door swings open and she sees more grey stuff

Chen looks

She carefully walks on

She sneeks thru the grey areas

Suddenly she sees a large area filled with lasers

Miss Chen:"Hope they are soft lasers"

She crawls thru the lasers

She sits on the floor and spreads her legs as she crawls thru the first two lasers

Then she crawls hands and arms thru the 3rd laser with her butt up

She crawls on carefully placing one leg next to her body, with the knee bended alongside her shoulder

She places her rightleg stretched pointing to the right as the laser moves upwards
She lays on the floor placing her leftleg alongside her rightleg, her head moving to the left looking at the next lasers

The 4th laser has a moving rotation letting her role underneath it

The 5th laser lets her jump alongside the wall
The laser follows the ground letting Chen jump every few seconds

She has to jump near the wall as the laser could hit her as she watches the next

She looks at the next laser
It's two lasers going up and down

She jumps with her rightleg stretched, bends forwards, leftleg turned to the left as her rightleg hits the ground
Camera on Chen from front
She turns her foot as the lasers approach
Camera behind Chen
She turns forward and stands up

Camera on Chen's behind

The lasers going up and down within an inch to her body

Camera view on Chen standing near lasers

She looks at the next lasers

They form a cilinder shape rotating fast

The two lasers spin making one round

She places her rightfoot just after 1 laser hit the ground turning her body left

Camera from Chen's right (from the ceiling) as she looks up at the second laser

Chen jumping from the rightfoot after the second laser comes from her waistheight

Camera on Chen from her rightside

She jumps rotating her body left, her leftleg swings by the camera landing on her leftfoot and stands up straight

Camera behind Chen looking at a pillar holding an memorycard

She grabs the memorycard

Chen walks to a door with a touchscreen on the wall

She enters a code as the metallic door slides

She walks thru and walks through another hallway

Camera on Chen as she waits at a corner and peeks

Chen walks on and runs to the door

She is at the door near the front door

Camera on Chen

Miss Chen:"Yeah!"

Chen looks around and walks to the side

She heads to a pickup truck

She hops in and starts the car

Chen drives onto the mud and speeds up

She pushes the memorycard into her console

Console screen shows:"Reading data"

Console screen shows:"Mission succes!"

Chen puts her earpiece in her ear

She looks at the mirrors and ahead and uses her console

Miss Chen:"Obtained memorycard, returning to base"

Camera on Chen

Miss Tran:"Good one Chen, park the pickup on the location at your console"

Miss Chen:"Alright"

Camera on Chen

She smiles as she parks the car

Camera on Chen from front

Display text:"Chen"


Camera on Ko who drives in the pink car

She drives to a party where a valet is standing

She stops and gets out

Ko is wearing a long coat
She holds a purse

Valet:"Good evening ma'am"
Miss Ko:"Good evening"
Valet:"Here's your card"
Miss Ko:"Thank you"

Ko heads to the party

Camera on the area

It's filled with people wearing dresses and tuxedo's

She heads to the

Ko gets her jacket off

She wears a brightpink spaghettistrap with a diamond necklace

She looks around

Camera on group of men

Camera on Ko

Ko smiles

A waiter walks by with drinks

Ko grabs one

Ko walks to the guys

Miss Ko:"Well, well all dressed up?"

A guy looks at Ko and smiles

Guy:"Yeah, I heard some beautiful people would be attending tonight"
Miss Ko:"Anyone in specific?"
Guy:"A sexy lady in a dress"

Ko smiles

Miss Ko:"Is she asian?"
Guy:"Yes, more specifically Korean (pronounced as: Ko-Ree-Ahn)

Ko looks in her purse

She shows the phone which shows an outline of a key

Guy places his hand on the pocket

Guy then places his hand on other pockets

He looks at Ko

Ko smiles and winks

Guy:"May I take this dance?"
Miss Ko:"Sure"

He grabs Ko's hand and walk to the dance area

Miss Ko:"It's pretty funny how men's hands lower"
Ko places her hands on the guy's shoulders and back

Miss Ko:"Like this"

Ko lowers her hands to his lower back

Miss Ko:"It's destracting a bit"


Ko looks at him

Miss Ko:"But then again, it's all sexy"
Guy:"(coughs)Yes, it is"

Miss Ko:"My shoe is troubling me a bit"

Ko and the guy walk to a table

Guy:"Need some assistence?"

Miss Ko:"Yeah"

Ko places her purse on the table

She bends over and plays with the shoe
Shoe is a high heel with a strap at the leg

Miss Ko:"This strap is tight"

Guy:"Let me help"

Guy sits on one knee and assists with the shoe

Miss Ko:"Thanks, it would be something else if these straps snapped"
Guy:"They seem ok"
Miss Ko:"I mean, from my dress"

Guy looks up as Ko looks at him smiling

Ko purse falls as she pushes it

Miss Ko:"Oh my, pardon me"

Ko reaches for the purse as the guy is fixing the straps

She looks at the guy focusing at the straps

Ko reaches for his pockets and grabs the keys

Guy keeps focusing on the straps

Ko grabs her purse holding the keys behind it

She quickly slides the keys in her purse under her phone and her tissues

Guy:"I think these straps are good"
Miss Ko:"Yeah, it feels good"

Ko grabs her purse

Miss Ko:"I have to use the ladiesroom"
Guy:"Oh yeah, it's over there"

Ko walks to the toilet

She looks at the toilet and the women at the mirrors

Camera on toilet, it's a big room with yellowwhite walls same lights
Toilet cubes are same color as walls

On the left are the mirrors with the sinks

Ko walks to the cubicles and enters one

She stands and grabs her phone

She then grabs the keys and uses the phone

It´s showing a key with the text: Hold key in front of camera

Ko holds the key in front of the camera

Screen shows a key from a drawn key to the scanned key

Screen shows: Move key

Camera on Ko holding the key and moving it to show all sides

Ko looks left and right for any camera's

Screen shows: Scan complete

Ko presses the screen: Send scan

Screen shows a progress bar as it's being send

She puts the keys in her purse with the phone

She walks to the sinks and washes her hands

Ko walks to the guy again

Miss Ko:"So shall we continue dancing?"

Ko and the guy walk to the dance area

Miss Ko:"It sure is a great party"
Guy:"Yeah, especially with my company"

Ko smiles

They dance as they hold eachother

Ko wants to put the keys back

Miss Ko:"Hey look, they are serving the meals"

Guy looks at the catering and the tables

Guy:"Would you like to eat something?"
Miss Ko:"Yeah, looks delicious"
Guy:"Let's eat"

They look at the tables as Ko grabs the keys and pinches the guy in the butt

Miss Ko:"Come here"

She grabs the guy and slides the key into his pocket

Miss Ko:"You are a great company"

Ko smiles

Guy:"So you're hungry?""
Miss Ko:"Yeah, but I'll eat later"

Guy feels his pockets

Guy:"You were amazing"

Miss Ko:"Thank you, you were great too"
Miss Ko:"Thank you"

They smile as Ko walks to get her jacket

She heads to the valet and gives her card

The guy gets the pink car

Valet:"Your car, ma'am"
Miss Ko:"Thank you"
Valet:"Good evening"
Miss Ko:"Good evening"

Ko drives onto the street

Camera on Ko from above the mirror (driver) as Ko drives

Ko grabs her earpiece and puts it in

She grabs her console and uses it

Camera on car from behind as it drives and steers as Ko is distracted

Ko looks at the road and then at her screen

Screen shows: 3D printer - key image loaded

She pushes print on the console

Camera on Ree's lab showing a 3D printer, it starts printing the key

Camera on Ko as she grabs the wheel and drives herself

Display text:"Ko"


Camera view on building

Tran approaches from rightside and approaches the building

She enters

Camera view on desk

Miss Tran:"Hi"
Miss Tran:"I have a delivery for Il"
Deskguy:"yes, he's on the 7th floor"
Deskguy:"Be sure to come to the desk after delivery"
Miss Tran:"Alright"

Tran headed upstairs

She walked by a room that read Il

Tran went to the toilets

She entered a private toilet and looked around

Camera behind Tran

She took her jacket off and swings it to camera

Camera on front of Tran

She puts her hair in a tail and puts on different clothing
A tight suit, a one-piece blue light-fitting breathing suit

She places the package behind the toilet

She opens the vent and climbs in

Camera on Tran in vents

Tran crawls

Camera on Tran as she crawls

Camera on corner in vents

Tran crawls to the corner

Tran pauses and grabs her console

She looks and crawls on

Camera on other spot in vents

She waits near an hatch in the vents

She looks down

Camera on hatch

A guy sits on a toilet

Tran looks at her console

Miss Tran:"Oh man!"

She looks at her watch

Miss Tran:"Hurry up"

Tran looks at the guy

Tran grabs a screwdriver

Tran opens up the hatch

She looks at her watch again

Miss Tran:"Yuck"

Tran jumps straight in front of the guy

Guy:"Whoa sh"
Miss Tran:"Hi"
Miss Tran:"Would you be quiet?"
Guy:"Where did you come from?"

Tran smiles

She hits the guy and releases a gas

The guy falls asleep

Miss Tran:"Should've brought a clothpin"

Tran ties the guy to the toilet with his tie

Tran slowly looks for other man around
She looks over the top of the separates
Toilet is clear

She heads to the maintenainceroom near the men´s room

She uses a walkerkey

She looks around and notices the computer amongst the stuff

She uses it and inserts her memorystick

Miss Tran:"Alright Ree, your turn"

She starts a program

The computer shows:"Project KoreanLET"

Miss Tran:"Faster, faster"

The computer shows:"71% complete"

Camera on Tran standing behind the computer as she looks as she hears some sounds

Sounds walk by

She looks at the screen

The computer shows:"95% complete"

She waits for the the program to complete

The computer shows:"100% complete"

She grabs the stick and walks to the door

She looks calmly for people around

She sneeks to the men's room

Camera on toilet

No one is around

She heads to the toilet with the guy

Miss Tran:"Hey dude"

She looses the tie and climbs to the vents

Tran crawls back to the toilets where she left the clothes

She puts on her clothes and grabs the package

She lures over the separates and walks to the door

She hears the guy moaning

Tran smiles

Camera on toiletdoor as Tran leaves

She walks to the rooms and looks for Il

Miss Tran:"Excuse me, is mr. Il here?"
Miss Tran:"I got a package for you"

Tran hands the box to Il

Il:"I didn't order anything"
Miss Tran:"This is a gift"

Il opens it up

A phone is in it

Il:"A phone"
Miss Tran:"A smartphone"

Tran grabs her Ipad

Miss Tran:"I have a schedule to keep up"

Tran leaves to the desk

Miss Tran:"Hi"
Miss Tran:"Delivered the package for Il"
Deskguy:"Have a nice day"
Miss Tran:"You too"

Tran leaves to the van

Camera on Tran who sits behind the wheel

She drives as she takes off her wig and cap

Display text:"Tran"


Camera on entrance way

Music plays (She - superstar)

Tan walks to the ring

The entrance way displays a video of Tan

Tan gets to the ring

Ring has a referee and a big guy

She gets called by the ref

Ref:"This match is clean"
Ref:"No biting, no groping"
Tan:"I know"
Ref:"That goes for you as well"

Tan and the guy move to their corners and stare at eachother
Tan jumps and stretches
Guy looks fierce at Tan

Tan:"Don't be afraid, I'll go easy on you"
Guy:"Yeah, I've got ankletapes"

Tan:"Me too"
Tan smiled to the guy

Guy:"I could ask you to lay down for the pin"
Tan:"Don't worry"

Ref:"Alright you two"
Ref:"Face eachother and greet"

They approached and greeted

Tan bows and greets respectfully
Guy bows quickly

Ref:"Ring the bell!"

Bell rings

Tan strikes a pose and runs towards the guy

She jumps on him holds him by the neck and hangs on him

Tan grabbed him tighter

Tan hit him in the back of the knee

Guy went to a knee but got up

Tan kicked him again

Guy tried to swing her off

Tan jumped

Tan looked at the guy

Guy looked at Tan

Guy ren to Tan

They hit eachother both avoiding eachother punches

Tan was fighting


Camera view on Vu walking on the street

Lady Admin:"Vu, we got the guys, they're a few block from ya"

Vu approached them a few blocks further and saw them again

Vu:"I told you no more weaponry"
Guy:"Oh Vu"
Vu:"Arms up"

Vu stood watching them

One guy tried to run

Vu immediatly grabbed whiprope as she slingshot it towards the other guys

It wrapped around them


Vu ran after the other guy

Camera view on Vu and the guys (switching)

Vu stopped running and catched her breath

Camera view on Vu

Vu:"Jet's faster"

Vu grabbed her console and used it

Camera view on Jet

The Jet took off and headed to Vu

Vu:"That's better"

Vu got in

Vu chased the guy with the Jet



Vu used the console as a weapon extended

Vu aimed at the guy as a blast emitted

The guy fell and passed out

Vu:"That's much better"

Camera view on Vu

Music plays

Display text:"Vu"


Camera view on entrance way

Tan's music plays

Camera view backstage

Tan walks by Kang as they give a tag

Kang approached the entrance way

Camera view on entrance way

Music plays

Kang enters

Kang enters the ring

She sees her opponent

Girl:"You think you're something?"
Girl:"Look at you and look at me"
Girl:"I can defeat you"

Kang stares at her nails

Girl:"Yeah, and your nails are ugly!"

Kang keeps staring

Referee:"Ladies, keep it clean"

Referee approaches Kang

Referee:"Keep it easy huh?"
Referee:"She's kind off..."

Kang looked at her

Kang:"Don't worry"

The bel rang

The girl approached Kang but Kang took a step aside

Kang:"Are you seriously about doing that championshipmatch?"

Kang looked at the girl

Kang:"I mean, you wanna fight the champion?"

Kang looked at her again

Kang:"Come on, give me one slap"

She approached Kang and tried to slap her

Kang easily ducked made her trip

Kang applied her riding crop on her


Kang sat on her and gave her some more slaps

Kang:"Who's the Mistress?"
Kang:"WHO's the Mistress?"

Girl:"You, Mistress Kang"

Kang:"Good girl"

Kang got the count and won the match

Referee:"The winner is:" Mistress Kang!"

Kang got her hands raised and got the victory

Music plays

Display text:"Kang"

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